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Billionaire's Admirable Bride

Billionaire's Admirable Bride

Author:Goodness Chiamaka



“What are you doing out here by the road at this late hour of the night?“ he asked, his eyes watching her. “Come with me," he offered, but Olima was afraid of him. Trusting him, she finally accepted his hands and followed him home. *** Olima Adams, a 17-year-old girl was sent away from her parent's house at night. Luckily, she met a man, who took her home. His mother refused, but this man had his eyes on her. What do you think would transpired between them? Read to find out.

Seventeen years ago, Mr. Leo Adams got married to Miss Zoe Nelson, and they welcomed a child named Olima Adams. Two years later, Mr. Leo spoke to his wife about his intention to marry a second wife since his wife couldn't bear another child.

Mrs. Zoe became scared of another woman coming into her home and destroying her marriage. So she spoke to her best friend, Gina Edwards, to agree to marry Mr. Leo Adams.

Gina Edwards was fair in complexion, beautiful, and tall like Mrs. Zoe. She was jealous of Mrs. Zoe's marriage, so she accepted marrying Mr. Leo but pretended she hadn't been lusting after him behind Zoe's back. Unfortunately, after Mr. Leo Adams married Gina, and she moved into the mansion to live with them, Mrs. Gina changed and started to quarrel with Zoe on the first day of her arrival.

Mr. Leo became annoyed and threatened to send Mrs. Gina away, but Mrs. Gina calmed down from her high horse and pleaded with Mrs. Zoe to forgive her.

Mrs. Zoe knew that she was the one who had begged Gina to agree to marry Mr. Leo. Mrs. Zoe begged Mr. Leo not to chase Gina away and to allow her to continue living with them.

Mr. Leo accepted. On the condition that Mrs. Gina would use a guest room and not live in the main villa with him. Mrs. Zoe spoke to Mrs. Gina about it, and Mrs. Gina accepted as she was left with no other option.

Mrs. Gina grew jealous after seeing that Mr. Leo loved Zoe very much, despite Zoe's inability to give him another child. Mrs. Gina got jealous and secretly plotted to end Mrs. Zoe.

A month later, with Mrs. Gina living in the villa with Mrs. Zoe, she begged Zoe to plead with their husband to sleep with her, since that was why Mr. Leo had married her.

Mrs. Zoe thought about it and spoke to Mr. Leo once he arrived back from work. She told him, "You cannot continue to avoid Mrs. Gina in this house. Go to her room and consummate your marriage with her."

Mrs. Zoe sent her husband away from her bedroom as she refused him from sleeping with her. Mr. Leo left with no other option, went to Gina's room and made love with her.

A few months later, Mrs. Gina still wanted Mr. Leo to love her, but he avoided her and didn't accept anything from her hand. Instead, he showered only Mrs. Zoe with love.

Mr. Leo was irritated by the fact that Mrs. Gina had quarreled with Zoe on the first day of her arrival, so he thought of her as a bad friend to his first wife, with whom he had thought they had a good relationship before.

Once Mr. Leo left for work, Mrs. Gina went to confront Zoe and quarreled with her. She called Zoe all manner of names and accused Zoe of being evil.

Zoe was saddened by Mrs. Gina's accusations. However, she didn't want the matter to escalate, so she avoided quarreling with Gina. When Mr. Leo arrived after dinner, that night, Mrs. Zoe briefly told him about the quarrel.

Mr. Leo got annoyed, and the next day, he brought a divorce paper home and ordered Mrs. Gina to sign it. Mrs. Gina refused and told her husband that she was pregnant.

Mr. Leo knew that he couldn't send Mrs. Gina away with his child growing in her, so he allowed her to stay in the mansion.

However, after several months of pregnancy, Mrs. Gina welcomed a baby girl, and Mr. Leo was saddened, thinking he would have a son who would control his company and inherit his wealth.

Mr. Leo didn't return to meet Gina to see if they could try again to have a baby boy; rather, he avoided her.

Gina grew so jealous and knew that she couldn't leave Mr. Leo's house to go outside and become pregnant. She knew that her family had refused her from marrying Mr. Leo, but it was because she loved him and had been admiring him as he was a billionaire.

Mrs. Gina became bitter as she continued to watch Mr. Leo and Mrs. Zoe acting lovingly in her view, kissing each other and thereby depriving her of the love they shared.

Mrs. Gina remembered that during her first quarrel with Mrs. Zoe, Mr. Leo told her then that he regretted marrying her and that Olima would inherit all his wealth.

Fourteen years flew by, and Mr. Leo continued to avoid Mrs. Gina while his two children, Olima and Mia, grew up in the house.

Olima was Mrs. Zoe's only child before she had complications, while Mia was Gina's daughter.

Olima was three years older than Mia, and she was the apple of her father's eye. Mr. Leo never failed to show her off.

Mrs. Gina plotted on the day of Olima and Mia's school graduation ceremony. While Olima was graduating from college, Mia was entering a senior class.

Mrs. Gina arranged for a truck driver to ram into her husband and his admirable wife's car. She knew they were going to Olima and Mia's graduation ceremony. She arrived there alone and snapped photos with Mia.

Olima waited in vain for her parents' arrival. When she got home, she received the devastating news that her parents were gone.

Olima cried her eyes out. She knew that her stepmother hated her and would want revenge for how her late father had treated her.

Unfortunately, Olima had nowhere else to go.

Three months after her late parents' burial, Olima's uncles arrived. They were her father's brothers and were only interested in the late Mr. Leo's wealth.

Mrs. Gina Adams was a brutal woman; she would have considered killing Olima too, but she didn't want her only child, Mia Adams, to be in the house alone and without a sister.

Mrs. Gina instead arrested all her in-laws and accused them of being the ones who had killed Olima's parents so that they could claim the late Mr. Leo's wealth.

Mr. Leo Adams' two brothers were shocked by Mrs. Gina's claims. Before they could be granted bail, they had to sign a document promising never to disturb Mrs. Gina again.

After securing the mansion, Mrs. Gina moved in and took down all of Zoe's images, burning them outside while leaving only her own portrait hanging on the wall.

She withdrew Olima from her tutorial classes and turned her into a full-time housemaid.

Olima cried, wanting to further her education, but there was no one to speak up for her or to challenge her stepmother.

With a broken heart, she watched Mia resume going to school while she remained at home as a maid.

Olima certainly hoped that one day things would become better for her. But her stepmother's brutality was becoming too much.

Mrs. Gina Adams finally invited Mr. Leo's lawyer to discuss the written will. When the attorney arrived, he told Mrs. Gina that Mr. Leo's will could not be altered. He stated that the oil company left behind by Mr. Leo Adams must be given to Olima Adams only when she turned twenty-four years old.

Mrs. Gina became annoyed and sent the lawyer away, thinking of how to claim Mr. Leo's wealth as her own.