
Let’s Read The Word

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Detective In Love

Detective In Love




Celine a very beautiful woman, who had go far in her career and have found it difficult to find love even her best friend Stan has tried to hook her up with a all lot of guys yet all to no avail. She is a detective and was at the peak of her career, she has received a lot of awards and she was more like a celebrity Carlos Montes the son of the former president who was involved in drugs had a motive of creating a drug port for easy importation and exportation of drugs and Celine was asked to bring him down by all means and also destroy every of his plan to take hard drugs to another level

Chapter 1

"OMG!!!" Celine screamed as she got down from her bed, she was almost late for work,she quickly rushed to the bathroom cursing Stan silently in her heart because it's one of those his numerous blind dates which he sets up for her that is almost causing her lateness today. Other times she doesn't spend much time but last night was different.

Stan stayed over because the guy involved happens to be an old friend of theirs,who went to England to study and was back in the country looking a lot different and to some girls maybe "hot??" and he has a furniture company over there,according to what he said.

Today was her first day of work after her vacation which was gifted to her by the government because of her outstanding attitude towards her job.

She is one of the best detectives in the country.

Celine quickly got dressed as the events of last night roamed through her mind. When she was done dressing, she left for work.

On her Way to work there was a little traffic making her curse Stan one more time.


On getting to the agency, she rushed towards her office when Stella, Mr. Jackson's secretary who is also her very good caught up with her.

"Hey Celine good morning" Stella greeted

"O hi Stella good morning" she replied

"I can see you are a bit late on your resumption day, looks like Stan really did a good job in keeping you out so when am I meeting this guy" Stella joked

"C'mon Stella you and I know that there is no guy" Celine said, rolling her eyes knowing fully well that she was talking about last night blind date that turned into a reunion.

"Anyways you will be giving me the full gist later"

"Whatevs ...... besides is Jackson in?"

"Yeah...oh and that reminds me he asked me to send for you I just heading to your office when I met you" she said

"Oh okay let me drop my things then I will go see him" Celine replied.

"Alright take care I have something to attend to we'll talk later" Stella says as she walks away

"No problems babe" Celine said and continues her journey towards her office.

She got to her office and quickly dropped her bag and went towards Jackson's office and knocked,

"Come in" a deep baritone voice came from the other side

"Good morning Mr Jackson" Celine greeted when she entered into the office.

Jackson and Celine were very good friends, but when they are in the office she addresses him officially as he was her boss.

"Yeah Good morning, Celine how are you doing today"

"Am fine sir"

"You sent for me" she said

"Yes I did"

"So are you ready for your first assignment since you are back from your vacation"Jackson said knowingly

"Yes sir, very ready" Celine with as much enthusiasm as she felt.

"Okay, great go to your office I will tell Stella to send the file to you and you go through it, if you have any questions then you can come over and I explain everything to you"

"Okay sir"she said and left the office

Through the telephone...

"Stella send Carlos Monetz file to Celine now" Jackson said

"Okay sir" Stella said and dropped the phone.


Stella is Jackson's secretary and also Celine's friend but Stella has always had eyes for Jackson but she is very good at hiding her feelings around him.

On the other hand Jackson likes Stella but doesn't know how to approach her cause he believes that she just sees him as a friend and nothing more

Jackson is twenty-nine years old,while Stella is the same age as Celine

Celine believes that they would make a good couple but since they were not ready to tell themselves the truth they should continue dieing silently. So she always thought.


After Stella received the message from Jackson,she quickly went over to the file shelf and brought out the file Mr Jackson gave her this morning and went towards Celine's office .

"Hey Celine" Stella greeted and entered into the office

"Oooo hi Stella"

"Jackson asked me to give you this" she said stretching the file out to Celine

"O yes he told me about it this morning" she said and collected the file

"So hows are things with you and Jackson cause am pretty sure you are literally dying to be in his arms" Celine teased with knowing smile

"Well the same as you know, I don't what is taking that idiot to just pop the damn question and all this drama and attraction from afar will end." stella whines

"Don't worry with time he'll come around"Celine assured strategically planning how to go about making Jackson pop the damn question to Stella

"And so now it's now Jackson not Mr Jackson " Celine teased again

"A'ww C'mon it because it's the two of us dummy" Stella said and Celine giggled

"Okay then if you say so"

"Yeah I said so; you can continue with what you are doing let me leave you to work"

"yeah We'll chat later"

"Okay I will come and call you for lunch"Stella said and left.


