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Unlucky In Love

Unlucky In Love




Sky is a senior in high school. She's looking for love, but finds it in the wrong places. Everyone reassure her that it will happen. She has her doubts. Well that's until she reunites with Leonardo. Someone from her childhood, Who will take an interest in her. Will she finally be lucky in love? Or will she be unlucky forever?

Book 1 <Unlucky In Love>

Ever been unlucky in love?, well I have and it sucks.

Let me show you how unlucky I am.

*Flashback, one year ago*

This cute guy asked me out, and I've been crushing on him for a while, so I was beyond excited.

I got ready and he said to meet at the restaurant. I waited for him an hour and he never showed up.

Everything was just part of a bet to ask me out and stand me up.

Then two months later I got asked by my lab partner, he was cute. I got ready and he picked me up. Except we never made it to the date.

He pretended to have car problems, we got out and he said he was gonna test it and he drove off and left me in the middle of nowhere.

Yeah that's how unlucky I am, apparently I'm just a target for bets.

*End of flashback*

And after that I pretty much became cold towards guys, I was done being a target.

Wanna know who's the only person i a have dates with? This little princess.

Meet my baby sis, Eva. She's five years old.

"Sissy, guess what?"

"What?" I asked while picking her up.

"I love you." She hugged me.

"I love you too." I hugged her tight.

"Girls, dinner is ready." Mom said, we made our way to the kitchen.

After dinner, I went with Eva for some ice cream.

I went to order for us then to sit in a booth.

"Oh look, is I'm seventeen and I've never had a boyfriend, not even my first kiss." one of the popular girls said to me.

"Leave sissy alone."

"Aww, your sissy is a loser." She said pinching Eva's cheeks, this cause Eva to grab her ice cream and shove it on that girls face.

"You little shit."

"Back off, you started this now deal with it." I said while grabbing Eva and left the ice cream place.

The popular girls who think they own everyone, delusional twathoes.

Next day I woke up did my daily routine and got slapped with huge news.

"What, you can't be serious!"

"Very much, his parents were our best friends, so it would've been the same, if we were the ones who died, you two would've go to them."

"But mom, I don't even know this dude, what if he's a killer."

"Sissy, you're too dramatic." Eva said making our parents laugh.

"Yay, senior year and with a stranger in our house, woohoo."

"Well, he's not a stranger, you two used to play as toddlers. Then we moved away and you two lost contact."

"Just take it like, friends reuniting." Dad smiled. "Why me?" I sighed.

"When is he coming?"

"Tomorrow, so no going out with your friends." Dad said.

"Well considering the twins are in Disney I would say I'm staying in the house."

"Disney, that sounds fun." Eva said.

"Yup, Brielle is eating churros, while Joanie is buying her mouse ears.

"Can we go to Disney?" Eva asked them.

"Next year." Dad said tickling her, she just giggled.

"I can't believe we're gonna have a stranger with us." I huffed.

"She's too dramatic." Dad said to mom.

"I need some air, later people." I said waving at them.

"Sissy is nuts."

"Pretty much." They answered her.

I went for a walk, I tried calling the twins but their phones sent me straight to voice mail, how rude.

I saw couples holding hands, kissing. Gee, don't you have a room for that.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I turned to see, Caleb.

Brielle's boyfriend.

"Just walking and seeing couples being lovey dovey. Makes me wanna gag." I said making him laugh.

"It will happen." He said.

"Doubt it, but that's ok. I'll just buy lots of puppies, cause cats are a big no."

"You go to pee, and next thing you know, he's gone. How rude" I turned to see, Eric. Joanie's boyfriend.

"I saw my best friend, so I came running to her, so sue me." Caleb said to him.

"Alright, let me find the best lawyer in town." He said while searching his phone. I couldn't help but laugh these two, are nuts just like their girlfriends.

But Caleb has been my best friend since kindergarten. Three years later we met Eric. then we met the twins in Junior year, they moved all the way from Chicago cause their parents got a better job position here.

"Well, now I don't feel abandoned cause your crazy girlfriends left me to go see mickey." I said as they laughed.

"How about we go grab lunch, then spend the whole day together, that way people will think we have a life." Eric said making us laugh. I swear they're too much.

You will meet the twins soon, that's if Brielle and Joanie ever leave Disney. They want to live in the castle.

After spending the whole day with my friends I went home.

I arrived home and was met by my parents.

"Hey, guys."

"We got more news." Dad said.


"He will be arriving at nine am, not at twelve. So be ready to meet him at nine." Mom said with a smile.

"You guys are killing me, how about dad gives me a credit card and I'll move to an apartment."

"Yeah, no. Nice try princess."

"Worth a try, goodnight mom and dad." I went to hug them, then made my way to my room.

Let's see how tomorrow goes.