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The Second Love With My Ex

The Second Love With My Ex




"DIVORCE SETTLEMENT!" She said in a high-pitched tone and the maids around turned to look at her. Her brain was buzzing, and she couldn't react a little, "Lukeshaw my king, a divorce?" She stammered. She forced a laugh, but it was extremely ugly, and her voice cracked. "Lukeshaw please stop this prank, I don't find it funny at all". She looked at her husband's face, his wide eyes were full of coldness and alienation at the moment. She tried to reach for him, but was avoided. Lukeshaw raised his hand and loosened his tie, as if he was a little irritable and impatient "After your conditions are ready, you can directly contact my assistant Japheth." Saying that, he walked directly to his room, seemingly not wanting to have too much interaction with her. ------------ Mariyah, a beautiful and slender girl, finds herself married to billionaire Lukeshaw as a stand-in for his longtime lover, Niya. But when Niya returns and Lukeshaw seeks a divorce, things begin to fall apart for Mariyah. As she struggles to keep her marriage and fight for her baby's future, Mariyah must also confront a past she never knew existed - an entire twist that changes the whole dynamics of everything. Will Mariyah be able to find redemption in the face of her family's deceptions? Will she be able to be more than just a stand-in wife? This gripping tale of love, betrayal, and self-discovery that will keep you guessing until the very end. ------------ Get ready to be swept away by the captivating story of "The Second Love With My Ex"!

"Congratulations, you are three weeks pregnant ma'am".

"OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!" Mariyah jumped for joy on hearing the news. She could not wait to share this good news with her darling husband and placed a call to his secretary to enquire about his schedule for the day.

"Mr Lukeshaw will be done with his last meeting by 12 noon Ma'am" Ms. Jodie informed her.

She checked the time '10:56 AM!' She hurried to the kitchen to prepare a banquet fit for a king.

"Ma'am what are you doing?" Sasha the Head chef asked her in surprised as she started chopping some bulbs of onions

"Oh, I'm preparing a meal for my husband. He will be home soon"

"But Ma'am, you've never entered this kitchen to prepare a meal since over a year you came into this family. What's the occasion?"

"Oh Sasha, there's a first time for everything. Besides it's not my fault I've never prepared a dish in this kitchen before. My husband treats me like an egg and wouldn't allow me attempt to cook for him. But I have decided to go against him today" She replied with a smile.

"Ok ma'am, Let me help you out"

"Don't worry Sasha, I'll do it myself. Please go get some rest"

She began chopping some carrots, radishes and other ingredients in preparation of the grand meal. This went on for almost an hour and by the time she was done, she was sweating profusely.

With everything ready, she looked at the time '12:18 PM, he should be here anytime soon' She thought to herself, her heart beating at a much faster pace.

She had been married to Lukeshaw for more than a year and have always been very affectionate in their marriage

This sudden good news is a surprise that fell from the sky.

Not long after, the sound of cars sounded outside the mansion.

"Master Lukeshaw is back" A maid informed her

"Quick, go place the dishes I prepared in the dining area" She replied.

She turned her head and faced Lukeshaw who walked in the upper courtyard.

Lukeshaw is a tall handsome man whose gestures demonstrated a mix of dignity and coldness. He was putting on a plain white shirt, he wore black shorts which stopped at knee point, revealing a pair of long legs which bathed in the sun. In all, He looked cold and unattainable, like a god who was awe-inspiring.

This is her darling husband, the god who picked her up from the streets, pulled her out of the gutters, and pampered her to the fullest.

She stared at him in the most loving manner ever, and her snow-white cheeks turned red.

Even though they've been married for over a year, she still had butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw him and her heart would always beat faster than normal.

As if he knew she had been watching him the whole time, Lukeshaw raised his eyes and paused slightly.

In those deep and cold eyes, there were some emotions flashing, so swift that it was impossible to notice them.

Lukeshaw continued to walk until he entered into the living room where she was standing.

"Lukeshaw my hardworking king, welcome home!" She smiled.

The man glanced at her and said, "You cooked?"

"Huh?" She was a greatly surprised, "How do you know my king?"

The man lifted his slender arm and gently rubbed it on her cheek.

She blushed again, but smiled with crooked eyes "I made you a meal, Please come to the dining room"

"Not yet." Lukeshaw spoke lightly, "I have something to tell you."

"Same here, I also have something I want to tell you, but I think you should go first" She couldn't help but smile, and when she looked up, she saw that his face that should have been beaming with smiles was cold at the moment.

She couldn't help but feel a click in her heart, and an uneasy emotion spread from the bottom of her heart.

"Please tell me what you have to say" She said

He leaned back against the direction of the window, against the light, his face had grown more cold, and his expression was even more obscure.

"Take a look at this document and sign it." Lukeshaw handed her a file, and his tone was a little calm, "Any conditions you want, you can discuss it with my assistant Jephthah later."

'A file??' What could the contents be' Her heart raced anxiously

Mariyah took the blue enclosed file from him and when she saw the words written on the first page, she was immediately stunned.

