
Let’s Read The Word

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Captive Passion

Captive Passion

Author:Mahalia Bailey



Elizabeth, born of Goddess Decent and cast out of the realms at birth for her own safety, holds within her the answer to her people's salvation. Being raised among humans Elizabeth is caught off guard when she encounters beings from her home realm that want her dead. Sheriff James Burns, Alpha of the wolf spring pack, knew the moment he saw Elizabeth that she was different and not only because his wolf claims her as his mate. Elizabeth quickly becomes a nuisance when the serial killer James has been hunting targets her and fairies start showing up in his small-town causing chaos. Will he stand by her and accept the mate bond despite the danger she brings to his people and help her save her people or will he send her away? Either way Elizabeth must accept who she is becoming and fulfil the dangerous prophecy that's speaks of the Sun Goddesses descendant who will bring "New Fire," to the realms and ascend upon the Royal thrown.

“Your Majesty!” rushing into the ball room a servant addresses the King urgently. “Your Majesty, please hurry.” The servant huffed out as if he couldn’t get air into his lungs. He had run all the way across the palace from the King and Queens personal chambers. “It’s the Queen, she is in labor.” The servant looked up at the king as he spoke and his body heaving trying to bring in more much needed air.

Upon hearing the mention of the Queen, the King was rushing from the ball room toward their chambers the poor servant following behind. The King has been looking forward to the birth of his child for nine long months. It was the beginning of the Spring Equinox, so everyone was busy celebrating Ostara. The birth of their child on this day would be a blessing from the Gods.

“My love.” The king called entering the bedroom abruptly. The sounds of her scream had him rushing to her side to take her into his arms. The healer was already present talking the queen through her labor pains.

“My Queen you are ready.” The healer coaxed. The king focused on his wife. He used his Fae energy to take some of her pain onto himself. Within minutes of pushing and coaxing they welcomed a new Fae girl into the realm.

“My king we have a beautiful baby girl.” The Queen lifted their child up to the king so he could take her tiny frame into his large, muscled arms. She was perfect.

“A child born from a direct descendant of the Goddess Aine on the Spring Equinox...” The healer murmured to herself as if just realizing something amazing and terrible all at the same time.

“Not now Lexi.” The Queen scolded the healer. They have been friends for centuries, but this is one secret the Queen had yet to tell the King about. She just didn’t see a reason in ruining this moment for him.

Back when the Queen was a child her mother told her of the prophesy of the “New Fire.” For the Fae real the child that would bring the “New Fire” to life would be born of a Fae Queen who was descendent of the Sun Goddess. Aine was that, Queen.

Later that night the Queen was holding her daughter. She was beautiful, long tuffs of red hair, deep emerald eyes, and glowing aurora. Tears streamed down the Queens face because she had a vision months ago and knew what was coming. In this case who was coming. She had yet to tell her husband of the prophecy. Aine was putting it off knowing her husband was a strong proud man and would do anything to protect his family and his people. It would only be days before the Prince of Gorias heard of the birth of the “New Fire Child” and come running to retch her for his collection.

Prince Leo was an evil Elf who has been searching the realms for anything to make him more powerful. Aine new her child was the most powerful Fae to grace the realms since the Goddess herself was among them.

“I vow to save you, my child.” Aine whispered against her child’s Rosey cheeks. Her heart tightened and Aine wasn’t sure she was going to survive this. Sacrifice was necessary to give her child a chance to save their people. Since the Goddess returned to the heavens the realm has slowly begun dying because of Elves like Leo who have drained the realms of all its energy in a attempt to make himself stronger.

On the Spring Equinox when the moon is waxing and square with the moon the child of the Sun Goddess will bare to the realm a child born of both darkness and light who will be named the New Fire and bring forth great prosperity liberation and unyielding power to the realms by creating a union between a child of the moon together with the child of the sun.

“My love is there something troubling you?” The Queen looks up in time to watch her husband walk across their chambers to sit next to her and their newborn child. Time was up and the Queen knew there would be no more chances to explain to her loving King.

