
Let’s Read The Word

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The Secret Affair

The Secret Affair




Gwynneth had a life long crush towards Mattheaus. Her family and Mattheaus's family known to have a great realationship together. Until one day, both families agreed to arranged a marriage. Gwynneth was so happy knowing that she's gonna marry the man of her dreams. Little did she know that her long time crush has a twin brother. And not her crush will be the one to be his groom but the twin brother. Is it okay to love the brother of your husband? Is okay having an affair to the his twin brother?


  I quickly rose up from a long sleep when I heard a heavy noise coming from the outside of my room.

  I glanced once at the clock that is placed above the coffee table beside my bed. Oh! It's 5:45 in the morning, and it's still dark outside. Why the hell they're so noisy this early?

  The school year had just ended. It's March and summer is about to start. Though it's still 5 in the morning, I can totally feel the warmth of air touches my skin. I can totally feel the summer air.

  Since it's still early, I thought of sleeping back again but even though how hard I try myself to, I still can't because of the heavy noise coming from elsewhere.

  I stood up lazily and decided to went outside to see what's happening in this early morning.

  “What's happening?” I asked one of our housemaid that I meet in the hallway.

  I looked and noticed that everybody is so damn busy. Furthermore, I stared back at the housemaid whom I questioned recently.

  “Why is everybody's so busy? What for?” I asked her again.

  She's holding some random stuffs and base on the looks it's a curtain. She's panting and somewhat, sweating.

  “Good morning Miss Gwyneth. There are visitors who will be coming here today, so Madame ordered us to prepare and get ready that's why as early as this, we're all busy. She wants everything to be fine and perfect.” she answered politely.

  I raised a brow after hearing it. Like, seriously? As early as 5 in the morning, she's this active and preparing for something? Is the visitor so important and it's so necessary to prepare things like this?

  I shrugged. Okay, I'll let Mom do what she wants. And I know my Mom completely, she wants what's best for her visitors. I guess I am just overreacting or something.

  So, I went to the dining. Everybody was so busy that no one notices me. They're all hands on and focused on each and every task that is given to each one of them. But that's okay, I can handle myself. It's good knowing that there's already food prepared in the dining table. I don't know how to cook.

  I am eating my breakfast silently when Mom entered the kitchen. She's shocked when she saw me awaken early as this. But her reaction suddenly change, from shocked to being frustrated. Holding a different variety of curtain on her both hands.

  “Baby, what do you think is the best between these two that will suit in our living area?” she asked me a bit pressured. “The gold one or the silver?” referring to the curtains.

  I chewed my food and drunk my juice before answering her. “Ah, Mom? The visitor whose coming today, who are they?” I asked curiously. “All of you are so busy, and I've notice that you're panicking.” I said and continued my food.

  She put the curtains on the island bar and sat on one of the chairs towards me. She faced and smiled at me. “You know Mr. Buenavista right?” she asked, I nodded. “He will be our visitor today. Not just him but also his family. They'll be here. They're our visitors.”

  I stared at my Mom with my eyes widely opened. “Mr. Buenavista? You mean the President of our country?”

  “Uh, huh!” she said while nodding her head.

  Oh, my God! He's our visitor. So if he'll be coming here, he'd be with his family. His wife together with his son. No, this can't be happening! I am having a crush of his son. So, this would mean we'll be seeing each other later? For real?

  “So what do you think about the curtains baby? What do you—” I cut her off and stood up even though I'm not done eating my breakfast yet?

  “I prefer the gold one Mom, but for now, I'm going to leave you okay? I guess I need to prepare also.” I said and kissed her cheeks.

  “Oh, okay.” she responded confusedly.

  I ran excitedly to my room, smiling like a lunatic. Nothing less, it feels like I'm in cloud nine, swinging and being welcomed and sang by the angels beautifully.

  See you later my long great crush! I said that on my mind while giggling on too much excitement.