
Let’s Read The Word

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2 Am I

2 Am I

Author:T.F. Gabbitas



This is a story of a forensic investigator whom arriving upon a crime scene becomes possessed. Being possessed enlightens him spiritually. Everything that had become calloused to in his life is soon revealed to him as he makes his descent into a hell for which is only one escape.

  Waking up to the incessant ringing of his phone from his homicide unit captain at 3:00 a.m Raymond Boyett, other wise known as Ray-B, scrambled for it before the damn thing rang again. He could visualize his wife rolling her eyes at him even in the dark. Grabbing his badge and gun, he laughed to himself as the forgotten screen door banged loudly against the frame eliciting a roar of curse words from his soon to be ex.

  The scene looked like something out of a Stephen King novel with puddles of blood wondering outside the crudely drawn chalk lines like a preschool coloring book with only a red crayon to color with.

  Ray-B shook his head vigorously as if by doing this he could dislodge the full moon from the sky and all the crazy shit that came along with it. They say death comes in threes. Looking down he wondered to himself what could cause the unnatural contortioned state of the three bodies void of the life that just an hour earlier were so full of personality.

  Turning to leave, Ray-B noticed a glint of what looked like a small crusifix sticking out of one of the bloody puddles. He carefully reached for an evidence bag and realized that in his haste he had forgotten them. "Oh what the hell." He murmured, scooping it up and shaking the stubborn blood from it. As soon as his fingers encircled it he heard a crackling sound, and felt a lightning bolt course through his body.

  As he regained consciousness he no longer felt in control of his body. It was as though his thoughts of movement didn't line up with how his body responded.

  "Who turned the damn lights out!" Ray-B yelled. He realized he couldn't even get a lungful of air because of the constriction of what seemed to be a coffin he found himself in. It was weird, he could hear his voice, hell weirder than that was hearing forgotten instances of the past.

  Suddenly a voice that only he could hear interrupted his Godless mind...

  "Don't worry your simple self, Ray-B, I'm only borrowing your body for a timeless minute!" "It looks like your pretty little wife has been lacking attention, and it's been so long since I've been with a human!" "Let me introduce myself mortal, my name is Legion. I follow in rank by none other than Lucifer himself!" This was followed by the haunting laughter of the demon.

  Ray-B struggled against the invisible bonds. Even as he did so a realization began pulling at his most intimate memories he and his wife shared.  He could hear his marriage vows echoing, tugging at his heart.

  Ray-B realized that if this evil existed so then did God. With each minute that fell he begged God for forgiveness and just one more chance. The demon inside of him fought his will over the power of his body. The demon told him that it and it alone killed the people who lay strown about.

  Ray-B was powerless as he watched a playback on what had taken place. The Demon told him that in no uncertain terms that by the time it was done with him, he would be the one being blamed from this moment forth.

  Ray-B quickly took over his mind and looked around for any evidence that would place him at the scene. Scanning the room he noticed that his flip phone had fallen from his pocket and lodged itself in the crook of one of the bloody victims lifeless bodies.

  Ray-B quickly gave over control back to the demon.

  "How crazy, I investigate murders and the demon unseen by anyone else destroys them." Ray-B thought to himself as he felt his soul being crudely jammed back into the coffin the demon locked him in. Everytime Ray-B had the chance he prayed.

  Suddenly a booming voice broke the invisible bonds holding him, falling away like a half popped balloon... "Demon be gone, in the holy name of Jesus Christ I command you!"

  And just like that, Ray-B awoke, finding himself vomiting the darkness of unbelief onto the thirsty pavement.