
Let’s Read The Word

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Boring Joe

Boring Joe




Joe is a Smart boring boy whose crush is the total opposite of him except for gender .He was forced by his two friends Jack and Mike to throw a party and invites the whole class.Things got complicated when they actually left the party for a mysterious game with which they had no idea involves death.Read how it later turned out and how being boring helped save Joe and his friends .

Haven’t you ever felt alone even when around lots of people?These are things I question myself ;why do I feel lonely ,do other people feel the same way ?.My name is Joe ,Joe Patrick ,a fifteen years old boring boy in coast city . Boring Joe!,my friends call me ,they aren’t really my friends just Jack and Mike who also are part of the students who offers Spanish lesson including me .The teacher is mostly absent in class and sometimes neglects his class ,he gives us the language manual which we study ourselves and thus means learning on our own .He gets paid for a job he doesn’t do .Me Stephlazy Mike calls him whilst Mr.Stilenski is his real name.Jack always laugh when Mike calls him that but I don’t ,I hardly laugh although been a teenager.“What a boring teenager Joe is ”many whispers in the class .There was a time a girl named venessa in my class hit me on my head ,she was quite a bully and a huge girl .I couldn’t put up a fight against her and was just staring at her ,this made the whole class call me Dummy Joey even though they know they couldn’t if it was them .That only lasted for a week ,I get so many names on different occasions but I guess that’s me

Am a boring smart kid with the lowest haircut in the class ,glasses and sweatshirts.Although I could dress’s more like a bad boy because I have the freedom to .My parents bare always and also a “No Care ”type but I love my regular look .

Getting ready for a new session tomorrow.The summer holiday had been a long one ,I had missed my classmates even with hardly talking to them and the funny names they call me .They hardly know me but I know them all .I could easily know and understand everyone’s attitude and mind which I guess happens because of the boring boy I am .There was a time I knew about Alsa's feelings for Karl

.i did sensed it but never asked her until I was proven right when Alia confessed in a Truth or Dare game .I was present though but the news was all over the class.Fortunately enough Karlfelt the same way which I came to realize to before it was out .As boring as I might be,I love romance ,I love seeing lovers especially my parents even after their seventeenth married yaers

Talking of romance ,I wish I have one too,but my love life sounds complicating.oh!,that's if i'd have one ,a crush I meant.Jason is a boy in my class ,the most popular boy in the calss and probably part of the popular ones in the school too.He's handsome with a nice lip shape and a long beautiful hair with a charming smile .He's one of the bad looking boys but a good boy

There was a time he smiled at me and I had butterflies in my stomach .I saw him outside school walking his dog .The leash for the dog accidentally broke and went running around ,it ran pass me and then ran back to me again licking my shoe ,I had no idea whose it was but it seemed it likes me .I bent down and was caressing and playing with it,then Jason came few minutes later ,the dog was his .He thanked me and smiled

I started developing a crush for him at 9th grade when I first got to coast city high in which he did the same year .I wish I wasn't a boring boy sometimes and at least be his friend and also probably thinks he's not like me though he happens to have no girlfriends .My homosexual life is only known to me,not even my parents.i prefer to keep it that way and at least to be just seen as a boring Joe and nothing more