
Let’s Read The Word

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I Care

I Care




A cruel king killed his wife after giving birth to a baby girl because she advised him to change his ways. Years later princess Jane became a beautiful lady unknown to her that her father had betrothed her to a prince. What happens when she fell in love with a poor man in her college? Will their love strife through the challenges ahead?

In a certain town named Bolin, there lived a king called Jasper. He was married to a beautiful woman named Joy. King Jasper was a very cruel king.

He turned the people ruled to slaves. The people were taxed heavily.

The king enriched himself with the taxes he collected from his people and soon became the wealthiest man in the country.

He became a force that everyone feared to offend even lawmakers were scared of him. His town was second to none, his soldiers were the best equipped with modern gardget ready for war at anytime.

The people cried I silence because they knew no one could help them out of their predicament.

They rarely have enough food to feed themselves and their families . It was a pathetic sight but they could not leave the town for fear that the king would haunt them and have them killed.

One sunny day, the elders of Bolin gathered themselves to discuss the situation and suggest possible solution.

After different suggestions, they came to a conclusion to send David the Head of security to the king's wife to relay the matter to her. Elder Gary the eldest man in the town called David and told him to meet the queen the next day and relay their sufferings to her and see if there would be any changes.

Although David showed his dissatisfaction with been the one to meet the queen, he agreed to go. The elder thanked him and left.

The next day, David went to the palace after making sure the king was out of the palace and requested to see the queen.

Joy was in her Chambers relaxing when one of the palace maids came to inform her she had a visitor. Joy was eight months pregnant, she normally took some time to get rest.

Joy gracefully came down to meet the visitor. David saw her and immediately prostrated to greet her. This was one of the rules made by the king. Everyone that sees the king or queen anywhere must prostrate to greet or talk to them. Otherwise they would be beheaded.

Joy told David to sit but he vehemently refused and told her he was okay. Joy was heartbroken when she heard him because she knew he was scared for his life. She asked him to state his purpose for coming to see her.

He eulogized her and told her to help them plead with the king to reduce the tax so that they would be able to fend for their family.

Joy agreed to have a talk with the king and plead with him to reduced the tax. David thanked her and left.

David went to elder Gary's house and told him all that transpired between him and the queen. Elder Gary thanked him for risking his life to go to the palace on behalf of the people.

David left elder Gary's house with hope that very soon things would change for the better. Little did he know that death was beckoning on him.

Later in the evening, the king came back from his kingly duty. After freshening up and having dinner, Joy told him that she wanted to discuss something urgently with him. Jasper urged her to go on. Joy wasted no time in relating the matter to him.

Jasper was very furious but he maintained a calm face with no emotions and asked Joy who came to relay the message to her. Joy was very happy thinking her husband was going to change because he did not flare up when she related the matter to him.

So she quickly told him that it was David the head of security. She told him how scared the poor man was when he was discussing with her. The king nodded his head to all she said still maintaining his calm face. King Jasper called one of his guards to fetch David. Immediately David was told that the king request his presence, his face became pale and his heartbeat accelerated that he could hear the rhthm of his heartbeat. He timidly followed the guard to the palace with his heart in his mouth.

King Jasper's countenance changed to a frown when David fell faced down at his feet. King Jasper roared with anger asking David who sent him to his wife but David remained silent.

Joy was surprised at the sudden outburst of the king so she tried to calm him down by putting a hand on his shoulder. But KingJasper jerked his body before her hand could touch him. He pointed his fingers at his wife accusingly saying that she had become one with his people to bring him down.

Joy suddenly realized that things were going out of hand so she quickly knelt down and pleaded with her husband King Jasper to pardon her. But the king showed no emotion as he called his guards to take Joy to the dungeon and await her judgement.

The cries and pleas of Joy fell on deaf ears. Joy could not believe that her husband King Jasper could put her in the dungeon with her eight months pregnancy.

Seeing what king Jasper did to his wife, David trembled viciously. KingJasper angrily turned to David and asked the guards to take him to the market square where he would be beaten to death with everyone in attendance. The guards dragged David to the market square and he was beaten mercilessly. David could hardly breathe, he was slowly dieing.

Elder Gary rushed to the market square as soon as he got the news but he could not do anything. All the people of the town watched the painful death of David but could not utter a word for fear of being the next.

Words got to Joy about how David died a painful death. In shock, she went in to a forced labour. She was in great agony. She felt like she caused the death of David, she could not forgive herself. Words got to king Jasper that his wife was in labor. He quickly rushed to her Chambers and met the nurses attending to her.

After hours of agonizing pains, Joy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. King Jasper looked at Joy with disgust and told her that traitors like her deserved nothing but death.

Before Joy could grab what KingJasper said, a sword was thrusted into her stomach without warning.

The nurses gasped at what happened but no one dared to say a word or make a move.

Joy's eyes turned glassy as she looked at the man she had love all her life who had become her murderer. She gasped and struggled to say ' I love you'. She breathe her last and gave up the ghost.

King Jasper took the baby and raised her up, he named her Jane.

King Jasper loved Jane immediately he held her in his hands. He vowed to take good care of her that she would become the envy of many.