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Crack In The Wall

Crack In The Wall

Author:Essay Writes



 CRACK IN THE WALL                       (string of love broken )                                    PROLOGUE   Meet Lily Hared A young promising lady full of ambitions and goals Meet Richard Sherman   A young man who is the lover of Lily .They met in the university.    After going through a lot while dating,they got married and living peacefully not until Richard past sprouts up and the wall got cracked.       Extract from the book: "Dad I have no intentions of hiding anything from you .I thought it was a personal stuff." "if you say so." dad interrupted. "Dad am sorry for not telling you." I said pouting, he looked at me and smiled and opened his arms for a hug, I got nearer to him and hugged him tightly. "I am not angry Lily I am just surprised that you kept it away from us." "I am sorry dad." I replied. "You are forgiven daughter." "What about me are you not going to hug me also?" mum asked she had been watching us with kneen interest.  I hugged her tight and she began to suffocate with her hands shaking....


                 My name is Lily Hared ,I am 25

I met Richard Sherman in the university,I love him so much and he loves me too.l love being independent and I love being independent.

            My background is very awful but all thanks to God now. My parents are aware of my relationship with Richard but I don't know his family he always divert the topic whenever I bring it up. Richard is really rich while my family is neither rich nor poor. I am the only child of my parents so I am so pampered not spoilt.

       I studied LAW in the university and I am still yet to be called to the bar,not that my grades are not good but I want to stand on my on feet.

 I have graduated up to a year now and Richard believes I should be ready for marriage but I know my reasons. I woke up really late today and I am going to meet Richard today,he said that there is something important to talk about and I would be leaving in the afternoon.

 As I had my bath I slept back again when I was feeling sleepy. I woke up around 12 pm and I got dressed to meet Richard.

  I walked out of the house when I saw no-one. I took a cab and went to his office .

  As soon as the receptionist saw me she made a call to him and Ushered in.

I met him sitting in his chair,he raised his head up and when he saw me he stood up coming towards me to hug him then he sat on his table facing me. 

I sat on an empty chair facing him waiting for him to talk .He asked me about my welfare first and I answered him well. He noticed my curiousity and he cleared his throat before talking.

                    Richard Pov

   I wasn't expecting her to come so soon but am happy to see her now. I stood up immediately and went to hug her,before sitting on the table. 

She sat down in the chair facing me after talking for a while I noticed she was too eager to know what I want to talk to her about. 

I cleared my throat before talking 

    "Listen Lilly,we have been dating for almost three years and we are yet to get married,am not getting any younger but older,Please baby let's get married"I cried out 

 "I am not yet ready,I want to be on my own first before anything else you know" Lily said 

" There is money,you can have everything you want I would provide all your needs and wants at any expense. Lets get married please darling" I said again more like a begging.

 "Do you want a liability wife,do you want a woman that can't support and help you

 in any aspect"she queried 

 "I wish not to have one" I replied sharply 

"Then be patient,few more time and we will be good to go. Don't worry everything is going to be okay"she assured me with a smiley face I always love.

  "Okay I will wait but promise me you will            

not leave me" I said with a quizzical look 

"I promise darling" she replied. 

  "I love you so much that I can't afford to lose you,you know"I said looking at her lovingly.

"I know Richie and I love you so much than what you can imagine"she said to me 

                    Lily Pov


Richard took my hands and placed it on his face,he stared deep into my eyes and his green hales eyes shone brightly into mine. 

The atmosphere was getting tensed and as his lips crushed on mine. I gave in freely as I couldn't fight for dominance,he encircled my waist and pressed his lips harder on mine biting me.

    I departed with Richard when I was getting uncomfortable with the kiss,I rarely kiss him. I am not ready for marriage but Richard is pushing me. 

I think I need to see a counsellor. I want to be on my own but the counsellor would probably want to advise me to get married early .

      It's not that I don't love Richard or I don't want to get married,the problem is that I want to stand in my own feet before anything else. I don't want to be depending on him for source of income when we get married.

     I stood up and picked my phone from the dressing table I had previously dropped it. I dialed Jennifer number so as to ask for her counsellor,she is a trusted friend of mine she is about to wed in a month time.

She also has been pestering me to get married but I refused. The phone rang and I discussed briefly with her,she gave me her counsellor information and after talking about some stuff I hung up.

    I called the number of the counsellor and I was given an appointment the next day. So soon if it were others the appointment may take weeks. l kind of like the counselor,the day went by and I retired to bed at night .

  Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz  

  The alarm woke me up and I sluggishly stood up from the bed .I went to the bathroom and had my bath .

    I wore a red velvet draped gown with a gold heel to match my purse. l don't really like fashion the way most ladies do,so I applied some powder and lip gloss. By 7:am I was ready .

  I moved downstairs for breakfast and I met my parents seated down also .l greeted them and settled down to eat. After I was through ,I got up and sat down on the sofa in the living room. 

Mum and Dad didn't bother to ask me where I was going,I was already contemplating on the answer I would give them if I was asked. So thanks to God that I wasn't asked.

   When I was about leaving mum called me back 

"dear Lily please be careful and make sure you are back on time" My mum said 

"Yes mum I would" I said 

 "Well I and your father wants to talk to you about something ,we had thought we would tell you this morning but seeing that you are going somewhere so we will tell you when you are back" 

 "Can't you tell me "I asked 

"Well I and your dad wants to tell you not only me"she rolled her eyes

" Ok bye mum"

"Bye little cutie"mum replied kissing me on the forehead.

   As soon as I left home I hailed a cab I didn't want to go out with dad's car I  gave the driver the address. I plugged in my ear buds and listened to some song's,I don't really love one particular person in music but when the music is meaningful  I get to love the musician.

 I was there in about thirty minutes , I paid the driver and I went into the premises. The counselor office was near a shopping mall and I wondered why she chose this kind of location for her business ;it's kind of too noisy for me.

   I stepped into the reception and told the receptionist about my appointment. I sat down on a chair next to the receptionist and after few minutes I was ushered in.

     "Good morning a middle aged woman welcomed me ;have your seat"

 "Thanks" I replied and sat down . I checked the office and it was really really neat, a portrait  of her hung on the wall above her head and the flowers were neatly arranged on the table.

 Files were piled up on the table and in all the shelves, What does a counsellor needs  files for,only God knows...

 Everywhere was neat and tidy.

  "Are you done checking my office out"she asked with a smile revealing her dimples 

"I am sorry ma'am"

"That's not a problem , anyways my name is Dorathy Jake and yours"

"Lily Harden "I replied

   After listening to my plight she spoke up

 "I want to ask some questions and I would love if you can answer me frankly"

"Go on ma'am"I said getting nervous and she sensed that I was nervous

"Well don't get nervous cause if you do you won't answer me frankly "

   I nodded

 "So are you ready "

"Yes I am"

"How many year old are you"

"Am 25"

"Wow you look like a 18 year old girl you know ,you look beautiful and young"

My cheeks turned pink at those words

"Thanks for the compliment "

 "Good do you really love your spouse"

"Yes I really really do " emphasising on the do

"Ok why don't you want to get married"

"Because I want to be independent before marriage"

She looked at me in disbelief

"Is that the reason or any other reasons"

"Well that's the only reason"

" If that's the only reason then must be something great attached to that reason of yours"

 "Well that's a long story "I said 

"Would you like to share it with me"she asked looking at me for a positive response

"If you want to know Mrs Dorathy"

"Ok am all ears"
