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Black Blooded Raven

Black Blooded Raven

Author:Kuro Karasu



A newly crowned queen with a dark past, born of many races with mismatched eyes that tell a tale of sorrow and black wings that strike dread into any who sees them her name is Raven the Queen of Sekat. A nation more powerful than anyone can imagine.

  Nafani- Goddess of the aníeros Satan's concubine ,fifth maiden of Hell

  Nafani’s first prophecy- Though the child shall bear our nature. She shall be of her own will. She will hold true to her namesake, Raven and fly beyond the past , present and future. That is how it has been written and she shall continue her story on her own path.

  Present -There was blood everywhere on the walls,the ceiling,every place imaginable and in the center of it all was a black haired woman covered in blood. With a wild look in her eyes that spoke of pure bloodlust. Her name was Raven or at least that was what she had been told. Her real name was Lily a fitting name for the sweet girl she was…..

  Past -At fifteen she was adopted by a Doctor by the name of Henslin.The Doctor specialized in “experimental procedures”.Which were all unethical and and full of pain and Raven was his next project. Another weapon for his group of black haired beauties. All trained to kill and answered they to his every whim. All gifted with a special power. Raven was loyal just like the rest. But she had started to remember the truth and she began to to hate her supposed savior Dr.Henslin. Her vengeance was calculated just as she had been taught. She watched his every move and made allies with her sisters.Though only two would join. The eighteen year old twins Ebony and Ivory. Raven was still a formidable opponent her power of the most rare of her line. It was called “sacrifice” if she took a large dose of poison each day she was able to die and regenerate up to three times a day or she could save one person by switching places with them. Though her power was one of the best it came with a price .The poison was slowly killing her. It also caused a rather strange side effect .The thirst for human blood .Most of her sisters had simple gifts but hers was driven by her secret passion for killing the wicked. Her other sisters were mindless but Raven was different than the rest. She wasn't entirely human one fact that poor Dr.Henslin overlooked her jet black hair and silver eyes which he believed were from his experiments.Were really her true self. Though Raven was born with blond hair and blue eyes.Her true nature was that of a hi- bread being .Born from vampire, witch and angel know as aníeros . Chosen by Nafani the goddess the first ruler of Sekat and the creator of the aníeros to be there queen.

  Future-Though the final part of her transformation had not yet happen. It soon would.The appearance of coal black angel wings and the Violet left eye of the original queen of the Sekat.