
Let’s Read The Word

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Blue Crescent Moon Pack

Blue Crescent Moon Pack




I had always been a she wolf ingnored by my entire pack almost forgotten by my own father who is the alpha of the red blood moon pack I’ve been treated like an omega only to finally become of age and find my one true mate and I didn’t anticipate who he was and how it was possible my life isn’t important then she heard “MATE” a deep masculine growl whispered into her ear and her heart began leaping and she knew who ever had said that word with such possession must have been surly mistaken as she turned and instantly heat rose to her cheeks and lowered her face to the floor “ no,no,no how is this possible” i screamed in my head his sent hit me within seconds and my mouth instantly watered my wolf jumped in happiness and howled “MATE” I stood there frozen in fear and realisation when his deep husky voice took me out of my own thoughts “ what is your name my love? I’m Alpha Damien” Looking at her with question in his eyes as he waited on my response “I,I, I’m Beth, Bethany Taylor” I stutter after he stated his title I stood there feeling more frightened than ever as Alpha Damien is know to be nutritiously ruthless to who ever crossed him and i certainly didn’t want to chance being on the wrong side of him ever, even if he just claimed to be her mate. “I’m terribly sorry alpha but you must be mistaken I can’t be your mate I’m….” Alpha Damien looked at her with an expression of anger and hurt “Enough” Damien said through gritted teeth look at me NOW!” I hesitated as he stood there and commanded but had to obey I slowly looked up only to see two mesmerising ocean blue eyes glaring at her and instantly the mate bond pulled and I knew he wasn’t lying my body began feeling hot under his wonderful state “ Don’t you dare try tell me I’m mistaken about who my mate is, I know you sense it too don’t try hiding it I can feel your heat now let go shall we” Damien smiled and walked away I almost melted to the floor but instantly followed as I didn’t want to piss him off

I woke up with a smile on my face which is very rare these days, but today is different today is my birthday I’m turning 18 and that is when you can find your mate, I know I should be thrilled about the prospect of having a mate to love and hold and protect me from every thing but that’s not the case. I’ve always been treated bad by all of my pack even my own father and he is the alpha of the red blood moon pack. Alpha Mason.

I know what your thinking how can the daughter of an alpha be treat so wrong well it all went to shit when my mother died she was my fathers light in every aspect but nobody could take him out of the darkness once she has gone not even me, He told me once to get out of his sight and never come back he didn’t need any reminders of her and he swore he would kill me if he got the chance to so I hid away hiding in the omegas quarters and never coming out until I had to go about doing chores just like all the lower class wolves who were treat like servants and like they were dispensable.

I went around doing my daily chores and walked into the kitchen so I could start to prepare breakfast it was always the same bacon sausage eggs fired bread, yeah I know I sounds simple enough but when it’s for the whole pack. Its not I’m to make sure there’s enough food otherwise I don’t get to eat and I get beaten, which has happened a handful of times when I’ve failed to do. I also have to prep lunch also as we are having a special guest come through to our pack. Alpha Damien From the blue crescent moon pack.

I’ve never had the privilege of coming across any wolf of higher rank as I’m now considered the lowest ranking omega and to be quiet honest I didn’t ever want to cross someone as powerful as alpha Damien he is known to be nutritiously ruthless to anyone who dare cross him or his pack.

The day moved along quickly and after everyone had had their fill of food come supper time I knew I was time to celebrate myself for a little after all I was my birthday I sat eating a cupcake daydreaming about what will happen once I found my mate, would I want him, hell would the even want me, a run down skinny useless thing “stop torturing yourself Beth your more than your worth” my wolf Nora said I’m my head I smiled internally at her and thanked her she was the only thing I had to a friend i wouldn’t have survived all these years with out her I was truly alone.

“MATE” a deep husky voice said I’m my ear I sat frozen I didn’t hear anyone come into the kitchen or feel another’s presence, my eyes wide I don’t even dare to look where the voice came from I’m in shock when my chair is being turned for me, all I see is two very large hands at either side of me I dare myself to look but I couldn’t my body shaking.

“What’s your name I’m Alpha Damien” he asked dominance in this voice Looking at me with question in his eyes as he waited on my response “I,I my name is Bethany Taylor” I stutter after he stated his title I stood there feeling more frightened than ever as Alpha Damien is know to be nutritiously ruthless and i certainly didn’t want to chance being on the wrong side of him ever, even if he just claimed to be my mate.

