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Pregnant For A Stranger

Pregnant For A Stranger

Author:Authoress Joan



New story Alert One Night Stand Pregnant for a stranger Synposis Phoebe was heartbroken. She got drunk and woke up to see herself stark naked in an Hotel room. Ashamed she hastely got dressed and ran off. Gray Mensah is a young, handsome and charming business man. He is damn rich and popular, girls throw themselves at him. He goes by the saying"all women are the same". He had sex with Phoebe thinking she was one of his many sluts. What happens when Phoebe finds out she is pregnant? But for whom? I want you all to sit, relax and follow allow this thrilling story. You definitely gonna love it. Am not asking much, 100likes,20comments and 10shares to unlock first episode. Brought to you by Authoress Joan

  New story Alert

  One Night Stand


Pregnant for a stranger


  Phoebe was heartbroken.

  She got drunk and woke up to see herself stark naked in an Hotel room.

  Ashamed she hastely got dressed and ran off.

  Gray Mensah is a young, handsome and charming business man.

  He is damn rich and popular, girls throw themselves at him.

  He goes by the saying"all women are the same".

  He had sex with Phoebe thinking she was one of his many sluts.

  What happens when Phoebe finds out she is pregnant?

  But for whom?

  I want you all to sit, relax and follow allow this thriller.

  You definitely gonna love it.

  Brought to you ✍️ by Authoress Joan.

  Episode One

  Story ✍️by: Joan lkponmwosa





  I stared at my reflection in the mirror as Daisy applied make up on my face.

  My name is Phoebe Adwin, today l will be going out on a date with my boyfriend Goerge.

  This will be the third time am seeing him in a year.

  He is always busy with work and travels alot. I don't complain because l love him alot.

  I miss him a lot, am so eager to see him so l have to look best.

  Diasy is my best friend, we live together in an apartment. She is a stylist.

  My parents died when l was little. My grandmother took care of me ever since and l see her as my father and mother. She is my everything.

  Grandma stays in her house at a rural area in Ghana.

  We are Ghanians same with my best friend Daisy.


Back to present




  "You look georgous girlfriend" Daisy says and squeal excitedly.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror once again, truth be told l am looking different due to the magic Daisy performed on my face.

  "Thanks, fishbrain" l said and laugh at her reaction.

  " Me fishbrain? " She's ask and pout her lips.

  " Do you think someone with fishbrain can make you look this good uhnnn" she whines faking tears.

  "Quit the act already" l said between laughter.

  "Seriously girlfriend Goerge is gonna fall in love with you again when he sees you tonight".

  "Alright enough of the compliment, let me get going".

  "Bye sweetie, have fun".

  " I will" l replied and shut the door.





  "Sir, a lady is asking for you" my secretary said over the phone.

  " Let her in" l replied

  The door opened to reveal a half naked Mira . She cat walked to me seductively.

  "Mira, how may l help you?" I asked.

  " You know what l want Mr Gray, l want you" she said and threw her top away as she gave me her most sexiest smile.

  l smirked,without wasting time l position her on my desk and spank her ass repeatedly.

  In seconds, we are both naked, she is so much in a hurry to feel my cock inside her.

  I fuck her mercilessly till I reach organsm.

  "Here, this is five hundred thousand cedis" l said and threw it at her.

  "Now get out of my office and never show your face to me again" l stated coldly.

  She is surprised by my action, she dress hurriedly and scurried out.

  My name is Gray Mensah, the most young and popular business man in Ghana.

  This is what l experience everyday girls throw themselves at me and some come with fake pregnancies just to extort money from me and l give them what they want.


  Money isn't my problem, my name is more important , l don't want any scandal, so l give them what they want.

  The door opens and my secretary walks in.

  " Sit" l ordered

  "So can you explain to me how we lost the sum of ten million Cedis within few weeks!"

  "Sir please am sincerely sorry, l don't know how it happened".

  "What the hell are you saying?" I retorted angrily and she trembles in fright.

