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Unknown Roots

Unknown Roots




Hello my name is Stormy Cheyenne my life hasn't always been that great you see my mother and father left me with out at traces when I was one year old since then I have balanced around from place to place. Never really fitting in see I am what some call brave, strong, intelligent, independent mixed with shy and wildfire humble and kind with a heart of gold and a leader but a loner at the same time some call me a loser seeing that I don't care for a lot of the thing's that everyone else's does my age. But this is my story of how my life end up taking an unknown turn some where to the right and then land up leading me to know the roots that I couldn't dream of in a thousand years being possible.

It's now 8:30am on a Tuesday moring as I was heading out of my bedroom towards the bathroom and was about to turn the conner good morning Stormy I could hear my roommate Shelby calling down the hallway, Me and her have lived together since I left my last foster home at the age of 16 teen. She is 21 years old and crazier then a mad heater some times with her partying ways and her play girl mind set but the thing is that I love her noon the less seeing that she has been like family to me since day one, Now next to her I am 19 teen and the story of me and her started back when I was just a year old since her family was the frist foster care family I had gone to after my parents left me with out a trace and it was like they never even existed even though they had me. Everyone said the only thing that was found with me was a note that stated my name birthday and asking that someone would help me and that in time everything would be explained one day but who knows when that day would come as I had gone to wipe a small tear away from my eye because of the thoughts in my mind Shelby popped her head out of her bedroom door I wouldn't go in there she informs me, O great this mean's that her newest boy toy is in there see I called them all this seeing she didn't stay with them for long right when I was about to say something to her the bathroom door opened and out came the guy with a smile on his face good morning he said you most be Stormy your roommate couldn't stop talking about you as he say's this I just roll my eyes at the same time I could hear her laughing why does she always do this it happens every single time it's like she avoids anything about her self besides small topics good moring to you as well handsome she finally speaks up to say thank goodness the attention is off of me now I can go into the bathroom right as I am about to close the door she let's me know that they will be heading out to get a bite to eat, Good I think to my self this means that I will not have to deal with her and a other one of her boy toy's watching movies all day. Thing is even though me and her have always had a sister like bound we was completely opposite from each other where I stand at 5'4 with reddish blonde hair and green eyes she is 6'5 blonde hair and blue eyes, She has always had her share of boyfriend's and was also the prom queen along side Popular as to where I had always been a loner every since I was 13 teen I didn't have any interest in the guys at school and I also didn't contact with them even though I had offers when it came to relationships I didn't want any of them and I always felt like there was something more like that of a fire or a spark that would Speak to my soul. Not only that but there was also the fact that I still wanted to find all the answers to the qoustions that I have and gain a knowledge about my true roots that's why I was planning on leaving out of the small town that I grow up in called Harpers Ferry West Virginia to look for the answer that I have been seeking. Seeing that I have never truly known much about what happened that night I was left beside that it was a Stormy night out and it had also been the only time in 13 years that wolf's could be hard calling out in to the night and that they was just passing to the area there had been no knowledge about there being a small child in the red jeep with them until the gas station owner could hear my small cries coming from the back seat at this time he had already looked for them after they had run off but was unable to find them but after the day he told me this he never spoke of it again all that could be seen in his eyes was a sadness that couldn't be explained. This had always been everything that I could find out so out too a small town that was close to hear to look for a PA seeing that I had saved up money for odd jobs over the past few years just for this reason so now I was praying and hoping that the PA could Honestly help me find what I am looking for. When I was growing up fitting in never happened for me I stood out more then most seeing that I was a mixture between that of shy and wildfire but it seemed to have dependent on my mood but I was also known as brave amongst other thing's. Some of the towns people called me fighting spirit as where others would call me old soul they told me more than once that I had an aura and grace about me that most my age didn't have and carried my self very well and even talked wiser then my year's here on earth even though they said this stuff I never would let it go to my head. I had just gotten in to one of the top colleges and I would like to be a family lawyer but before head I am hoping to find my family. Well today is the big day it is now July 15th and I am heading out on my journey to find a PA by the name of Deno Johnson an old friend of mine had hired him some time back when money was going missing with in his company and told me that he was amazing well we will have to see if that is the turth. But before I go I have to say goodbye to Shelby who is standing there with tears in her eyes do you have to go she ask I am going to miss you so much and I laugh why it's not like you will not have company and she playful slapped me not like you she says and I pull her in to a big hug as we say goodbye and she informs me to take care of myself as I open the door to walk out I remember the deepest secret that I have always hidden in the darkness and thought about if she would still be my friend if she ever found out at this bitter sweet moment my journey started.