
Let’s Read The Word

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A Cursed Love

A Cursed Love

Author:Joy Joseph



It wrong, it so wrong but I still can't help it. What do you do? when your heart wants what it just can't have. What will you do? when all your feelings goes against every thing ones believes in? What will you do? when you fall in love only to discover it was a wrong call? What will you do? when all you want to do is to hold that perfect girl in you arm and tell her how much you want her but yet you can't. What will you do? when you are in love with her but can't have her. What will you do when the love you feel for her is a Cursed love. What will you do? when you are feeling in love with you own twin sister.

  Looking out the car window, she can’t believe how much the city of Lagos has changed, she wondered if her beloved brother has also changed, it has been years since they last spoke and she missed every bit of it, she has always asked her parents why her brother stopped calling but always get no good explanation in return, they always comes up with many excuses which she can’t even understand or remember most of them.

  Her name is Freya Richardson, the only daughter to Mr Augustine Richardson and Mrs Priscilla, she is 23 years old now and has spended most of her life overseas where she obtained her university degree as an advocate. She has a twin brother Frad who she has lost contact with for years for reasons she doesn't know of.

  The Richardson families is one of the second wealthiest generation families in Nigeria, they owns different companies, hospitals, schools, universities, hotels and much more, populating most of the business world.

  She was brought back from her thought when she felt the warm touch of Roland her fiance, Freya turns facing Roland, there was a big and gentle smile on his face which she responded to, well no matter how distress she may be his smile always knows how to warm her heart, she remembered when she first met him, it was this same smile that attracted her to him that was three year ago in UK

United kingdom

, they met in the university because Roland was also a student there, they have really come a long way and she was grateful to God for bringing such a wonderful man to her, Roland is a 25 years old man, who came from a third wealthy family, there was a huge gap between them and the Richardson's. He has also come back to Nigeria two days ago only to get a call from Freya that morning requesting him to pick her up from the airport, he didn't ask for a reason but it was nagging on his mind to ask but he knows this wasn't the perfect time, from the time he picked her at the airport they have had not up to four conversation,

  he knew there was obviously something running wild in her mind as she always love the silence when she has alot to deal with, she will eventually tell him when she is ready to share with him.

  "Hey, are you okey?" He asks her, him hand still resting on her hand with concern written all over his face.

  "yes am fine" she places her other free hand which he wasn't holding on his too, reassuring him with a warm smile, she know he was concerned abou her.

  Roland signed as he too returned the smile.

  "We are here"

  That was when she noticed the car have actually stop moving, she looked around to stare at the big black gate releasing the breath she never knew she was holding.

  "Do you need me to come with you?" Roland noticing her nervousness asked.

  "No I will be fine, I want to give them a big surprise".

  That was her plan all along when she refused to inform her parents of her arrival, Roland has even tried to convince her otherwise but yet her mind was fix on her decision.

  "We will see later then?"

  "Sure I will pass by tomorrow, how about that?"

  "That will be nice, will be looking forward to it."


  They both came out from the car, Roland help her with the two big luggage that was in the booth of the car, she did came prepared.

  "I will call you later"

  "I will wait then for your call"

  Roland wraps his arms on her waist pulling her closer to himself.

  "Hmmmmmm, my baby is missing me already."

  She said teasingly playing with the collar of his t-shirt.

  Roland is a tall guy with a height of 1,76, he has a dark skin colors which always shine in the sunlight, slim body type that matches his height, she looks up to the man that has her in his arms, this was her man, so perfect, his brown eyes staring down at her,

  "We both know who that word is meant for, remembered how you cried at the airport when I was leaving for Nigeria." Roland tease her back

  "Ohhh don’t be deceive I got something on my eyes". She tried to defend herself.

  Roland with his eyebrow rise, amused "Sure you did"

  With that he kiss her which she respond, wrapping her arms over his neck to bring them more closer, they was like that for almost two minutes, not caring if they was out in the public.

  In Nigeria people have the tendency to hide their romance life within close door, they see it as some kind of disrespect or rather indecent to other if show such romance publicly, that was a big lack of manners but right now who cares this is their love life. They disengage and said their goodbyes to each other, Roland went back to the car but didn’t move, he was waiting to make sure she hot in safe before leaving, Freya waited for sometime before the gate was answered by one of the security guards, after about few minutes of interrogation from the security guard as she was not recognized by any the security guards, she didn't mind though this was a normal procedure not just anyone can enter the first son of the Richardson's family freely, after they confirmed her identity they immediately allowed entry not failing to show their respect, with that Phillip drove away.

  Freya was escorted inside the building, as she tag along one of the security guard that offered to assist her with her luggages she admire the compound, there was lot of flowers that beautify the compound,

  a garden area meant for relaxing attached to a wine bar was seen at the other end of the compound, the packing space which has up to nine different luxurious cars parked at the other side of the building, she heard that her father bought the house four years ago, this was the first time she has been here, though she has seen the picture that her mother sent to her. There must be the basket ball pitch, the swimming pool and the big hall for festivities at the back of the building, a young maid on her 30s dress in a native material short hand dress that ended below her knees was already at the door waiting for them who immediately welcomed Freya in while two other maids who wore same pattern of dresses only the difference was the color, help in carrying Freya's luggages from the security guard as the he was not allowed to come in except on emergency, they both went inside the sitting room with the two other maid tagging along.

  "please wait here , madam will be down shortly " the lady said politely


  Freya took the time to admire the sitting room, she has always known that her parents had taste for good things, the inferior design was luxurious, who ever designed it must be a professional

  "Fraye?, is that really you?"

  Freya immediately turned to behold her beautiful mother descending from the stair, Priscilla is a very beautiful and elegant woman on her late 40s but looking as her she looks more younger then her age with her light skin you will mistake her for a British woman, Priscilla is surprise at the same time happy to see her daughter as she quickly descend the stairs after confirming her doubts.

  When the maid has informed her of a stranger who was at the gate claiming to be her daughter she had her doubts but with the description given to her she decided to see for herself, never in her imagination has she thought she will really come to see her beloved daughter right there in her sitting room.

  "Mother.", Freya in turn was happy to see her mother,

  "Oh my God, look at my princess."

  Freya runs into her arm immediately her feet steps on the last stairs both engage in a warm and tight embrace.

  "You didn’t tell us you were coming, why?"

  "I wanted to surprise you all" reply acting like the pampered child that she was.

  "And you did my dear, your father and brother are not home but they will be back soon, they will be so excited to see you".

  Natasha heart skip a beat at the mention of her brother which she has so much missed him.

  "You must be tired and hungry, let me take you to your room and the maid will prepare something for you to eat." they disengage from the embrace.

  She nodded really happy to be home

  Mrs Priscilla takes her hand and begin to ascend the stair.

  "You will love your room when you see it, Fred personally leaded the decorations and selected everythingthat was bought in there, do you know he mostly sleep there and always clean it every week ends himself?"

  Natasha couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she thought Fred has forgotten about her, she let out a big smile at the thought of the fact that Fred still thinks of her.


  Lagos State:one of the popular and big city/state in the southwestern part of Nigeria, and a major financial centre for all of Africa.