
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Worthwhile Novel



?‍♀️ CELINE Prologue Celine was a beautiful lady with a promising future,she was the only child of her mother She lost her mother during her birth, it was a tragedy to her father.celine never lack anything even though she didn't have a mother again but her step mother is always there for her Mrs Steve, Celine step mother has been a loving,caring mother to Celine and she is celine mother bossom friend when she was alive Something happens when celine clock 12yrs old that cause her life setback What could have happen when she clock 12 yrs?why would Celine father marry her late wife bossom friend? This story is full of secret,you wouldn't want to miss it

Chapter 1

Am always grateful to the day I met your wifey, you have been the most supportive and amazing helpmate a man could ever ask for

Thanks for being there for me always. Mr steve praise his wife

"you are fond of flattery MR STEVE" the wife replied

He hugs his wife

"Did you want me to stay back and cuddle you wifey"?

"I don't want to leave you all alone in the house"

"I told you am not alone,

my baby and I will be enjoying our self moreover Isabella will be coming over to keep my company"

"You don't have to worry, we are doing fine"

She peck her husband

He placed his ear on the wife protruding belly

"Can you hear the baby sound"? The wife asked

"Yes" the husband replied

"Am missing you and my baby already, I wish the meeting can postpone"

his phone rings

he picks the call

secretary: "good morning sir".

Mr steve: morning to you too

"hope you had a blissful bed rest"?

Secretary: "Yes sir" did you want me to come and pick you up sir?

Mr steve: "No, let meet at the airport, I should be there in the next 30mins"

he place his hand at his wife protruding belly

the call ends

"My workaholic secretary, wifey promise me you will not stress yourself"

"Hubby" she holds her husband hand

"I will be fine" am going to miss you

"Don't spend more than three days? if possible reduce it

she smirked

"I will be calling you every 3hrs to check on you and my baby girl

"How did you know is a baby girl"?the wife asked.

Mr steve earnest desire is for the baby to be a girl

"I want a baby girl like you, every woman in the world should be like you for the world to be at Peace"

Mr steve answered

And every man on Earth should be like my best soul on the planet Earth the wife replied

The husband place different types of kisses on the face of the wife

The wife has to withdraw herself from him not to delay his journey...

He has called the cabman to come and drop him at the airport even though his wife wanted to drop him at the airport.

The caring husband hates to stress his wife, he rejected her offer and use a cab instead.

Mr steve family has been a happy family without any issues

The husband is doing fine as the C . E.O of OREB'S VENTURES, he's the second son of his father

His father has two wives, Mr steve is the only son of his mother

The mother was the first wife of the family, due to the delay in conception and pressure from his family, the father has to get married to another woman who gave him his first son


The death of steve's father was sudden, nobody expected his death even though he has been battling with a terminal sickness, he made his second son steve the C.E.O of the family business as respect and a sign of love towards his first wife.

Mrs steve came from a humble home, but she has been the most wonderful wife of every man wish, she met her husband during her schools days

Mrs... Steve has a best friend called Isabella, they have been best of friends since their High school days, Isabella love her friend dearly and love her family like his own, the doorbell of Mrs.. Steve gate ring,

the gateman opened the gate

"Welcome ma'am" the gateman greeted

"Thank you puppy"

She is always fond of calling the gateman puppy even though the gateman dislike the name

"You better accept your name if you want me to drop the gift I brought for you" she like cracking jokes

Many people told Isabella that her charm is her jokes, you cannot be dull anytime you are around her. she dropped the gift to the gateman.

And walked in calling "Mrs. Steve" Mrs. Steve is eating and watching the EA channel, that's the channel she loves watching anytime she's alone, she loves the channel because her education sponsor came through the channel




is in deep thought, she didn't realize Isabella entered

She taps her friend shoulder

"in thought again, Isabella asked

Are you not watching your favorite channel today"?

isabella asked

"Is it time already"?she checks the clock on the wall

Oh!!! my G is time already Nicole said

"And who is this your G"? Isabella asked

"Anyway, I heard that EA invited a sponsor on the air today. she smiles and leaves the room to make use of the convenience

Nicole throw a teddy bear at Isabella

"you are a bad friend, you are just telling me today that my wish is coming to the air today"

Isabella smirked instead of replying her

"You are welcome ma, thanks for honoring our invitation"

the newscaster Said

" The pleasure is mine"

the invite said

The invite is Mr steve mother, she has always love to help students that want to further their education with no sponsor

EA invited her to their show, to help students

"Just as have said I will be giving 100 students scholarships this year to different colleges and Universities.

"You are to go to my scholarship website and fill a form there,100 students the best plan idea will be giving free scholarship that will cover their education fees in college and University"

Nicole shouted when the sponsor finish her statement she couldn't hear others information coming in

"Stop being cocky" Isabella said from the convenience where she was.

Nicole was given a scholarship to the college where Isabella study

Since then EA CHANNEL has been a savior to her

"Isabella you should know that EA help me in achieving my dream and helped me in meeting the best soul planet EARTH," Nicole said

"The best soul On this planet should be me not your husband Nicole"

she smiled

"Jealous Gf, you are the second-best soul ON Earth why my hubby is the first"

"Hope you bring my Apple along"? she asked

"Sure, that is the fruit I recommended for you as your best friend, for a pregnant woman like you"

"What makes you think Apple is the best fruit for a pregnant woman"

you don born before? Nicole asked

Since have conceived, you always bring me Apple. Nicole asked

"You will know the reason when you give birth, your baby will be beautiful and fresh as I am, MRS STEVE by then you will no the magic in apple".she smiles

"Okay my nurse"

You know I don't need any nurse if not that my husband insisted me having a nurse and doctor for more examine, I could have just relied on my nurse Isabella"

She smiles

Whatever hypocrite

she said and smirked at her friend

Mrs steve laugh because she knew she has insulted her friend with something she hated.

Isabella nodded and continue with her discussion

"Your husband is the most caring man in the universe, you should expect that, please eat the apple first and let me go and prepare your food, I don't want your husband to accuse me of starving his wife and his baby

She enters the visitor room to change her cloth, Isabella is the most caring friend if you are lucky to be friends with her

Isabell phone ring and she picked it up

Unknown: "I know you love your friend very well

But you can't love her more than your own Life"

Isabella: say who?

Unknown: if not you should be ready to kill her, if you fail be ready to be hurt.

Isabella: "There is nothing you can do that will makes me hurt my friend"

Unknown: "Expect the worst"

Isabella: "I don't care, am not afraid of your bluffing"

unknown cut the call

"Who could this caller be"?

Anyway am smarter than whoever you might be she said within herself

" I know that Nicole husband has many business associates that are enemies"

I need to know this person before I can inform Nicole and her husband

To be continued