
Let’s Read The Word

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Just A Spark?

Just A Spark?




Just A Spark?        Prologue Hmm mm.. There are many ways people become soul mates right? Some meet at a party, they go out on dates and boom! Soulmates! Some run into each other randomly and they get to know each other and bam! Soulmates! But what if... what if with just one look, just one gaze, you know that yeah, that's my soulmate. That's the guygirl I'm destined to be with. That's exactly the case of Melanie Blake and Jamal Heather. Melanie Blake - A nineteen year old girl in the second year of college having a big dream of becoming a neurologist. She isn't a girl that sees going into a relationship a priority. Her two besties have had at least two guys they've dated but she? She's just a girl that doesn't give a damn about having a boyfriend. "Its a waste of time"she always says She says its better to party, drink, flirt and enjoy life than to date. But what happens when she has to go to a conference as a representative from her college? She thought it was just a normal conference but little did she know... Just a little gaze her him, she felt...she felt like the world stopped running, she felt her breath leave her as this guy approaches her. Jamal Heather - a twenty one year old young man, in his last year of college. He his very successful for a twenty one year old. He runs his own tech company. He stretched out his hand for a handshake and she took it. That handshake wasn't an ordinary handshake. She felt, she felt a spark? It seems he felt it too because they both pulled out of the handshake abruptly with a shiver She found herself wanting the guy, she wanted to get close to him, he felt the same way to. Fate made them meet after some years but...her hope was crushed when she found out he doesn't remember anything about her, worst still, he has a fiance . Then she thought, "Maybe I should let go...I'm not really in love with him tho..its just a spark." But then,she asked herself again.."Just a Spark?"

  Just A Spark?

  Melanie's POV

  "Boys are stupid, boys are stupid,boys are fucking stupid"my bestie, Cookie, ranted angrily as she came into the house with her face full with rage.

  "Are you okay?" I asked adverting my gaze from my laptop to her anger filled face. I feel like she's about to murder someone.

  "Do I look like I am!!?" She screamed and I raised my hands up in surrender .

  "Whoa,take a chill pill babe,what's making you all cranky?" My other bestie, Kelly, asked passing a bottled water to Cookie before taking a seat beside me. Cookie gulped down the water and she squeezed the bottle angrily. Okay this sh*t is getting out of hand

  "Lemme guess, someone made momma angry" I said in a singsong.

  "Joseph is a son of a b**h" She said through gritted teeth and I chuckled.

  "What did he do that's making you behave like you were deprived of d*ck?" Kelly asked and I shook my head. This isn't the time to joke Kelly, Cookie is blazing hot.

  "Picture this as I tell you" Cookie said flipping her hair back

  "I went to the bastard's house this afternoon after I was done at the salon and when I got there, I found him sniffing coke" She said and Kelly opened her mouth in shock

  "What the f**k!" I exclaimed

  "Joseph takes drugs?" Kelly asked, clearly bewildered and Cookie nodded.

  "I just don't know what will prompt him into that, I confronted him and he just shut me out, telling me it was non of my business and I was tryna tell him that for f**k's sake I'm his girlfriend, I have every f**king right to know. The motherfucker just turned it into a big deal, started saying shits like I'm nosy, I'm to does that even make sense? Since when have I been nosy? I was just being a caring girlfriend. Which girl will find her boyfriend sniffing coke and won't question him? Or do something about it. We got into this big heated argument and out of no where, the dickhead sent two slaps right across my face...that asshole slapped me twice in a row!!" She screamed and I gasped

  "He..he did what?" Kelly exclaimed

  "Wow" I said in unenthusiasm

  "I was as shocked as you guys are. I couldn't believe that he could raise his hands on me. Like..I didn't even know what to do so I just picked up my purse and walked but not without telling him I'm f**king done with his dumbass"

  "Okay this is insane, like..what? He raised his hands on you? This is..oh my God this is unbelievable" I said placing two fingers each at the side of my head, trying to get hold of myself from getting too enraged

  "Well, what do you expect? The guy takes coke, He's certainly not normal. Like The heck? I thought that nigga was do I put this? I thought he was a gentleman" Kelly said

  "I don't even care, I've broken up with the asshole so he can go f**k himself"  Cookie screamed  before she stood up wiping her tears with the back of her palm

  "Cookie" I called worriedly and she sniffed.

  "I..I just need sometime alone." She said before walking to the room door, banging it hard behind her as she got in.

  "Okay, I am so mad right now." Kelly said

  "Tell me about it. Like..what the heck? That dude dare raise his hands on her?" I said with a scoff and Kelly sighed .

  When Cookie first introduced Joseph to us, I thought "wow, what a nice and responsible guy. He's got good vibes Cookie." But with what Cookie just said, I've come to realize that he's a big time pretender. He deserves an A+ in acting. Like .. why would you take drugs and why would you even think of raising your hand on a woman? That's animalistic !

  That's why I don't do relationships, there'll always be one stupid problem or the other and i don't have strength and time for problems. Why waste your time on something you know is gonna end anyways?

  "Cookie"I called and she groaned, Kelly chuckled before starting to tickle her, I joined the tickling and in no time she bursted into laughter.

  "Sto..stop..hahaha..guys..haha...cut..cut it out..."

  We stopped tickling her and she pouted.

  "This was your scheme to make me laugh right?" She asked and we both nodded.

  "Well, it worked"

  We both pulled her up and we balanced well on the bed forming a circle.

  "Look..Cookie, you don't need to think about Joseph. He's a d*ck.."i said

  "Yeah an asshole" Kelly added

  "I don't really know about relationships but since you've seen the type of guy he is then you've made the right choice. You'll see he'll soon realize the type of gem he lost." I said

  "A very rare,beautiful,and super sexy gem." Kelly said with a wink

  "Ooh yeeah."i drawled

  "Thanks guys the best." She said and I caressed her cheek.

  "Anything for you baby girl."

  "I see it's 6pm...clubbing?" Kelly asked

  "You know it" I screamed and they both screamed with me.

