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The Alpha's Forbidden Mate

The Alpha's Forbidden Mate

Author:Eleh Victor



Most wolves grow up to find their destined mates while others never find theirs. Alpha Ryan was one of the unlucky ones that never found theirs after their first shift. He was starting to lose hope and about to accept the horrible fate of being unmated when he met a forbidden creature who was by all indications his destined mate. Chloe was broken when her mom announced that they would be moving to a small Forest town in Colorado in her senior year. She was everybody's favorite girl, with her long brunette hair, and well-built body, everyone wanted her but no one could have her but him. What will happen when they meet? How is she expected to adapt to this new strange world? Will Alpha Alex, Ryan's father leader of the strongest pack, feared by many due to his lack of emotions, ruthlessness, and hatred for humans as his pack laws forbid them, allow his son to accept and bring a human into his pack as a mate?

~Alpha Ryan~

"Fuck," I growled as I walked out of the Crescent pack.

This had been the sixth pack I'd been to in the last month in search of my mate. I was starting to believe that I would never find my mate. This was the fourth year since my first shift and I wanted nothing but to have my mate by my side where she belonged. My mind instantly finds the girl of my dream, not like I know what she looks like, I imagined a figure as she cares for me and my pack, leading beside me as their Luna. I don't want to make assumptions about her appearance, if I even find her, she's most likely dead.

My wolf growls at the thought, and I understand it, I feel the cosmic pain of accepting those words but it's true. Most wolves find their mates after their first shift, yet I have searched my pack and the neighboring packs all to no avail, I soaked my pillow with tears on the night of my birthday, how could the moon goddess forget about me this way, I never gave up until recently, the more I stay Mateless, the more I lose focus, the angrier I become, the more control my wolf gains, if my wolf gains full control, all chaos will break loose. And I don't want to be like my father, to be honest.

I just want someone who will be there for me, putting me in place when I derail, someone who will chuckle as I bury my face into the crook of her neck as I lightly play with her skin, whose smile will ease my stress after a long stressful day. I just want my mate.

"How did it go?" My mom asks, snapping me out of my trance as I return to the pack house, her curly blonde hair, lies just beneath her shoulders, and the dimple on her right cheek just makes her look more beautiful despite her age.

She found her mate, my dad, as expected on her eighteenth birthday. It kills me to watch the two parade the pack house, holding each other. I am happy for them, I truly am, but all it does is awaken the monster inside of me.

"Same outcome," I said simply, walking away into the house. She could feel the pain in my voice.

A quiet howl of pain escapes my lips as I walk around my empty room, no one is here, I need to move on, my pack needs a future Luna, whether I like it or not, I'm going to find a replacement unless she eventually shows up, but I doubt she will, besides even if she does, who would love a beast like me?

I sigh as I bring out one of the cigarettes placed in my pocket to my lips and lit it. I blew the puff of smoke into the air as I turned on the music.


"Are you okay?" My mum asked as my body slumped deeper against the car seat as I stared out the window, awaiting the new life that was ahead of me.

"Yeah," I lied easily. But honestly, Colorado was the last place I wanted to be. I wanted to be back home in Chicago, and make the best out of my senior year as much as I could. But I had to remind myself that I was doing this for mum, she needs the change and the promotion. I just had to bear it for now.

Speaking of why mum needed the change, my dad passed away when I was only 14 and this made my mom go into depression. After hating the fact of always coming home to a house that holds too many memories of a person that would never walk through the front door, the empty cold bed that she had to sleep alone on always, she decided to move on and this promotion has helped her to achieve this.

As my mom swerved through the narrow road, I was left alone with my thoughts. I stared at the trees that relatively passed us at the same pace in the opposite direction, I could remember the face of my physics teacher the morning he taught us relative motion. I wondered how many trees one city can hold.

"We're almost there, sweetie," my mom said as she turned down the road to our new home.

My mom turned right and parked in the driveway of the place I suppose is the new home. I picked up the iPod that I had on me and came out of the car. Looking at the old rickety house, I felt a twinge of excitement that echoed within the ocean of depression I had been feeling lately.

The house was by no means new or luxurious but it was better and bigger than the one we had before. It was way bigger than what my mom and I needed. She told me I could pick any room of my choice which made me excited.

It was a four-bedroom house for just the two of us. I picked one of the biggest bedrooms, and it was the same size as the master room my mum chose. It had a walk-in closet. The wall of my bedroom was painted light yellow by the previous occupant and it had a small balcony that faces the forest. I guess it's the best room in the house.

I began to bring some of my luggage and unpack them for school tomorrow. I wasn't looking forward to a new school, especially in a small town like this where everyone already knew each other. I was going to be the new girl, I was beginning to get nervous. I know I wasn't very popular back home but I wasn't at the bottom of the food chain either. I had decent friends who I loved like family, and saying goodbye to them all of a sudden broke my heart.

I spent the rest of the night unpacking and only went downstairs to eat before my mum urged me to sleep, saying that I needed a sound sleep before my first day at school tomorrow.

"Goodnight, Chloe." My mom called out as she left my room.

"Good night too mom," I squealed, closing my bedroom door.

I turned off my bed lamp and lay on my bed, the thoughts of what my new school would look like; new faces, new locker, new teachers...filled my head shortly before I slept off.