
Let’s Read The Word

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Forever Bound

Forever Bound




Roshni Ratord is married off to India's number one hearthrobe Aditi Singh who is a badass flirt and player. Both have a rocky beginning in their marriage as they both have their minds set on getting a divorce after six months. But how long would it take for our darling rude Roshni to make our star player Aditi fall for her?

Roshni Viewpoint

I fixed my bangles into my wrist in preparation to go to the temple.

I decided not to put on the jewelries given to me by my Father.


Well... I'll tell you but first... a little intro.

Am Roshni Ratord, fourth and last child out of three girls and a boy.

The Ratord family is well known all around due to how rich we are and the amount of respect we get outside.

Despite that, l feel so angry.

The home I live in is not the home I dream of.

Since I was birthed, Father has been showing me lots of love and attention. But recently, I noticed he's changing as he take less note of I, my Mom and sister.

Until Father changes, I wouldn't make use of anything he gave to me.

I picked up my shawl from the bed and made an exit.

Halfway towards the stairs, I came across Mother.

"Namaste Mum" I greeted as she gave me a smile which I know too well to be fake.

"You took so long to get ready Roshni"Mum stated then scanned me like a part of me was missing.

"Where are your golden ornaments Roshni?" Mother asked.

"Forget about them Mother and let's go" I replied and walked off to my sister room.

We [ I, Mum, and Krishi] soon left the house and boarded a taxi to the temple.

As soon as we arrived, we bought a prayer plate and heading inside the temple after taking off our shoes and I offered to ding the temple bell.

A prayer session began and all I asked the Almighty is for a happy home.




We stepped out of the temple and pulled on our shoes and headed out.

"I noticed you aren't wearing your ornaments Roshni" Krishi stated as Mum stopped by a shop to buy some sweets.

"Yes. I don't want to wear them" I replied and Mum paid the man and we walked off slowly.

"Why don't you want to wear them Roshni. You know your Father would be angry if he sees you without your jewels" Mum said and I rolled my eyeballs.

"I wouldn't wear them.. I don't want to have anything to do with whatever belongs to Father until he changes. He's so cruel" I retorted.

"Roshni!" Mum and Krishi chorused in obvious shock and we stopped walking.

"You should not say such a thing about your Father, Roshni" Mum scolded and I scoffed.

"Mum..I will keep my stand till Father changes. I hate the way we have suddenly turned unimportant in his eyes" I fumed.

"It's ok Roshni. We both understand what and how you are feeling" Krishi said and I looked away.

Mum stepped forward and cupped my face.

"My baby, you should not be angry as it does not suit you at all. You know you are my sweetest child.." Mum cooed and a smile broke through my lips.

"So what happens to me?" Krishi gasped and I giggled.

Mum pulled us into a warm motherly hug.

"I love you very much" Mum sighed and we soon disengaged.

"Come on... let's board a taxi home" Krishi urged and we walked on.




We soon arrived and they went in ahead of me while I took the call of my childhood friend, Kaeya.

"You are back from the temple huh?" Kaeya asked and I sighed.

"Yeah. How about you?" I asked.

"Yes. I prayed for you" She replied with a chuckle and I smiled widely.

"You are so sweet Kae...I love you" I cooed.

" too. By the way, how do you plan spending your public holiday? Cause am going shopping with my cousin" Kaeya stated and I furrowed my brows.

"Why?" I queried and she gasped.

"Roshni don't tell me you forgot about my cousin upcoming wedding!" Krishi deadpanned and I gasped.

"O my! Am so sorry Kaeya. I totally forgot. It's on Friday evening right? I will surely be there" I assured and she scoffed.

"You better attend. Gotta go. Bye Roshni" she baded and the call ended.

I smiled and walked into the house.

Upon my entrance, my smile vanished.

There were lots of decorations around and workers fixing up the entire place.

A worker hurried past me and I called her back.

"Namaste Ma'am" She greeted.

"What's happening?" I demanded ignoring her greeting.

