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Billionaire's One-Night Stand

Billionaire's One-Night Stand




Emma murphy is a University student, who thought that her life was going well, until a disaster stroke. Her boyfriend Derrick Parker, drugged her intending to hand her over to his boss Marcus for the night. And in return, he would get paid handsomely and get to be among the boss' right hand men. Derrick would have hit a jackpot, if he didn't enter the wrong hotel room and leave his helpless girlfriend tied on the bed for Marcus to find. But someone else found her, alright. A tall devastatingly handsome species on two legs, that Emma had ever laid eyes upon. And he was a billionaire too, who knows his way around a woman's body. Clayton Hale. It so happens, that Clayton's best friend Zachary had promised him a whore for the night. So when he finds Emma spread on his bed, dressed in just a lingerie and with a mouth gag in place...

Emma's POV

“Come on, babe!”

My boyfriend of three months, Derrick Parker, exclaimed, dragging me cheerfully through the foyer of a high-end restaurant. “Are we eating here?” I asked, excitedly keeping up with his fast strides. The clicking of my stilettos sounded annoying even to my own ears, but I didn't care because my boyfriend had promised me an unforgettable night. When he picked me up for our date earlier, he requested I dress in my finest. Now I am beginning to understand why.

“Patience, love.” He cooed, steering us to a smiley hostess. After giving her his name, she checked to confirm his reservation, before leading us to a booth by the corner of the room, set for two. My eyes darted around the dimly lit ravish restaurant in awe. I took in the serene atmosphere, feeling a little out of place. Everyone who is anyone in this city of ours can be found dining here. No wonder it has a lot of hype on social media, and justifiably so. Even judging by decor alone.

After taking our seats, the hostess introduced us to a waiter, who asked about our water preferences. I ordered chilled sparkling, no lemon, while Derrick preferred still room temperature. After filling our water glasses, the waiter handed us the menus with a promise, that he would be back shortly to take our orders. And true to his word, he approached us a few minutes later. Obviously, we had questions about the dishes, since we weren't familiar with their menu. He helped us pair dishes from the starter to dessert, and even wines.

“Want something else, babe?” Derrick asked with his eyes glued to the menu.

“I think I am good.” I shook my head, closing the menu and handed it back to our diligent waiter. I reached out for my glass of water and took a large sip.

“That will be all,” Derrick followed suit soon, and the waiter left to put in our orders.

Left alone, I took a deep breath of the mouthwatering aromas drifting from the nearby open kitchen. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly, making Derrick laugh.

“I take it you are happy, babe?” He questioned with a smug smirk. Of course, I was happy! And he knew it, too. I was about to retort the same when a thought occurred. He must have spent a fortune to get us a reservation. The restaurant is notoriously known for its expensive menu, though they do offer quality food. I felt stupid for not thinking about it before.

“What is it?” Derrick asked, noting the instant change in my demeanor. I was silent for a while, thinking of a way to bring up the issue without sounding ungrateful.

“How much did you pay for this?” I gestured around the private booth with a frown. Derrick was just a bartender, and I knew he didn't earn a lot to squander. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't contribute, since I am still in the university, earning barely anything serving coffee and pastries in my spare time.

He swallowed nervously with a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Just as I thought! His body language said it all. I know he has been trying to impress me of late, for he thinks that the only reason we haven't got intimate yet, is because he doesn't spoil me. Which I confidently say is not the case. As I have told him numerous times before, I am just trying to see how our relationship fares, at least for a few more months. We've barely got together, for crying out loud! And I am not planning on handing over my virginity on a silver platter, after holding back all these years. I have to be certain, that the man I first give myself to, is worth it. I have often heard, you don't forget your first, so I would rather it be someone I will have no regrets about. And I made that clear to him, the first time he began wooing me.

“I don't want you wasting your money on me, Derrick.” I scolded lightly. He stretched his hand and took my hand in his larger ones. He caressed my knuckles gently.

“I just want to make you happy, Emma.” He countered. “And as long as I see that smile on your face, I don't mind getting stuck eating instant noodles for the rest of the year.” He tried to joke.

“I am happy, babe,” I assured. “Even without all this.” I motioned at the extravagant table setting. I was a little peeved he thought so shallowly of me.

“I know,” Derrick whispered, lifting my hand to his lips and kissed my palm. After exchanging a few more meaningful words, we agreed to enjoy ourselves since it was already paid for, but he was not to repeat the same in the future unless we've both contributed.

"And so, you know, I would never let you survive on instant noodles alone.” I smirked after a brief silence. “I do know how to make a mean lasagna.” I bragged, and not subtly.

“Of course you do!” Derrick snorted, fighting back a laugh unsuccessfully. “It's the only thing you can cook, babe.” He laughed, reaching out to cup my face lovingly. “But I love you regardless.” He added sincerely.

“Are you making fun of me, Derrick Parker?" I growled mockingly.

"I wouldn't dare," he retorted with a smug grin. I grinned back.

As if that is the cue our waiter was waiting for, he appeared with our starter. We dug in, amidst light banter and he effectively kept clearing and bringing more without us feeling fawned over. It was hands down the most delicious food I have ever had.

“Mmh…” I moaned, dabbing the napkin over my lips and dropped it on the table, after clearing my plate. Derrick raised his head and smiled.

“This is really good, isn't it?” He asked, with an infectious smile.

“It's heavenly, babe,” I answered with a groan, feeling I had to empty my bladder soonest!

“Go,” Derrick urged, making me frown in embarrassment. How did he know?

“I know you, babe,” he blurted as if he had read my mind. “Go before you flood these expensive tiles.” He joked in regard to the impeccable white floor. I blushed, getting on my feet hastily and began glancing frantically for a lady's room sign. Once I sighted it, I walked, grinning like a nincompoop. I have a boyfriend who doesn't need words to decipher what I want!

There was a bit of a queue at the ladies' room and when I re-emerged, I found Derrick glancing at his watch anxiously. “There you are,” he relaxed visibly. “I was about to come to look for you.” He teased, making me chuckle delightfully. This man and his flattery will go far, I mused, taking a seat and held his expectant gaze.