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Dangerous Romance

Dangerous Romance

Author:Jenny's Heart



When a dangerous group came and took over Earth they may everyone to be under them and whosoever refuses will get killed . A particular group where called the rebels they ran away and formed their own community underground where no one knew where they are till date. Find out what happened when Stacy Katie went to the surface and end up getting caught by the notorious group ,her fate was death but the leader of the group got attracted to her . Grab your popcorn and get ready because it's gonna be an amazing ride All right reserved Mature Content


  "Mariana"I called running towards the red hair girl

  "xup Stacy "she said smiling cheerfully

  " I heard you came looking for me "I said

  "so I was thinking , you're up for the party at Jack's tonight "she asked

  "I'm not sure mom still sick "I replied and she nodded

  "alright see ya "she added walking away.

  "Hi Danny"I called loudly

  "Hi Stacy" Mira yelled

  "Xup Kim "I yelled at another waving my hands

  okay here is the thing ,I'm kinda famous underground

  "let me help you ma'am"I said to the older lady carrying a bucket filled with water

  "thank Stacy "she said with a smile .

  In this underground we are all like family ,we know each other,we got each others back and we live like family .

  I entered our small house and saw my mom on the bed

  "Stacy "she called gently and I walked towards her

  "how are you feeling now"I asked

  "a little better"she replied as I used my hands to check her temperature

  she was burning up

  We have a doctor here underground who helps in making sure everything is okay and people are treated but they only have less of everything

  I don't really want my mother to die and as far as I know they don't have the complete medicines for her illness

  The thought of leaving this underground popped into my head but I really don't know the way out

  We came in some years back and apart from the special team no one knows the way out.

  The special team are those who go out to get us food ,snacks , clothes and other things we need

  Some months ago a rebel who is among the special team got caught

  He was forced to tell them where we are but he refused and was killed

  Ever since then they haven't gone out and things are getting finished .

  Being a rebel is amazing ,we don't get to stay under any rules or some notorious gang

  we are free to do whatever we like underground and we are all like family here

  And above all we were not forced into stamping a weird design on our body

  yeah you heard me ,,They all got these crazy looking tattoo on their body

  it's like a signature sign to know themselves which hurts like hell if I may add


  I hide behind a pillar as the special team finished up their meetings

  They were heading out in a few and I'm following them

  well not with their knowledge ,I just need to get my mom some medicine and I believe if I get to the surface I could get her what she needs.

  They were tucking in their guns and knife while the only I had was my backpack and a pen knife too

  I hide the pen knife in my boots and followed behind them secretly

  They kept walking and talking about some guy called Ace

  with the way they were talking it seems like they are really scared of him or his life one scary and heartless human being

  "wait did you hear that"one of them said and I quickly stopped pressing my body against the wall

  thankfully the place is dark and their touches could not see far

  "what was that "I heard someone asked

  "it seems like I heard footsteps"another replied

  "yeah me too"the other added

  "are you guys kidding me ,there is absolutely no one ,I mean who would want to follow us "I heard a guy said

  "you're right maybe we didn't hear well "the first lady said and I heard them walk away

  I continued following behind them gently

  They reached a door and slide it open ,I waited for some seconds before going to do the same

  I almost screamed when the hot sun hit my skin it's been years I saw the sky or sun even

  it felt kinda nice too

  I kept following them through the thick woods and to be sincere it was not easy keeping up with them in the thick woods

  They got to a place where there was a van and they all entered

  I cursed under my breath because I didn't prepare for this

  I began walking alone Isolated area ,there was absolutely no one but tall trees

  I walked for hours and my feet was hurting badly

  I was also enjoying the cool breeze and the sun is going down.

  Everywhere was almost dark when I found a cabin and went in

  I broke one of the windows and got in

  The place looks like someone haven't been in there for so many years

  I strolled around the room and it was just bringing back images of how it use to be before the gang took over

  I jumped on the dusty bed exictedly and smiled widely

  There were some can food which I actually ate before dusting the bed and sleeping on it

  I missed my home

  I missed my family

  I missed highschool

  I missed my friends and I missed how life use to be back then.