"It's the preparation for the welcoming of the young master" She replied and I creased my brows.

"And who is that?" I asked.

"Young Master Jeet" She informed and I scoffed.

I left the worker and stormed up the stairs heading straight for Krishi's room.

I walked in and met an empty room.

"Krishi!" I called out.

"Bathroom! Be out in a minute" she yelled out and I began pacing around till she finally came out in a towel.

"What is it Roshni?" She asked and I stopped pacing.

"Did you see the arrangement going on down there?" I asked and she nodded.

"I tried asking a worker but Step-mother sent the worker away before I could deliver my question" Krishi replied and I scoffed.

"The preparation going on down there is for the welcoming of Jeet" I announced and she furrowed her brows.

"Well yeah. It's not fair Krishi. When you got back from Australia, not even the workers noticed but now, Jeet is coming back home from the U.S and even the clouds are aware of it! Aargh!" I half-yelled furstrated.

"Am beginning to think Father has gone nuts..." I blurted.

"Roshni! ..... You should watch and process what you say" Krishi exclaimed.

Yeah whatever......

"And what are you two d£vils up to?" Someone asked.... not just anyone.

I turned glaring at Mahi..... Step-Mom's last twin child...a complete spoilt brat.

I scoffed. "Hold on... what did you just say?" I demanded and she cat-walked into the room admiring her nails which she had obviously recently fixed and I fisted my hands.

"Roshni.... place..." I heard Krishi plead as she touched my shoulder.

Mahi is so lucky....

"Now listen up b*tch. This ain't your room neither a club tag you would just barge into. Move your flat a$$ out of this room" I snapped and Krishi gasped as Mahi snapped her head up and froze staring at me obviously stunned as I grinned at her sinisterly.

"Leave.." I growled and she glared at me.

"You think you have won so easily huh? Watch out" she warned and stormed off.

"Br@t..."I mumbled and exhaled.

"I really don't get why Abba and her little w*tch daughter wouldn't let us be..." I groaned.

"It's okay Roshni" Krishi sighed.



This is the household of the RATHORD'S, one of Delhi's most recognized and influential family.

Years ago, my Mom was the only wife of this house with my elder sister Krishi as the only child.

People planted an evil seed in my father's mind and he took in another wife being desperate for a heir.

Abba became a co.wife to my Mother and she took in immediately as my Mother followed suite.

Months later, she gave birth to a set of twins; Mahi and Jeet then days later...I was born.

Since then,we all got all we could ever want especially me as I was the last child but the love between my Mother and Father withered all cause of Abba who claims to be his real wife cause she has a son and sole heir for him and never missed an opportunity to mock my Mother.

I never lack anything, neither Krishi but never ever will I use his money or jewelry.... never!





Location; U.S

Authoress Viewpoint

In a well furnished hotel room, constant moans and screams of a lady filled the place and the grunts of the male who dr*lled her non-stop.

His pace and moves posed he was an expert at it.

"Aaah! Yeah!" She screamed but soon felt as if it wasn't for pleasure anymore as he didn't make any move to end it and her screams were more like toture screams.

He finally pumped his entire load in her giving her b**b's a tight squeeze and he rolled off her laying back on the bed panting while the lady couldn't help but wince in pains...deep pains.

"Adi.."She muttered and tried touching him but he quickly got off the bed and pulled on his pants then litted a cigarette.

"You should get your b*tt moving already..." He said smoking hard from his stick then kept it aside and began to dress up.

Once dressed, he tossed five bundles of dollar notes on the bed.

"We never met" He stated coldly and headed for the door to the lady's astonishment.

"Adi! Adi! You can't do this to me! I gave you my all!" She yelled and he scoffed turing to look at her.

"I never asked you for your all Gabrielle.... I never did" He sniggered and headed out.

"I hate you so much!" She yelled after him and broke down into heavy tears.



A/N: Yaay! Finally our major characters have been displayed.

Anticipate the next book.

Any form of encouragement what so ever would be deeply appreciated.

Please, do not plagiarize this book.
