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A Jewel For The Prince

A Jewel For The Prince

Author:Deborah Anthony



Meet prince Bryan, the cold handsome devil who rarely smiles because of circumstances When he's angry the sky darken and the ground gives way for the prince of Manuvour He wills the strongest magic in the kingdom and everybody is scared of him but of course he fucks anything in skirt, he has two best friends Brandon and Brace apart from them nobody can handle the cold prince. Meet Katherina the fighter, she grew up to learn that in life is not everything you want that you get. She's beautiful and sassy but the only virgin in the land that can raise the sacred crown in the forbidden city of virgins for prince Bryan because without the crown he can't be rule. But only Came to learn that the prince murdered her father.

Years ago

All the people are gathered including the king and queen in the execution ground but someone is missing


The prince

Immediately a young boy of five years old is spotted marching into the execution ground with guards behind him, as the climate darken so is the people's fear as he March in with his black robes to were the king is sited and majestically take a sit, as he lift his face, his eyes are as blue as the sky and cold as the look into your soul sucking the life out of you.

Let the execution begins!!

A man and woman is been dragged in chains as their head are place on the execution stone which is stain with blood and the excursionist lift the sword to end their life, when a voice yelled "stopped

It is the king

" This people have committed a hideous crime, so let my son Prince Bryan killed them himself" 

The people gasps in horror at the king's word but no one dared said a thing.

The prince magically walked on the air as his white long hair flow's behind, the excursionist past the sword to the Prince not daring to look at the small boy in the eyes.

''please my prince I have a daughter to take care of, am not guilty of this crime" the man pleaded

" If you are not guilty as you said, why did you run into hiding"

" Because,be,,,,c"the weak man ran out of words as the prince use his finger to raise his head up staring into his soul

He suddenly turn around and gives the woman behind him a clean deep cut,as her head roll down the ground earning a terrifying gasps from the crowd.

He turned around and stab the man, bringing out the sword and stabbing him over and over again as the image of the dead queen his mother appear in his mind

This people don't deserve to live.

Soon the prince vanish and cold aura descended on everyone, soon the dark sky brightened again. 


The atmosphere is dark and it's raining as thurderstorm is heard,a young boy of sixteen year's is seen stumbling on the road in the heavy rain

His eyes is pitch black and his white hair is long with his flawless skin, without being told, your will know that is Prince Bryan,he suddenly stumbles and fall on the ground breathing heavily and holding his chest, blood is seen running out of his nose as he gasps for breath, he looks like his going to die any moment from now as he holds his chest groaning in pains.

The earth shook, the sky cried, the trees weep, the world weeps.

In the palace

.two boys are seen racing on a horse into the palace breathing hard, barely able to see in the now dark world

"Brandon, Brace!! have you seen Bryan" the queen asked running out to them crying

"No,we have search everywhere he's no way to be found" Brandon replied almost choking in tears.

The wind blows wildly, the rain poured crazily, everywhere is dark that is hard to spot people's faces, the maids and guards are scared, the king looks frightened

"Oh my goodness, he's going to die, today is his mother's dead anniversary,I thought he already gotten over this" the queen cries.

In Manuvour.

Alot of people are seen running alter shelter for their life as the whole earth becomes dark, children are soaked in the angry rain as the are separated from their family.

Suddenly there is a crack on the ground as the earth begins to separate from each other's, horror scream are heard everywhere.

Somewhere else

A fourteen years old girl is seen sleeping peacefully in the bed like nothing matters, three people are seen looking frightened and watching how the world is been destroy

"These is the work if prince Bryan" a woman in white and yellow scarf said in tears

"I hope this house doesn't collapse" another said

Suddenly the girl jerk up and her eyes glow gold, she jumped up from the bed and dashed out of the door as if being controlled

"Katherina come back here, where are you going" the woman with yellow scarf scream in tears wanting to go after her but she's held by another

"It dangerous, don't go out" the woman holding her said

" But my daughter" she tried to insist

"She will come back trust me" the man who is silent all this while finally spoke.

Katherina is seen running barefooted under the rain and through the dark as her gold hair lighted the way

"I had a terrible dream but I don't know where am heading to" she said then turn around to see a figure laying still on the ground, she takes a step closer to it to see that it's a boy struggling to breathe and looking all pale with blood soaking his white shirt.

She gasps and quickly went on her knee beside him not minding the heavy rain

"Oh my goodness are you okey" she whipperd seeing the condition the handsome god is in

She takes a deep breath then places her hands on his chest closing her eyes, she quickly withdraw her hand in shock

His heart is no longer beating, she quickly pull his body to herself hugging him trying to make him feel warm

Not knowing what to do again, she whipperd seeing  the young handsome god as still as dead

She doesn't like seeing someone in pains,a tear drop, another and another till she begins to wail.

"Uhmm" she heard and look up to see the boy blinking and trying to open his eyes, blood rush down from his nose at the effort.

"Nooo just lay stilled" she said and sat on the wet cold floor cuddling him to herself trying to make him feel warm, by this time the rain had stopped and the whole earth is as silent that if a needle is dropped you could hear the sound

She finds herself having the feelings of being watch, she looked around but couldn't find anyone!!

Weird and creepy!!!

What is she even doing here, the last time she checked she was in her room!!!!

As if being aware of her environment now.

Then she remembers her dream, she turned to look at the handsome god in front of her.

His eyes snap open and she breath in relief, but quickly look up to meet ocean blue eyes staring weakly at her,then her eyes catch a Royal tattoo on his neck

"What!!! He's a prince! Wow a fairy prince cause he's too handsome to be real," she said it rather loudly.

Bryan groan in pains and she immediately snap out of her thoughts, she quickly look down but her kip mistakenly jam on his and she stayed still.

Warm hands draws her closer and a kip press into hers kissing her slowly and then possessively, she heard an animalistic growl only to look up and meet cold black eyes, fighting from black to blue, and she froze.

Bryan felt energylise as he kiss her!! Then his eyes turn black as he looked into her soul,he could feel it

Someone is watching them, anyway who is this girl and why did she helps him, how did she even do that??

He looked at the beauty in front of him who looks frozen and scared,he suddenly slam his lips on hers wanting to kiss her again.

Does she not know who he is?

Cause if she does, she wouldn't had been anywhere near him


Feeling that he might not be able to control his power,he pushed her away roughly as his eyes swap from blue to black

"Get out now here at once" he commanded

Scared the girl immediately stood up but just as she's about to make a step, Bryan grab her by the arm, the hold is tight that she scream in pains bearly able to hold her tears as it rushed down her cheeks,as his hold released, she took to her heels.

Then his eyes turn pitch black as the whole earth shook,the cloud brightened, the land dried, the flowers grow and he disappear into thin air.