“I’m terribly sorry alpha but you must be mistaken I can’t be your mate I’m….” She was stopped abruptly as Alpha Damien looked at her with an expression of anger and hurt “Enough”

Damien growled through gritted teeth “LOOK AT ME NOW BETHANY”. He growled I hesitated as he stood there and commanded but had to obey I slowly looked up only to see two mesmerising ocean blue eyes glaring at me, instantly the mate bond pulled and I knew he wasn’t lying my body began feeling hot under his wonderful blue gaze “Don’t you dare tell me I’m mistaken about who my mate is, I know you sense it too don’t try hiding it I can feel your heat and don’t dare trying to reject me as I will not oblige” Damien said as he stood looking dominantly at me waiting for me to object but how could I I felt it too and I sensed how serious he was as he said those last few words, I looked back at him and he started to walk away I almost melted to the floor but he gestured for me to follow and instantly followed like a good little wolf as I didn’t want to piss him off more than he is.

As we walked through the main house I could see other omegas stating at me snickering about they way I was following Alpha Damien around like a little lost pup and it didn’t stop there once we entered the dining room every wolf from my pack and a few new faces all stared at us mouths a gape glaring as alpha Damien is served his supper he then ushers me to sit and I instantly blush feeling embarrassed I shake my head “NO” but his glare is warning me not to challenge his request so I sit.

It’s only been twenty minutes but feels like a lifetime has passed I’m getting more and more anxious as the stares and whispers continue I felt hot my hands are becoming increasingly sweaty I feel as if I’m going to pass out, I have to get out of here. Before Alpha Damien brought me in here I was used to blending into the walls and glad that I went unnoticed by everyone but then they began to physically hurt me and now all eyes on me I can’t handle it. I stood abruptly from the table which earns me a quizzical look from everyone including Damien I didn’t say anything I just saw the question in his eyes. Quick breath and I ran out of the dining area and kept running I knew then that was a mistake because just as I was about to enter the tree line leading into the Forrest I heard a loud angry growl echo behind me and the next thing I know I was knocked on my ass by a humongous black wolf glaring and growling at me daring me to run.

I lay there shock and fear evident in my eyes I could of swore I saw the wolf smile which terrified me further then the wolf disappeared into the trees. I thought about getting up and running again when I heard his deep husky voice but this time it was coated in rage “What do you think you are doing? Why did you run away from me? It was foolish of you think I would let you escape me my love”. I sit there still frozen in fear “umm, I, I wasn’t …. I just” “don’t lie to me I don’t take kindly to liars” he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

His body now towering me making me scoot back a little was enough for him to pounce his eyes flash golden and within seconds he was on me pinning me to the earthy ground, pine needles and twigs digging in my back, my arms were thrown over my head my body left exposed for him to do what ever he wanted as I couldn’t fight him off him being an alpha he had an advantage of super strength. His eyes were looking down at me with a possessive glare raking over me practically undressing me with his eyes. A growl escaped his lips and said “MINE” I’m not sure if it was Damien or his wolf but I was helpless underneath him.

He held my arms in one of his hands whilst the other began gliding over by cheek then down my neck he stopped at my breast which made me take a sharp intake of breath, a growl escaped his lips he began groping and squeezing my breast through the my dress, my body began reacting to his touches my back began to arch up to him allowing him more access I began panting short breaths a moan escaped my lips. I was horrified with my actions I shouldn’t be doing this allowing his to touch me in such a manner I have never been touched by a man and I certainly wasn’t going to become his little play thing never.

I regained my composure and shifted my legs a little he saw that movement as an invitation and let his guard down slightly I allowed him to move and once there I braced my legs and kicked him off of me, bad move Beth I thought to myself as he stood up and gripped me again by my writs “don’t push me sweetheart I don’t want to harm you, but try a trick like that again I can’t promise I can stop my wolf taking what’s his” his words came out as a warning and looked at me as if he resented me. He then dragged me back to the pack house and walked me through the corridors until we reached what I suspected to be his room. He walks in still dragging me pushed me towards the sofa in his room and turns to lock the door.

