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Devil CEO: Pamper My Silly Wifey

Devil CEO: Pamper My Silly Wifey



In her wildest dreams, the grassroots girl Zhang Rongrong could never have imagined that at her life's lowest ebb, she would encounter the diamond man of every girl's dreams... What's even more unbelievable is that this dreamy diamond man is deeply infatuated with her... Everything came so suddenly.... Zhang Rongrong is bewildered, what on earth is happening??? The reasons slowly reveal themselves... Inadvertently, she has become mired in the love, hatred, and conflicts of this top wealthy family.

Early in the morning, Zhang Rongrong, with the household registration booklet she had secretly snuck out from home in her arms, was planning to give Li Minghao a surprise. The thought of finally getting the marriage certificate with him, who she has loved for six years, was making her over the moon, to the extent that she felt a bit dizzy. He would definitely be so moved that he'll hug her and twirl her around.

She gently opened the door of his house. To her surprise, she heard a very familiar woman's voice softly say, "Baby! What if Rongrong finds out about us?"

Li Minghao's voice was hurried, "Stop mentioning her, let's continue."


Zhang Rongrong's mind went blank, but in just a second she realized what was happening, bursting in, staring at the disgusting sight before her eyes - two naked people entwined. These two were once her most trusted individuals. Now, looking at them, she felt utterly disgusted.

Zhang Rongrong yelled angrily, "Despicable, shameless, vile, Li Minghao, we are over. Get lost."

The entwining two immediately separated. Li Minghao lowered his head, daring not to meet Zhang Rongrong's furious eyes, but Chen Lili, who was always Zhang Rongrong's close friend, had the nerve to say, "Oh! Actually, he stopped loving you a long time ago. Go on, haha...Don't forget, this is his home."

Zhang Rongrong's eyes were red as she said, "You…"

Zhang Rongrong held back her anger, realizing that losing her temper in front of them would only make herself even more pitiful. She said nothing further, turned around, and left. The moment she turned, she felt her heart shatter. She could hear the sound of her heart breaking.

The man who promised to love her for the entire lifetime didn’t say anything, neither did he come after her. If he had come after her and apologized, she might have forgiven him, but she didn't hear anything from him, it left a void behind.

She ended up in a bar, drowning her sorrow in alcohol. She drank a lot, a lot, and somehow managed to stumble her way out. In her daze, she saw Li Minghao walking towards her. He had come to find her — she did love him, and if he came, she would forgive him. He must have come to apologize to her.

Without hesitation, Zhang Rongrong walked over, hugged the man, and started kissing him.

Coming out of the car park was the young master of the Zhen family, Zhen Jiancheng. Suddenly, he was tightly hugged by this girl who reeked of alcohol, and before he could react, he was forced into a kiss. Zhen Jiancheng was entirely taken off guard.

A wave of disgust washed over him, and he pushed her away. Zhang Rongrong fell to the ground, somewhat sobered up.

"Haha, this is great. God sent a handsome man my way."

She stumbled up and went over to hold Zhen Jiancheng tightly, planting a fierce kiss on his lips.

He frowned and showed no mercy by pushing Zhang Rongrong down to the ground again. She only felt a wave of sour pain then her vision blacked out, knowing nothing.

The assistant Lee Dongguo by his side was horrified. When he finally came to his senses, he saw that his stern young master Zhen was being forcefully kissed in the street! This was truly a historic moment!

Well… Such a fall might not mean anything to them, the rough and ready men, but it was quite brutal for a seemingly delicate girl.

He anxiously hurried over to ask, "Young Master Zhen, are you alright?"

Zhen Jiancheng's face was darkened like storm clouds.

It was useless to reason with a drunk, no way around it. But he couldn't stand by and do nothing as she passed out. Besides, no matter how you put it, he was the one who had pushed her to the ground, so he had to carry the unconscious Zhang Rongrong.

"Bring the car over and get her into the car. Take her to the hotel!"

"Alright, Sir."

Lee Dongguo went to drive the car, sweating buckets inside.

She is a person, not a thing.

Zhen Jiancheng looked very displeased, he even disgustingly wiped his lips. The car arrived quickly, he handed over Zhang Rongrong to Lee Dongguo and stormed back to the front seat of the car, slamming the car door hard.

This woman was really fierce, she even forcefully kissed Young Master Zhen. Lee Dongguo couldn't help but take a closer look at her.

Although she looked disheveled at the moment, leaning awkwardly on the back seat, her fair face was still pleasant to look at. With a little bit of grooming, she could actually be considered a beauty.

"What are you looking at! Let's go!" Zhen Jiancheng's mood was at the breaking point, he poked his head out and roared.

Li Dongguo promptly tossed what he deemed as worthless stuff into the backseat before driving off towards the hotel.

After a severe headache, Zhang Rongrong woke up with intense pain all over her body. Damn it, had she been beaten up after drinking too much?

The strange room disoriented her momentarily. Where was she?

When her gaze fell upon the hotel's name, alarm bells rang in her head and she swiftly looked down at her clothes.

"That's a relief, a relief."

Despite her clothes being disheveled, there was no sign of any inappropriate actions.

She mumbled to herself, "But why am I in a hotel?"

Bewildered, she took a moment to survey the unfamiliar surroundings. In the bathroom mirror, her hair was disheveled and her clothes were wrinkled. She tidied herself up haphazardly before heading out. Only at the front desk did she learn that two men had brought her there.

"What the hell did I do last night? Chen Lili, the seductress, and Li Minghao, the bastard, are to blame... "

Her head still hurting from the alcohol, she cursed the two rascals over and over again. She would never have imagined her best friend, Chen Lili, getting into bed with her fiancé. But what could she do now?

Damn her luck! She had to swallow her anger. She needed to get to work and so she took a car to the company.

However, just as she managed to suppress her feelings and decided to forget everything and live her own life, Chen Lili, the shameless friend who stole her fiancé, called her and suggested they meet up to chat.

After witnessing such shamelessness, was there anyone even more so? Talk! Talk my ass!

Just as she was about to reject Chen Lili, the provocative voice said, "Are you scared to come?"

Clearly it was reverse psychology, and unfortunately, she fell for it.

Upon meeting, the other party handed over a bright red invitation with a grin on her face.

"It's our wedding invitation."

She thought she had herself together, but then an invitation to a wedding was flipped to her casually, instantly destroying her confidence.

Accepting it blankly, her expression solidified.

"Rongrong, you've been my good friend from childhood. Now that I'm getting married, you must attend, okay? Only then will I truly feel happy."

Zhang Rongrong felt a surge of anger in her heart. This shameless woman had the nerve to call herself her good friend! Would a good friend steal the boyfriend of her good friend?

But she bore it and listened expressionlessly. She couldn't let herself lose the little dignity she had left in front of this woman.

Chen Lili asked pleadingly, "Rongrong! I really love Li Minghao. Of course, he loves me too, otherwise he wouldn't have given up on the years of emotions you two shared. Can you bless us?"

She was on the verge of losing her patience. She really wanted to flip the table. Enough! Has this woman finished her act? Can she stop being so brutal? A love for her sister? Why the hell should I bless this disgusting pair?

With a smug grin, Chen Lili kept showing off, "Actually, Minghao and I have been in love for a long time. Today, we, the lovers, can finally be together. Shouldn't you be happy for me?"