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A Kiss For You

A Kiss For You

Author:author ray


Realistic Urban

It's a story of a young boy whose parents where murdered in front of him. He escaped death he grown up to be a serial killer he later seek revenge and hunt down his parents killer during his revenge hhe fall in love with a girl named Bella

A Kiss For You


[My parents killer]



Written by author Raymond and Ikechukwu Henry.





. >>writers narration >>



How do you feel when you can't do anything to save some one you love from dying.


Have you ever feel helpless in a situation where you can't do anything to save your parents that's him Ryan walter, a young teen whom watched his parents being killed in cold blood by unknown assassin gangs.



Inside the spacious sitting room sitted three figure watching news on the big plasma TV plaster on the wall.


The the sitting room were beautifully flourish and designed to look attractive in sight, a glassy table with flower vase on it stand trim in their front.


Pictures of the family hung beside the plasma TV that put more beauty in a gorgeous way.



A bang interrupted them, they glance at each other in frighten wondering what causes that in the early night.


"Honey, take Ryan inside let me check the causes "the young man in his late thirties obvious the father of the seven years old child as his beautiful wife obey him.


. Mr Walter quietly and steady walked to the door post, he looked back to be sure his wife and child were inside before he open the door after the second bang that made him flinched silently.



A hand shoved him backward the moment the door was opened to revealed three deadly mask men that cock their riffles on him immediately.


"Please don't kill me, i can give money if you want, please don't kill me "he begged going to his knee instantly with his two hands together in a pleading form.


. "Haha!!, money, we haven't started you already pleading for your life "one of them mocked motion for him to lay flat on the marble tile floor.



"Scorpion King, let be done with this operation ASAP "a hulky figure among them speaked borely seems uninteresting with the whole things.


"Yet flying monster, we will be done now "scorpion King replied facing Mr Walter with his riffle.


"Good bye Mr Walter, greet the devil for me "he was about to shoot when a shout interrupt him.



"No!!, please don't kill my husband, kill me instead "Mrs Walter pleaded walking downstairs in hasten with a teary eyes.


"Alright you asked for it "he shoot her on the spot directly to her forhead.


"No!! Lydia!! "Mr Walter shouted running towards his already dead wife but a triple shot land on his back as he staggered forward landing on top of his wife.


. flying monster walked towards them and show them a sign in a mockery way.

. "remember the sign when you reach "he laugh dryly and kick his ass softly.



"Let search for the child now "they searched every corner but couldn't see the seven years old child, they walk out in anger.


Early dawn, a black nissa rogue were in high speed in a the silent road with blasting music coming from the stereo system of the car, inside the car were five men and female singing on top of their voice while driving toward their destination.


. one of them sight a child that cuddle himself beside the road thus sleeping while shaking due to early morning cold, they enlighten from the car and walk towards the child.



"It a child, what it he doing outside in this coldly weather "the female one exclaimed checking out the child pulses weather he's alive or not.


"Oh what a world, let take him with us, it cold "they agreed and carry the shivering child inside the car.


"Are you sure boss would be angry with us carrying a child to the mansion "one of them asked after they drove off from the spot.


. "we have to help the child, maybe we train him to become one of us "

"A cold heart assassin "they nodded in agreement speeding off.




to be continue..