
Let’s Read The Word

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The Kings Pet

The Kings Pet




"On the contrary, puppy, you're my pet, and if you disagree with that, I'll make sure you know that when I'm done with you, even if I have to break you." Relentlessly since Hayden has been compelled to marry King Everest, his life turns into a dark turn. With him being treated like a pet, he doesn't know how to handle it all. He knew all his weakness towards the point he could be easily manipulated. This wasn't the life he didn't want where he was being ruined mentally by his husband.

  The dimmed lights reflect on my figure as I take in myself in the shattered mirror. The cracked mirror somewhat shows my whole face as I lowered my frail hand into the cold water, splashing the dry blood that was painted on my left cheek. The scar was indeed noticeable, turning purple from not putting any ointment to clean it. I don’t know what happen; everything came as a blur as I try to think of how I got it. Knowing me, it was my father who took his anger on me as he always does. He has been stressing enough about finding a job to support his struggling family. Now that I’m thinking about it, the memory is gradually coming back to me. I remember Dad and Papa were fighting about something and Papa declared something that caused him to plunge him against the wall, gripping him by the throat. I couldn’t just let him do that, so I pushed him off him, and it caused a punch my way where his ring scraped my left cheek. I strike my head on the wall, and after that, I saw darkness. I woke up in my room, not recognizing how I got here. Luckily Hailey was asleep when everything had happened. I hate her seeing Dad like this because it scared her. Since numerous Gang types took over, the police were too scared to barely do anything about it since they were too powerful and dangerous. Thousands of them scattered across the United States, where they would start Gang Wars with each other. Innocent people were too frightened to come out there house without them running into them. Education wasn’t even a question anymore since children couldn’t attend school. Papa and I had to teach Hailey with every knowledge that we knew. Well, Papa loved teaching because it was his dream of being a teacher, but that dream faded since the outside world turned into World War 3. Dad blames the president and the government because they aren’t stopping all the Gang Wars happening everywhere. It was like they are terrified themselves since it was so many of them. Looking at the mirror one last time, I left the bathroom and into the living room where Papa was on the couch reading while Hailey was on the floor playing by herself. Papa looks up from his book, getting up from his seat. He clutches my face into his hands, slowly stroking the bruise on my face. I could tell he was accusing himself of Dad even putting his hands on me. He shouldn’t because he could have allegedly killed him. “I’m sorry, Hayden, that your Dad did this. I should have done something.” He says as emotional tears begin to scarcely form into his dull eyes, feeling guilty about what happened. I don’t want him to beat himself up

  . “It’s okay, Papa, I’m fine, and Dad could have really killed you when he was holding on to your neck like that,” I assured him, then frown at the terrible memory that was coming back. Papa merely shook his head then looks at me with a sorrowful smile. “I know it’s just he is stress about getting a job knowing no one can’t get one under these dangerous conditions.” I couldn’t stand here and allow him to defend him after the way he just treated him. This happened multiple times towards the point I’m terrified he could really do damage. “I know, but this happened almost every day, and I’m scared he is going to hurt you.” I stare at him with concern in my voice, knowing that he will do this again. “Hayden, this is how all relationships work. You have to connect. I know it seems unusual but trust me, I know what I’m doing, and you don’t have to worry about anything.” He gave me trusting eyes even if deep inside he knew this wasn’t the healthy relationship he wanted. Papa relies on Dad for everything since he is terrorized by being on his own. Dad allegedly takes advantage of his weakness, where he controls him like a little puppet. Brushing past him, I went to my room then close it behind me when I was completely in it. I walked over to my bed and lay down while laying my head on my pillow, just thinking about how I was going to make it out alive. There was something in the back of my mind wondering how I would leave and take my sister and my Papa with me. A worthier life for them without worrying about waking up with gunshots being fired nearby. They can go outside without a drive-by being occurred. Live a normal life, as I remember before all of this happened. My eyes felt droopy when I see darkness in my vision. °°° Papa sighs as he looks in the fridge with an anxious expression. I knew that expression, and it means that we had to go to the store to arrange some more food to be stock up again. We go out every month to secure food instead of going on a daily. Papa walks over to the cabinet to grab some money from the jar, but I halted him. I volunteer to do it every time because I don’t want him going out there. He tells me that he can go, but I assisted. I know shortcuts to get to the supermarket without running into anyone.

