
Let’s Read The Word

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Sabi tells the story of two boys who set out for revenge on the man who violated their land and fired a weapon and must take revenge on the person who committed this crime. What will they find on their journey? find out when reading Sabi the tale of the young boys who now rule this world

This is the story of how I became the god of this place we call earth, It all started when I and yei set sail to find Sabi. The Sabi was a weapon that had roamed the earth for centuries. There is only one piece of evidence that showed the only man to hold this deadly weapon was Akako of the red mist, he was called that as he left a trail of red mist where ever he went. He held this weapon high above his head. Now, this is where the real king of the world steps in. Yor and Yei were both 14 Yor was an incredibly smart child for his age. Yei was very different he struggled in school and he only wanted to be king of the world as Yor just wanted to be happy. Thursday 15th October 2207 a gang of bandits had stormed the school, you might be surprised like this in 2207 but after 2078 happened the world went back to the bronze age as all of the technology had been destroyed by an unknown cause along with all of the ways to rebuild it we had to go back to the bronze age and people had created boats to sail to rebuild the world as it uses to be. But the majority of people never stuck to that moral and started crews of bandits and attacked areas of land. Where I lived weqarth was an ancient, holy place that the people who lived there were holy and were sacred, as Akako fought in the holy war of Weqarth where he struck down the king of the world with the Sabi and became the new King of the World.As the bandits kicked down the door and stole all of our belongings and started to burn down the building. I saw Yei pull out a small blade from the waistband as I quickly grabbed his hand I turned to him and said"let me do it please let me do it" Yei was enraged. As I was managed to get Yei to calm down I asked him why was he so enraged about this, he told me that he knew that man he was called Sif and sif attacked this land before and taken many people's lives including my mothers. At that moment in time, I realized that his goal wasn't to become of the world it was to kill Sif and get revenge on him. That night as I lay in my bed looking up to my celling I devoted my life to help Yei get revenged on Sif, I couldn't imagine the pain that Yei had to go through with having the man who cold-blooded murder his mother and attack the land where his mother blood was layed. I lay there as I was thinking ways to help him then it hit me I could use my brain I was the smartest in the village I knew that I had to help Yei. As soon as the sun had risen I got out of bed and went over to Yei who would be working out he was quite surprised that I was there as I told him that I want to help him get the revenge he put on this serious face and told me that It will take months just to build up the muscle and learn how to use weapons, I said we don't have time for that we can set sail now I have my brains you can be the strengths of this group and we will gather people and get revenge. He told me to stop being unrealistic, was I being unrealistic maybe I was, but for some reason, I told him I know we can get the Sabi it won't be that hard, he still wasn't convinced. After I time I managed to convince him to come on board as he wanted to get revenge on Sif. As I headed to the town hall to tell them that I and Yei were setting sail to travel the world, he was overjoyed that we wanted to experience the world and not just stay in the stay in this village my whole life as he told us that a boat will be prepared for us we headed back to go pack our things. As I leave my cabin I look over my shoulder to see Yei with a bag ten times as big as mine, I brought food and water with matches and old bottles so we can drink and eat I take it that he brought weapons and clothes as I knew how to make them out of natural resources I didn't bring any. Me and Yei head down to the shore where we would be setting off for the first time the whole village was there waiting to send us off we placed our bags on the boat, many people wished luck and some people even offered to come with us we both declined. As the mayor pushed our boat off the shore, we started to drift away as people were waving to us joy filled my heart knowing that people cared for us.