
Let’s Read The Word

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Realistic Urban

Meet the solamie kingdom. A huge family of royals and celebs based in LA, Long Island. They go through ups and downs of life.This story is about a modern royal family of colour who are in the public eye as they battle through love, trust, lust and soo many other emotions. This book is about the ongoing into the life of the family members as they grow up. It consist of the King and Queen Bellion of Long island, their 7 grown-up children alongside their own families and other relatives.This book basically telling stories about problems celebrities face in the public eye and how media affects their decisions. It also talks about family, the way everybody fights but still comes around at the end of the day to make a big team,support each other, help each other out and face battles as one. They bring the heat and humour and are also very funny and entertaining.

  Lola is seated at the garden of the kingdom's mansion with her wine when Solamie decided to join her mum.

  "mum" Solamie said sitting down beside her

  "Mum i want to invite the chidren and their families for a family dinner tonight, what do you think?" Solamie said and lola smiled

  " That's a nice idea, call Aaron and tell him to get across to his siblings" lola said

  "Okay" Solamie said standing up with her glass of wine before giving her mum a kiss on her cheek.


  When it was evening time Aaron called all his siblings for a family dinner. The mansion was filled with the whole family exchanging pleasantries.

  "Oh my goodness it's been two weeks" Rois said hugging Hailey

  "How you doing man" he said to Pardison

  "Just flexing ya know " Pardison said smiling

  Hailey walks over to Almira and passes by Annie and stops, " Hi " Hailey said in a plain voice. Annie replies in the same tone and walks away from her briskly.

  "They're still not talking to each other" Jojuanne whispers to Aaron. "What do you mean they're still not talking to each?" Solamie said as she appeared directly behind them .

  "Oh my God" Jojuanne said as she jumps, "Mom what the hell?, you almost gave me an heart attack". "You haven't answered my question" Solamie pressed

  "They broke out in an argument on the sibling group chat a few days ago, I figured they would be cool by now but I guess not" Aaron said as he frowns.

  "I just pray nothing bad happens tonight" Jojuanne mumbles. " I do too" Solamie replied as she sighs and pinches her nose.

  They all sat down in the living talking and catching up when Lola calls them for dinner.

  "Dinner is ready" she said smiling and they all stood up to go to the table.

  Annie, Hailey, Almira and Jojuanne help to prepare the table while Premar sat with the kids at the kiddies table.

  When they were done everybody moved to the dining table


  "So how is everybody doing?" Lola asked smiling

  As everyone replied with smiles on their faces, Lola noticed that Almira didn't respond

  "Almira you?"She asked

  "Good... good" she said trying to fake a smile while she tried to avoid eye contact by twisting her fork between her fingers.

  "Any man in your life?" Lola asked, her eyes pleading for a positive response and immediately Almira choked on her food.

  "Granny why would you ask me that!" Almira said, "Just curious" Lola smiles. Almira frowns, just then did Rois decide to chuckle, Almira glared at him and he turned his face immediately.

  There was tension in the room as it turned silent. Vera decided to break the tension in the room by asking her niece about business.

  "So Hailey, how's your FashionNova Collab doing?". Vera asked hoping to ease the tension in the air.

  "Great, I actually made my decision" Hailey said smiling

  "Really?" Aaron asked suprised. The table was almost back to normal thanks to Vera.

  "Yeah really, I thought about it and it goes 50/50. 50% chance i lose profit and 50% chance i gain, honestly I just wanna see where this goes" Hailey said smiling feeling proud of her plan.

  "That makes no sense" Annie said frowning

  " Of course it does" Hailey said not liking the fact that her sister was bumming her idea.

  "No it doesn't you're losing money" Annie said

  "Might be losing money, besides i wouldn't invest in something if i knew I had no backup plan" Hailey said

  "Even though that's just being irresponsible" Annie said.

  "Annie could you not call me irresponsible I know what i'm doing, if i were irresponsible i wouldn't be able to run bills or set and accomplish my goals" Hailey said in a raging tone

  Just then Annie murmured "That didn't stop you from hoeing"

  "Excuse me did you just call me a hoe?" Hailey questioned and the rest of the table just stared at them not knowing what to do

  Jojuanne whispers to Premar "I think we should stop them"

  "Shhh, i wanna see where this goes" Premar said

  Hailey chuckles and said "At least all my kids have the same father, your the one who got your leg stuck up between two men" she said standing up and everyone on the tables gasps

  "Hailey that's very wrong" Lola said frankly.

  "You don't know shit about that so shut up" Annie shouts at Hailey

  "I will not shut up cause i'm sick of all your wack ass insults" Hailey shouted back

  "I was just trying to advice you like a big sister would" Annie said

  "If I wanted advice I would have asked for it but last time I checked I don't need your opinion, I do what I fucking want" she said shouting

  "Hailey please we got kids in the room" Rois said

  " I do not care" Hailey said

  "Why are you two acting up" Solamie said

  "Keep shut both of you and apologize now" Lola said

  'No shit, I'm tired of being treated like shit in this household, i can't take it anymore.... infact i'm leaving, babe where are the keys" she said facing Pardison

  "Leigh I think you should sit and..." Hailey grabbed the keys before he could continue talking.

  "I'm leaving now, if your not going with me, i'm taking the car and your gonna get an uber home" Hailey said

  "Fine, let's go" Pardison said giving up

  Hailey walks over to where the kids were and she carried Justin

  "Kids it's time to go home" she said

  "But i wanna play with Kira and Kara" Jojo said mumbling

  "You can play with them some other time I promise, but now its time to go home" Hailey said

  "Okay mummy" Jordan said and Hailey walked to the door with the rest trailing behind her.

  "Ley ley wait" Almira said walking over to her. Hailey storms past her saying "I'm not talking to you". She storms out of the door with her family and slams the door behind her.

  Almira went back to the table, "She didn't listen" Almira said. Everybody at the table sighed, Almira turned to Annie and folded her arms.

  "Why would you even start that up?" She questioned and Annie just stared at her laps, "I..I don't know". She said as she palmed her face.

  "I need to get out of here" She says again standing up.

  "We going home?" Bamie asked. "You know what, just go home without me and the kids I'll be fine."

  "You sure?" He asked as he touched her arm. "Ya, I'm sure" she assures him as she flinched against his touch.

  "I'm gonna go" She walks away from the room carrying Mora in her baby seat and headed upstairs.