  "So money have legs now huh?"

  "Am giving you twenty four hours to refund the money or give me a tangible reason for the loss of the money else you lose your job".

  "Now out of my office".

  " Sir please am.........

  " I said out"I yelled.

  She scurried away.

  Fucking whore, she thinks because have fucked her once or twice,l will let this slide.

  She must be a fool for thinking such.

  I just need to cool my head, l stood and grab my car key.



  Episode Two





  Mintues later, l arrived the restaurant, l met Goerge already sitted,on seeing me he stood to welcome me and l hugged him, have missed him so much.

  After the long hug, we finally settled down and ordered for food and drinks.

  "How have you been?" Goerge asked.

  "Have been fine, is just that l miss you alot" l replied.

  "Same here" he said.

  "How is work?" I asked.

  "Work is good" he replied.

  "So did you decide to come spend some weeks with me?".

  "No, am leaving tomorrow" he replied.

  "What! You are leaving so soon."

  "Yes, Phoebe l just came to see you and to tell you something."

  "What is it, you want to say."

  " Phoebe" he calls and hold my hands.

  " I don't know how you are gonna react to this but I think we should end things ."

  " How do you mean, wait, are you breaking up with me?"

  "Let's break up Phoebe." He said.

  "What! This is unbelievable" l freed my hands from his grip.

  "After everything we have been through, you are always busy traveling around but have never complained, have been faithful all this years, Why Goerge Why!."

  "You are too good for me Phoebe".

  " But am not complaining, please Goerge don't do this".

  "Look, Phoebe, l just figured out that this won't work, we can't workam sorry."

  " No, Goerge you can't do this to me."

  " Am sorry Phoebe, l have to prepare for my flight tomorrow, l have to go, please take good care of yourself."

  " Goerge, wait, please you can't just leave me like this, but he left.

  He left me, l cried,l can't take this, l sobbed even more.





  I never wanted to break up with Phoebe , but it's the only way l could secure my job. My CEO wants me to marry her arrogant daughter or l lose my job, l had no other choice, l do love her alot.

  But l just can't risk loosing my job, beside who date a jobless man.





  Three more bottles, l tell the waiter.

  This is too much to take in, l loved him so much but this is what l get in return, this is sixth bottle am taking, l don't care.

  I just want to get drunk and forget about this miserable night even if it's for a short time.

  More, l tell the waiter.





  Why is she not picking her calls.

  This food is getting Cold, maybe she decided to spend the night but at least she should have called.

  Am farmished, am already used to eating with her.

  Now am the one to suffer.





  Tequila, l tell the waiter, l need a bitch to warm my bed tonight.

  I spotted a lady at the extreme, she is pretty, and drinking alone, there are up to about fifteen bottles on her table.

  Wait, did she take all that?

  No that's impossible, maybe she was drinking with her friends and they left her or something.

  She is really beautiful though.

  Seriously, when did l start admiring a lady?

  I need to talk to her she is too pretty to be alone.

  I got up with my drink in my hand and walk up to her.

  " Hey beautiful, Mind if l join you?" I asked.

  She nods in reply.

  " Thanks."

  I sat beside her, l must admit, she is dead goergous.

  Wow! the most beautiful woman have ever seen.

  "Hey Mr hot, my boyfriend broke up with me today,he said l don't deserve him."

  "you are very handsome" she said and giggled.

  " Hot and handsome" she repeats and touched my beard.

  Now she is flirting.

  I almost forgot, all women are the same.

  I just got myself a bitch to warm my bed.

  "Would you want me to show you how hot l can be down there."

  "Off course" she says and giggled. again.

  "I like you Mr hot."

  Gaining more confidence, l draw her closer and claim her lips, she kisses back and deepens the kiss, her lovely scent fill mixed with achol filled my nostril.

  I nibbled on her lower lip and kissed her neck, she moaned softly.

  "Mr hot, your lips are sweet."

  She says and kissed me again.

  I have to get a room, l found a bitch for tonight and a goergous one at that.

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