
Let’s Read The Word

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This story revolves around a girl, Anita..... she was haunted by her conscience after she lost her boyfriend Felix, to death. Anita felt it was here fault, the both of them had an argument before he died and that part was left to hunt her totally. Anita was going crazy, a nurse was assigned to her. The nurse wasn’t so good, she injected Anita with harmful substances that gave her Amnesia. During those process, Anita experienced some paranormal phenomena. Multiple times she switched up, Anita complained of seeing dead bodies but nobody listened to her in the confinement unit. Little did anyone know that The Nurse had other plans, her plan was to set Anita mindless, physically separating a soul from and inviting an external being to dwell.

Winter holidays were over, students began to flood the gates of Timberlake College. Most of them looked different, the holiday did a number on few. Anita wasn't far from the change, her short hair last summer has grown as though she was related to the princess Rapunzel.

"Miss Anita Mayfield, you looked so lost would you tell me the last thing I said" Mrs. Daphne asked

Anita had alot on her mind, she must being contemplating on couple of things and she zoned out during History class, no one would blame her, the class was quite boring.

"Hmmm" Mrs. Daphne exhaled

"Urmmm I'm sorry, it's been a terrible holiday season for me" Anita vindicated herself from Daphne's stares

"Well if there's anything you'd like to talk about, you can visit the student's Counselor" Mrs. Daphne advised.

"Thank you" Anita said as she sat down and flipped her book, took a pen and listened attentively this time.

It felt like ages but the class was over, all the students that lived on campus returned to their various rooms and the ones who lived outside campus boarded a bus or drove to were they all stayed.

Most people stayed back for after school activities, the choreography club, book club and drama club, maintained their after school activities.

Anita couldn't stay back for her singing practices, she said she had unfinished business.

She got to her room, her roommate Jane was already making magic with paint.

Jane Frederick is a talented artist, gifted with her hands just as Anita was gifted with her vocals.

"You look like you saw a dead body" Jane said when Anita closed the door.

"Tell me about it" Anita rolled her eyes.

"You look different yourself, the whole room feels......different" Anita said.

Jane adjusted her position and chuckled

"Are you hiding something?" Anita asked in a mild tone.

Jane mimed a zipping sign across her lip and shook her head negatively

Anita looking perplexed still wasn't sure what was going on.

"Hey babe..."

Anita turned in the direction of the voice and it was Felix, her boyfriend....he had a bouquet of daisy flowers just as she likes.

"Hi...." Anita gave a cold response to him. Even though she was startled by his presence.

Jane felt the mood in the air and gave them space,

"Use condoms" Jane whispered to the both of them and Felix laughed at it.

The room became quiet when Jane left, Anita avoided Felix's stares

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Felix asked

Anita kept mute, with her arms crossed

" to me" Felix urged her as he drew closer to her trying to reach for her palm.

"Don't.." Anita said as she moved back

Felix was surprised, after 12weeks of no eye contact, this is how Anita greeted him.

"At least take the gifts I bought you" Felix said

"Felix...." Anita called.

"I'm right here babe" He responded with an innocent tone.

This time he got closer to her,

"Look how pretty they are, just like you" Felix said as he showed her the flowers.

"I don't want this relationship anymore" Anita spilled

The smile Felix had on his face slowly curved down.

"I've thought this through and my decision is final" Anita said sternly

"You can't do that to me Anita" the sadness in his tone was heard.

"What do you've thought this through?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Felix, I don't want this ........ relationship, this whole thing we've got right here is over" Anita said it again

Felix hands felt weak, the flowers he held fell to the ground.

"Anita please I'm sorry" he begged

Anita moved away from him and looked in an opposite direction, her heart wasn't hardened completely, she saw the love of her life break down in tears.

"It's all on me, I could fix myself, I could change.....we'd go out everyday...." He was interrupted by Anita

"No... no Felix, it's none of that" Anita said

"I could do anything, I can't lose you babe" he held on to her, tears blessed his cheeks.

This time Anita could see his eyes, the confusion, he had in them.

"It's over between us Felix" she said the final time before she removed his hands from her shoulder

Felix couldn't bare it anymore, he had a panic attack, his asthma started acting up. He cringed on to his chest, he kept grasping for air, his legs grew weak too, he fell to the ground....kept grasping for air.

Anita rushed to his aid

" not again" Anita cried

She rummage through his pockets for his inhaler, seconds after she found it.

Shook it vigorously at intervals while giving him air.

"Breathe Felix" she urged as she continued the process.

Moments later he got himself, Anita laid on her back....tears filled her eyes, she held her hair and cried. Kept sobbing till she felt Felix hands on her laps.

"I'm sorry I put you through this" Felix muttered

"You can't keep doing this" she sniffs

"You can't keep using this illness as a reason to hold me back" Anita spoke.

Felix felt broken, the sentence to him seemed like she has wanted the break up all along. Felix felt cheated, little bit of anger was mixed up with the mood he was in.

Felix didn't want to feel weak anymore, he picked himself and headed for the door.

"Good bye Nita......I will never stop loving you, even if the world comes crashing down, I will never give up on the love I have for you" Felix said while standing at the door.

He turned and looked at Anita, she faced the opposite direction as she laid on the ground.

Felix opened the door and left.

"Oh God....!" Anita let an outburst of emotions, she felt like the worst of the worse.