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Rose Sister Series: Protecting Aces

Rose Sister Series: Protecting Aces




The Rose Sister is in a new mission handed by the Emerald Empress of Rogue Society, a society composed of groups of people who acts out of government knowing. Most are a herd of thieves. Venice, the new leader of the Rose Sister, after their previous leader died, was threatened along with her two-member when the secret of the request emerges, and the reason why they need to protect Aces, A.K.A, Ivan Dutch Demonie, a billionaire, who happened to be the top one hacker of Underworld society. A secret that will reveal the past and the future of the truth of the previous leader of Rose Sister about who they are and the underlying secret each of them had. But, unexpected turn when Venice met the man of the past and the future of who she is. Memories emerged, a pain it gave, and something bloomed that she never expected.

He sat quietly in the swivel chair while one hand played the red soft stress ball. He leaned back in his seat while waiting patiently for someone he hadn't talked to in a long time since after the Silver Game five years ago.

He rolled his eyes around his office. The place was spacious. The things he put in the office from the drawer, bookshelf, leather couches, glass centered table, paintings, cactus plant pot, computer sets, glass desk, air-conditioned environment, and his vintage cartridge were all expensive.

His gaze shifted to the door opening. He adjusted his eating, straightening his broad back. A woman with long straight hair like the color of the night entered. His deep dark blue eyes went to the woman"s outfit, a fitted purple tee shirt, high waist tattered black jeans, five inches black boots heels, and she's holding the black denim jacket on her arm.

"Am I too late, Windfall?" she asked him as she sat in the chair opposite him.

A broadened smile set on his face. "Not that long, Demise. And? Why does it bring you here?"

"I have something to ask of you," she said as the aura of her face changed. Gone is the bright smile and happy eyes settled on her face. Now he confirmed it's not as simple as what her expression look.

"What?" He seriously laid both arms on the desk, playing his chin with his hand.

He stared intently into her striking violet eyes. A natural inborn by her. Her red lips turn into a smirk. One of his eyebrows rose at what she did.

"I have something important to do. I'll leave my position being a leader for a year or so."

He could not believe what she had stated. What was it that made her leave for a few years?

"What! Are you serious of it, Demise?" His two eyebrows furrowed.

"Very serious, Windfall. About that thing, I'm going to beg you," she said while crossing her leg.

He leaned back in his seat, picked up the stress ball he had placed next to the desk near his phone. He was playing that. He could barely contain the surprise Demise had given him. He sighed. Demise had been silent before when he was silent for a while.

"Okay," he said at last. That was the only word Demise was waiting for from him.

"I owe you with this, Windfall." A big smile curved, seeing her pearly white and even teeth.

"You know it, tell me ..." He looked at her directly to her beautiful face.

"I'm giving the position to her, you know her, right?" He nodded. He knew who the woman was she talking about.

"I also told them that I was leaving because of a mission given to me by the emperor. I know I shouldn't be lying to them, but that would be the best reason they would believe. Windfall, could you watch over her? I don't want anything terrible to happen to her, especially since she has something they are looking for. Swear it to me?" Only now did he see her solemn face again.

What can he do? An exasperated breath leaves his mouth. "I swear it."

"Thanks, Windfall. You're the best brother I could lean on," she gently tapped his hands placed on his desk.

"No worry, Demise," he said, forcing a smile. "Before you leave, tell me, what's the true reason why you're leaving?"

Demise took a deep breath, and her pale eyes looked out the window. That"s heavy, and he knows—the reason why was too heavy to be told.

"I'll clean the mess I did five years ago, Windfall. I don't want the past ruining the future ahead. I don't want them hurt..."

He was stunned by the tears running down her face. Now he knows what she means!