"Hey Celine it's time for lunch" Stella said as she peeped into Celine's office

"Oh really that's fast," Celine said rasing her head from the files she was working on.

"Don't tell me you don't know" Stella said entering into the office

"Well I have been kinda busy since you left me in the morning so I haven't even checked the time and speaking about lunch, please let's go cause am really famished I have not had anything to eat since today" she said and stood up from her sit.

"Okay then pack up,let's go and eat" Stella said

"Yeah am doing that already."


"so tell me how was yesterday's blind date"Stella asked chewing on the chicken alongside the pasta she ordered

"Well interesting and annoying at the same time cause it happens to be someone we are both familiar with"

"Really who"Stella asked wide eyed


"C'mon celine am not ready for that guessing shit just tell me already"Stella said

"Alright alright don't eat me raw well it's Dave" Celine said with a grin

"No way "Stella said

"yes way"

" You can't be serious"

"Of course I am would I joke with some like that..?"

"Woah .....So tell me how is he?, how does he look?,is he hot ??"

"Hey calm down, well he was looking good and..."

"Looking good just that " Stella said eyeing her

"Yeah what do you want me to say besides you didn't let me finish"

"Whatever" Stella said rolling her eyes "so what else"

"Well nothing much, just that he and Stan were catching up real good while I was just tagging along. He owns a company in England and was back to set up another here in America"

"Woah that's real progress so, is he in any relationship??" Stella asked, smacking her lips after taking a sip from the glass of orange drink she had ordered.

"Stella......" Celine drawded her name "He is not in any relationship if not Stan wouldn't have tried to hook him up with me. Besides I don't have any interest in him and don't tell me you are about to ditch Jackson for Dave"Celine said staring at Stella with a raised brow

"No way wouldn't do that,but if Jackson waste anymore time than what I bargained for, then I have no other choice"she said nonchalantly

"Well I trust Jackson will come around and as for Dave he asked about you"Celine said smacking lips.

"Really"Stella asked blinking her eyes with so much enthusiasm

"Yes Really" Celine answered already tired of Stella's drama

"So when am I gonna see him?"

"Don't know... when you are ready,I will give you his number besides I already gave him yours so you guys can do the rest yourselves."

"Oh thank you dear" she said in a British accent which made Celine to laugh cause it was kind of funny.

"You are highly welcome let's hurry up lunch break is almost over"

"Yeah that's true" Stella said as hurried up with her lunch.


"Hello Mum" Stan said as he picked up the call

"Hello son, how are you doing?" bianca

Mrs Robinson

asked from the other side of the phone

"Am fine mum and how are you and dad doing?"

"We are both fine, How is Celine? hope she is fine?"

"Yes mum she is fine and doing great. Her vacation ended yesterday so she resumed work today"he answered

"That's good she told me that her vacation was coming to an end when she visited."

"Oh I guess she fills you in as well."

"So has any guy been able to penetrate"

"No mum it's just as usual mum, I even set up a blind date for her and it turns out to be an old friend of ours back in high school"

"Wow that's nice .....So how does she find him"

"Mum you know Celine she wasn't moved by his looks, charming and kind attitude"

"Hm this is serious I'll try and talk to her .......anyways your father says he wants to see you this weekend and don't forget to come around with Celine."

"I'll try mum but am not promising"

"Well I have delivered your father's message"

"Whatever mum, I have a board meeting in the next forty five minutes. I will talk you later"

"Okay dear my regards to Celine and do take proper care of yourself"

"I will mum and you too"

"Okay baby love you..."

"Love you too mum" he said and the line went dead.

Stanley dropped his phone on his desk and quickly picked up the telephone on the desk and Called his secretary

"In my office now" he said and dropped the phone

A minute later there was a knock on the door

"Come in" Stan says as he sat up

"Sir you sent for me" Peggy Stan's Secretary says

"Yes I everything ready for the meeting?

"yes sir in fact some the managers and directors have arrived" she answered

"Oh that's good you can go, I will call you when I am ready to leave for the meeting

"Ok sir" she says and left the office.