“My King,” She sighed looking away in guilt. This was harder than she had ever imagined. “Years ago, when I was a child, I was told of a prophecy.” The King took her hand in his to give her his strength to continue. “I would bare a child to the realm that would be named New Fire and bring power and peace to the realms. This child would be the descendent of the Goddess and carry within her the Fire of the Sun Goddess. She would create a union with a child of the moon and rule over all realms before ascending unto the heavens.” She spouted it off as quickly as possible. She had heard it so many times it just rolled out of her mouth.

She watched as different emotions played out over her husband’s face dreading the anger and hurt that would eventually settle there. “How?” The King stood up and paced away from the bed. “How could you keep this from me?” His anger was like a dagger into the Queens heart.

Fresh tears dripped from the Queens eyes. “Please understand. I was never sure it was real. I never thought it would be our child. I didn’t want to worry with such a fear if there was no cause to do so.” She pleaded with him.

“Aine,” the King look tormented. He knew there was more. This alone would be a blessing to the realm there was more to this to make his wife so unsettled about their child’s future. He walked back over to the bed. He knew that others would know about this prophecy, and some might see it as a chance to grab at the throne. Some would use their child to back their own evil motives.

“Yes, there is more.” Aine said knowing her husband was no fool and would have figured out there was something unsaid. “I had a premonition of Prince Leo coming to our palace demanding a union between him and our child upon the threat of war.” The King threw a chair across the chambers. It splintered as it crashed against the stone wall.

They both knew this meant they would either go to war, which their realm would not survive right now, or the child would have to disappear. To save the future of all the realms the child would have to be hidden even from them.

That night they both cried and held their newborn baby girl knowing it would be the first and last night they would ever get to hold her.

The next morning the Queen and King were somber. Not a word had been said all night. A piece of their hearts was about to be stolen from them. Their happy family was going to be ripped apart, but sacrifice was necessary in this case, and they would have to spend eternity coming to terms with that. They both knew that at some point their daughter would be back.

She would return and that was the only thread of hope that kept them moving forward. To prepare her for her future struggles the Queen placed a telepathic vision upon her memory so she would know of the prophecy and know of their world as she grows up. She would know who she is. The King gifted his daughter with the sword of Lugh. It was once wielded by the sun God Lugh. It was only fitting that it would now be in his daughter’s possession. The sword was considered the “invisible sword” because it could be hidden in plain sight. In this case it would be hidden as a bracelet which was placed on his daughter’s wrist.

“Your Majesty we must leave now. The prince has gotten word of the Princess. He will be here within the hour.” Lexi the healer and lifelong friend of his wife whispered softly from their chamber entrance.

They gave their daughter one last kiss and watched as Lexi left to hide their daughter somewhere no one would ever be able to find. No one would know of her location except for Lexi who has sacrificed ever returning to the Fae realm for the sake of their daughter.

Knowing Lexi would be watching over their daughter was little solace but did bring them a small piece of hope.

Right on que Prince Leo was announced at the Palace entrance by the guards. He was guided to the King’s offices. The Queen was present as well.

“King Nuada,” The Prince bowed a polite greeting to them, but they both knew he was anything but polite. Prince Leo wasn’t known for kindness.

“Prince Leo, what do we owe for this surprise visit?” The King addressed him calmly not giving any emotions away.

“I came to congratulate the kingdom on its new addition.” The prince smiled smugly at the King and Queen, but it swiftly flattened once observing the King and Queens somber tear-streaked expressions.

“Unfortunately, the young Princess did not survive.” The Kings voice broke as emotions began breaking through. The pain was becoming more real. “The Queen and I would appreciate your sympathy in this time of hardship.”

The prince gasped but looked to be angrier than concerned. “Of course, your Majesty. Please accept my apologies for being so unsympathetic to your plight.” The King nodded and dismissed the Prince from the Palace.