  For a long time, Papa stares at me, debating if he should allow me to go or not. He knows we needed food, and Dad is out somewhere but somehow returns home without getting harm. He sighs profoundly then handed me the money with regrets in his eyes. “You know what to do, Hayden. You get everything on the list, then return home without looking back, and do not stop under no circumstances.” He notified me, and I nodded, taking the money from his hand. Papa leans over to kiss my forehead, and I walk towards the door. Hailey runs towards me. “Where are you going, Hayden?” She inquires me with dilated eyes as I was about to open the door to the outside world. “I got to go somewhere for Papa. I’ll be back before you know it.” I informed her, and she nodded in understanding. I kiss her forehead and begin to walk out the door. Slight shivers ran down my body as I close the door behind me. It was breezy as fog swirled into the air as the gloomy skies were formed. I inhale the semi-toxic air as I begin walking down the creaky porch steps. I embark on my journey to the grocery store. I walk on the sidewalk with my feet striking a rock with every step I took. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I look down at the ground as I continue walking. It was quiet although I can overhear something from a distance, it wasn’t where I was going anyways. I turn to an empty alleyway that leads me towards my location. No one really goes this way, so it was safe for me to take. I felt like someone was behind me, but I was horribly scared of turning around. I continue walking without looking back. I don’t know if I was paranoid, but I felt ragged breathing on the side of my neck that made me shudder a little bit. I sighed in relief when I made it without running into anyone. The parking lot was empty as I walk up to the door. An older man walks out of the store before opening myself, making me walk in after he walks out. The cold environment greets me as I walked farther into the store. The lights were lowered and flickery as I expected the stuff I was supposed to be looking for. I started walking down the aisles to grab everything that was on the list. Something captured my eyes as I was looking up at something. The black and white TV shows what looked like some Royalty Coronation by how he had kneeled to be crowned. I didn’t even know we had a King because I thought it was just a fantasy. I look down at the tiny subtitles to read what it said. King Everest Vogal is now searching for his Queen Shaking my head, I obtained the item then walked away from the TV. When I got all the personal items on my list, I walk up to the counter to check out. Andy gives me a heartful smile as she scans the items. Andy is a courageous woman for even working up here, even if it’s hazardous. She told me that it really didn’t bother her since she knew that a lot of families are out there still willing to come here to buy food for their families. Not many people come here anyway. “You heard that Prince Everest is now King. He’s looking for his Queen all over the world.” She briefed me as she places my items in the bag. “I didn’t even know we had King. I always thought it was just a fantasy. Why is he looking all over the world instead of searching into his own country?” I ask as I assisted her bag my items. “Kingra Laoslanasa is a very well-known place, but you wouldn’t know about that since you don’t pay attention to anything.” She teases but then continues. “There’s a law up there that when you seize the throne of becoming King, you have to search your Queen from all over the world. I heard that you had forcefully married him.” That’s rather unfair for them to make someone married a man that they don’t know. I’m glad that I’m a male, so I don’t have to go through that, and Hailey is only 11. “How do they choose?” I ask in intrigued by all of this. “Well, I don’t know how they choose, but I heard that he’s sick in the head. He killed his own mother, but they cover it up for him. It would look bad on him.” She told me, and I shook my head in disbelief. Why would he kill his own mother? That man needs to be rotten in prison and shouldn’t represent his country if he did something like that. The father is sicker for even passing the throne to his son, knowing he did something so cruel. His people are blind for even bowing down to this person they look up to, knowing they are looking up to a murder. “Wow, that’s kind of messed up, and they haven’t even locked him up for the crime he committed? And I thought we were terrible.” I gathered the bags from the counter and paid Andy. She gave me a discount just for being generous. “Well, that’s how the world works, not everywhere its a happy place where you can run away to. Everywhere you go, there’s something twisted about that place.” Andy told me, and I took in her words as guidance. Andy told me to be safe when I’m walking home before I fled the store. While I was walking out of the store, there was a car park in the parking lot. My body was tense as it was merely sitting there with the windows tinted. I couldn’t see who was within there. I swallow a nervously big lump in my throat as I walk aimlessly out the parking lot without making any eye contact with the suspicious vehicle. Speeding walking, I try to get out of here with all these bags I was carrying. I was grateful it didn’t move at all, but something about it didn’t fit with me too well by the way it magically was there. It sent me a bad feeling, but I pushed it aside by the only thing on my mind was returning home.