I scrambled to the bathroom and locked myself in it like hell was I going to do anything other than hide in here I’m not a toy for him to dispose of when he gets bored, I know male wolves are known to be possessive with their mates but aren’t they supposed to be loving caring and tender too. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a banging on the door “Open the door please princess don’t hide from me please” Damien said almost too calm I wondered what is he planning one second he is demanding and dominant dragging me around like a rag doll and now talking to me as if he is a child “No I’m not coming out, I’m not a toy you can drag around and speak to like shit and you can’t make me” I cover my mouth in shock what am I doing he is an alpha he is gonna have my head for the disrespect I’ve just given him and where did my voice come from I’ve never spoken back to anyone no matter how bad they treat me I would just let them walk over me like a doormat “ calm yourself Beth he is our mate don’t shut him out give him a chance” my wolf Nora tries calming me I hear Damien let out a frustrated sigh “ fine then stay in there but you can’t keep me from what is mine for long princess” he said with a snarl he walked away from the door, I sat and questioned how true was he to his word I lay there crying to myself for hour when I eventually let sleep take over me I then feel a large pair of warm strong arms circle my waist and shoulders then next thing I feel is extreme softness beneath me but I don’t wake I’m too exhausted to even open my eyes.

Next morning I wake feeling warm and more content then I’ve ever felt before, I stretch then notice a large pair of arms wrapped around me possessively sending tingles throughout my entire body and a warm feeling into my lower stomach, my first reaction is I’m sure I’m dreaming but as I go to move they tighten “where do you think your going”. Damien says with his gruff morning voice. “Oh god his voice” focus Beth I say to myself trying not to drink in this extremely sexy masculine man “Oh err I deed to go to the bathroom and speaking of how did you get in when I locked it ?” I scan the door that leads into the bathroom my eyes widen in shock “you broke the lock” huge grin formed on his face “like I said you can’t stop me from taking what is mine” I’m actually angry at how smug he looks right now I can’t deny i enjoy these sparks surging my body but I’m still not sure if I want it. Damien releases his hold I immediately stroll towards the bathroom I don’t bother to get a shower as it would be to easy for Damien to stroll in and catch me so I decide to get a wash cloth and strip wash myself and brush my teeth, once I sort my bed hair I slowly creep back into the bedroom to find Damien sprawled across the bed on the phone it looks as if he is in deep thought with is brows furrowed together nostrils flaring he doesn’t seem the slightest bit happy about what ever it is he is discussing I tiptoe towards the closet so I can dress with out distracting him or accidentally eavesdropping but he saw me immediately then said his goodbyes and watched me like a hawk, I avoid his glance and scurry, within second I’m back out and I’m the room fully dressed and Damien was in the shower.

I was gonna bolt for the door seeing my opportunity and reached for the handle and twisted only to have another hand on top of mine Damien was dangerously close I could smell his sent strong and inviting he smelt of pine wood and cinnamon the sent almost made my knees weak and I almost fell when he embraced me in one strong arm and pulled me towards the bed. “ please Beth don’t make a repeat of yesterday why do you keep trying to run from me, do I scare you, you know I won’t hurt you don’t you?” He had a look of sincerity in his eyes as he looks down at me asking me these questions could I answer him, will he like the answers, can I trust him. The questions swirl in my head I feel dizzy “Beth please answer” a flash of concern in his eyes as he hears my heart racing. “alpha Damien you looked busy and please understand I know your my mate my wolf and I sense the mate bond, Im just not sure I can trust you yet I, I” i stutter and my tears began streaming down my cheeks i could not stop them the floodgates were open i couldn’t close them how can a few gentle words from him make me break “ I know I am weak and not worthy of you I know my father was right about me I’m trash and always will be it has to be this way I’m not good for you or your wolf I’m ready for you to reject me as your mate so you can find a strong…” I was cut off with his lips crashing against mine one of his large hands cupping my face and wiping the tears away the other held me firmly against his hot passionate kiss. When he pulled away we’re both breathless his eyes closed I looked at him confused “who is your farther Beth I think we should pay him a visit?” He said calmly but coldly as he composed himself “my father” I stuttered “he is the alpha, Alpha Mason” his eyes darkened as I mentioned who my father was “We leave to see him once I’m dressed” I glance at him as to question and he responds “ nobody hurts my mate” I smile “my mate”.