
Let’s Read The Word

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Invisible String

Invisible String




In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

I clenched my fist when I saw him being slammed on the ground. How long has it been since the fight began? 2 hours? Yeah, seems like that. And now, my yard is totally ruined due to the fight between the monster and the three men sent by the government. I just watching them from afar, but every time I saw these men being hit by the huge monster with four arms, the urge inside me is forcing me to run.

It's been 2 years since the world changed. Because of some experiments by rich people, they accidentally created monsters who are now hunting humans. The monsters has the ability to speak with humans but more powerful than us. Those monsters multiplied with unbelievable speed. At first, people thought that it was the end of the world. But just after a year of being enveloped with fear with monsters, God finally answered the human prayers.

The unknown asteroid hit the earth and awakened people with unbelievable power. To match the power of the monsters and hunt them. And because of that, the balance has been set.

I once again flinches when the man with black outfit jumped on the monster and use his sword to attack. He landed a successful hit to the monster's neck. With the black fog surrounding the man's body, I can tell, the man is a Black stage Malemyn.

Malemyn, The person gifted with power that is above all people on the earth. Although there are stages with their power, Malemyn are strong. But their power can also harm them. Once they were overpowered by their gifted power, there's a possibility that they will also become a monster that will be unstoppable.

"Damn it! When will the Gwandy arrived?!" I heard the man with Red outfit shouted to his comrade.

That man is a Red stage Malemyn. The second powerful Malemyn. Malemyn has four stages, the lowest is White, second is Yellow, third is Red and the most powerful of them all are the Black Stage. The man mentioned the Gwandy.

Gwandy, they are those people who are awakened with the power to comfort and soothe the power of all Malemyn. To comfort the Malemyn, they have to be close to them and have skinship like holding hands, kiss or even sex if the Malemyn is in serious condition. The more skinship, the faster the recovery. However, they have to be perfectly matched with the Malemyn. If they aren't matched, Gwandy will receive the backlash which can possibly make their life in danger.

"I don't know! But I'm sure, the government will not allow anyone of us to become Creftus. That will be the end of them if one of us become one of those." The man with red outfit answered.

I honestly just watching them, but I noticed something with the man who are still attacking the monster. His eyes is currently slowly turning red. It is a sign that his power is slowly eating him. And that is actually dangerous.

Creftus, they are those Malemyn who turned into evil or unstoppable monster with the power of Malemyn. Malemyn is indeed powerful, but once their power overpowered them, they will be like those monster who will hunt people. The worst, they are more powerful than those monster and Malemyn.

"Enough with the chitchat and help me here." I gulped when I heard that cold deep voice. It was from the man with black outfit.

I can see his eyes flickering. And I'm sure, those two with red outfits noticed it too. They both cursed before they jumped to attack the monster again. However, since the monster has four arms, they just slammed on the ground which causes them to faint. My eyes moved to the man who is now left alone conscious. He gripped his sword tightly and was ready to attack again when the monster raised his one arm to attack the unconscious man on the ground.

I can't watch anymore. The man with the black outfit is fighting his own power while the two men with red outfits are unconscious. This situation is obviously telling the man that the monster won the fight. And it will be his end.

I sigh while looking up the clear sky. I hide from the government for two years but this situation is forcing me to move. I'm not that idiot to let someone to be killed just like that, nor let someone become the Creftus.

"Fuck.. It's that Black Malemyn fault. He went to this fight without having comforted with his Gwandy." I murmured before I snapped my fingers.

Two daggers appears in my hands. I let out a sigh before I teleported to the location of the man who flinches when he saw me. I forgot to wear my mask so I hope he won't recognize me once we meet again.

I saw him frowned. His eyes is now red but not fully red. I made a tsk sound before I raised my hand.

"Who the hell are you?!" He asked me but I just continue my plan.

"Sorry, but I've no choice. Let me heal you first before I kill that monster." I said. And before the man know what my plan is, I pulled his collar and give him a kiss on his forehead which I never plan from the beginning.

He struggles but I never let him escape with my arms. When I see his eyes turned normal and the red disappear, I withdraw myself and without warning, I punched him hard.

"Oh goodness sake, I'm sorry. Sleep well and open your eyes later." I said while I teleported him with the safe area. The man fainted with my critical hit.

After that, I also get his two comrades. And finally, I now standing in front of this huge monster. Maybe all of you are confused. Well, let me tell you. I'm actually a rare case. The reason why I hid myself from the government is because, I'm a Crystal Gwandy which the highest stage of all Gwandy and also.. I'm a Black Malemyn.

I don't know how it happened but, yes. I'm a dual power person. I don't need Gwandy to comfort me, and I don't need Malemyn to protect me. That is the reason why I am hiding from the government. If the government know this, they will surely do everything to create another me by using my DNA.

"Now.. Hello monster, are you ready to be killed by me?" I smirk while asking the huge monster.

It heights is more than 12 feet. It has four arms and four eyes. The color of its skin is green. Each monster in the world has name but since I don't give a fuck with them, I don't know what it's name.

It gave me a loud roar which triggered my urge to kill it. I licked my lips before I teleported to its back and give it a double stab on its nape. My power is also unbelievable. Not just I can teleport, but I can also use telekinesis and stealth. And with this, I simply, effortlessly killed the monster in front of me.

With each monster that someone killed, you can actually earned from it. All you have to do is reported it to the monsters department that is studying the weaknesses of all monsters. Bring the dead body of the monsters and receive your money. Simple right? But it's not simple for me, because, I can't show myself to them.

"I hope, George won't nag me again. haa!" I mumbled.

I heard the cars coming so I once again look at the man who still unconscious. Then I turned to look at the monster who are now laying on the ground dead. I hide my twin daggers again and teleported away from the site. When the car arrives, I saw people rushed towards the three men I saved and also placed them to the stretchers.

Well, I'm sure, we we're not going to meet again so, everything is fine with me. I put my two hands on my pockets and turned away.

Monsters Hunter Department, 2 hours later.

"We received the call from George Lopez, the owner of the residence where the monster appeared. He's living with his adopted son who are working as a delivery man and wasn't in the area that time." The woman on her early 30 reported to the department head.

The old man who currently sitting on his chair facing the black stage Malemyn who just regained his consciousness, is holding a paper contents of the monsters report.

"How's your feeling Jevro?" The old man asked the handsome man.

Jevro look at the man and move his eyes on his wrist watch which actually his Monitor. He tap the small button on it's side and stare at the image display in it. It's only the chest of the man who comforted him and also punched him. His brows twitched as he gritted his jaws.

"I'm fine now. I just need to rest for 2 days straight. And also, give me the name lists of all Gwandy in the country." Jevro answered with serious expression on his face.