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The Alpha's Mysterious Omega

The Alpha's Mysterious Omega

Author:Lucien rielle



Dive into the captivating not so normative world with Juan and her Alphas. Juan- The last thing I expected to find when I opened the book was a different world than I imagined -How could that be?we couldn't leave the planet,so how can this exist?And what do I do? And as soon as I come face-to -face with the two jaw dropping gorgeous Alphas,The chemistry is off the charts but eventually the novelty is going to wear off,And when it does.....How much can an average out of this world omega who doesn't belong here actually offer this hot, rich Alphas.

Juan's pov


15 years Ago,caranii planet,The year


Please, sweetheart, behave yourself for Uncle and Aunt Lani. I promise I'll be back to get you," my mom said, teary-eyed.

"But I want to go with you. I don't want to stay with them," I whispered, glancing behind my mom at my uncle's oddly shaped face and his wife's perpetually scowling expression, making her look unpleasant.

"Baby, you're five now, a big girl, and big girls always do as they are told. I promise I'll be back. There are some things I need to take care of, and I can't take you with me on this journey because I don't want you to get hurt. I promise I'll be back in like... two months."

"Promise," I pushed my forehead against hers, our ritual that I hadn't named yet.

"I promise," she affirmed, nudging her forehead with mine.


"Yes, Mom."

"Never forget what I always tell you."

"Be kind, be forgiving, be honest, be respectful, always stand up for yourself, and most importantly, never tell anyone that I am a denarii omega aside from my family who knows." I repeated the mantra my mom had told me since I could talk.

"That's right, baby.

"And before I forget, I have something for you," she said, reaching for her duffel bag on the floor.

"This is for you. It was given to me by your grandfather Nano when I was ten years old," she said, handing the book over to me.

"I miss Grandpapy Nano," I sniffed.

"Me too, sugar pie." More tears rolled down her gaunt cheeks. The book itself was white, trimmed with gold. It was large and had a lock situated in the middle with a little hole where the key was placed. Intricate designs decorated the hardcover of the book with weird languages I couldn't decipher written on the book cover. The book was big and quite heavy for my little five-year-old self to carry without stumbling a little, but I managed, hugging it to my chest.

I felt immediately steady, safe, and happy even in the midst of the panic and pain I felt. It was like the book made every other emotion I felt dim, and I got this feeling that the book was supposed to be in my keep.

"Thanks, Mom, I love it." I stared at her, trying to memorize her silver waist-long hair braided into a plain braid just like mine, gray eyes, but mine were violet, and her slim figure in a too-big green shirt and tattered blue denim. I had a feeling that it would be a long time before I got to see my mom, unlike what she said.

"Juanii, listen carefully, that book contains very important things like a portal to another planet. Never let anyone know you have it, keep it safe, and don't ever activate it," she whispered, staring at me intensely.

"So why don't we use it to escape if it's a portal to another planet?"

"Things don't work like that, baby. We can't just walk away from our problems because no matter how far you run, it will still catch up to you, so you need to face it head on," she said with a distant look on her face.

"Do you understand, Juanii?"

"Yes, Mom," I replied, staring at the book in my arms and rubbing the pendant that I was wearing on my neck.

"I'll be going, sweety. Behave for Aunty and Uncle." She kissed me on the forehead and on my cheeks, and I kissed her cheeks as tears rolled down her face. I suddenly felt panic creeping in as she looked ready to leave me with these strangers she called family.

"Please don't leave me," I cried, hugging her legs as she tried to move away.

"Let go, Juan, I'll be back soon."

"I don't believe you."

"Remember our promise oath, have I ever broken it?"

"But this time might be different."

"Let go, Juanii, please."

"No." I held on more tightly, letting the book fall from my grasp.

"Please, Mami."

"No." I felt a pair of hands dragging me away, lifting me up to a broad shoulder. I looked back and saw my mom shapeshift into her huge wolf form, her duffel bag clutched tightly in her mouth, and running straight towards the woods.

"No, Mama, please come back!" I screamed and cried, trying to claw my way out of the arms holding me tight. Suddenly, I was unceremoniously dropped on the ground. I looked up to find a sneer etched on my uncle's face.

"When you are done shedding those crocodile tears, come in so you can be assigned what you will be doing in this house because you aren't going to be staying in my house for free. You'll have to earn your keep," my aunt said, staring at me with a hateful sneer, and my uncle just looked at me. An emotion passed through his features too quickly for me to understand, then he walked into the large cottage house. Aunty Lani crouched down and whispered into my ear.

"She will never come back, and you will be alone forever, and I'll make your life a living hell, you little bitch," she spat out, looking more ugly than ever. Then she walked into the house too. I crawled towards the book my Mama gave me, which laid on the floor. It was the only memory I had of her aside from our memories before it was ruined by my Papa's death. I stood up, dusted myself off, wiped my cheeks dry, and walked into the cottage, never truly determining the extent of how my life would change drastically.