"DIVORCE SETTLEMENT!" She said in a high-pitched tone and the maids around turned to look at her

Her brain was buzzing, and she couldn't react a little: "Lukeshaw my king, a divorce?" She stammered

She forced a laugh, but it was extremely ugly, and her voice cracked. "Lukeshaw please stop this prank, I don't find it funny at all".

She looked at her husband's face, his wide eyes were full of coldness and alienation at the moment.

She tried to reach for him, but was avoided.

Lukeshaw raised his hand and loosened his tie, as if he was a little irritable and impatient

"After your conditions are ready, you can directly contact my assistant Japheth."

Saying that, he walked directly to his room, seemingly not wanting to have too much interaction with her.

She was puzzled and burst into tears "What is happening?"

Obviously they have been a happy couple

For more than a year, although he never said "I love you" anymore, he took care of her in every way that depicted love. Just three days ago, when he returned from a business trip in Monaco, he did not fail to bring her a gift.

The Patek Philippe watch was still on the table in the bedroom, why did he suddenly want a divorce?

She felt completely devasted and cold shivers ran down her spine.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked herself

Just then, She heard his footsteps approaching her. It was Lukeshaw.

He looked at her tear-filled jade autumn pupils, and was silent for almost thirty seconds.

Just when she thought he was going to change his mind, he suddenly curled his thin lips and smiled coldly.

"Do I have to tell you Mariyah that I'm tired?"

Mariyah's pupils suddenly dilated, and her mind couldn't help but think of her close friend's objections when she announced her engagement to Lukeshaw.

"Mariyah, He is Lukeshaw! Lukeshaw! Son of famous billionaire playboy tycoon Don Noriega Descartes who turned his hands over the clouds and caused the rain to cease in Lincheng! If for one day he loses interest in you, you won't even find justice!" Jess has warned her

But at that time, she was deeply in love and would not listen to these words.

Because Lukeshaw had given her enough favor, she was blindly confident thinking that she could love and stay with him for a lifetime.

Who knew that after more than a year of marriage, he would hand her a divorce letter, telling her that he was tired.

Her heart felt like melting butter, and the pain made her breathless.

She took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "My king, are you serious?"

Lukeshaw raised his thin lips and smiled in a cool but emotionless manner.

He didn't respond and Mariyah felt like he was taunting her, This action made Mariyah frown her face, and she became really angry. She gave him a deadly stare, gnashed her teeth her teeth and shouted

"Lukeshaw you bastard! What did you take me for? Do you think I'm a gold digger after your pathetic money?"

Lukeshaw paid no attention to her insults, rather he looked up at his watch, and his handsome face showed casualness and nonchalance.

"Mrs. Mariyah or should I say Miss Mariyah, In life we gather and we disperse. While I still have patience, I am willing to compensate you heavily. Money is not an issue for me as I have tons of it." He said to her

"If you are really embarrassed to take the decision now, you can settle later with Jephthah and I will not treat you badly."

With that, he walked towards the garden.

Mariyah held her hands, looked at him deep into his eyes and asked him

"Lukeshaw if I was pregnant for you, would you still want a divorce?" She said in a trembling voice.

This sentence made Lukeshaw freeze. He looked at her condescendingly, his eyes as if to penetrate her soul.

His narrow phoenix eyes were bottomless, and there seemed to be some emotion surging.

In the next second, he was about to say something, but Mariyah slumped.

Mariyah woke up in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses. She couldn't remember what had happened after she slumped, but the doctors told her that she had fainted due to fatigue.

She was discharged from the hospital and was surprised to find out from the Nurse that a man dropped her at the hospital entrance, gave the Doctor and nurses a cheque and left immediately he brought her in. From the descriptions they gave, It was Lukeshaw.

"Do you know the man who brought you in" the nurse asked,

"That's" she replied trying to keep her voice steady.

"Your husband?? How so?" The Nurse exclaimed

"I don't want to talk further, please" She wiped tears away from her face.

The nurse nodded understandingly "I'm sorry to hear that. But, you and your baby are fine now. You were lucky he was there to bring you in."

Lukeshaw, the man she fell in love with wanted nothing to do with her but he had saved her life. She felt conflicted, grateful for his intervention but also hurt that he couldn't see that he was losing something precious.

She proceeded to leave the hospital premises, the Nurse who had attended to her was just finishing her shift and offered to drive her home.

"I'm Tanya" the Nurse said

"I'm Mariyah" She replied

"So where's your house Ma'am"

"The Trio Mansion"

That was the end of their conversation throughout the whole ride, Tanya parked in front of the Trio Mansion and Mariyah stepped out of the car.

"Thank you Tanya, you're such a darling"

"You're welcome Ma'am, I'll be on my way now"

"Wait, give me your number Tanya. I'll reach out to you"

"Thanks Ma'am, 334-773-64"

"Take care Tanya"

"You too Ma'am"

Tanya drove off and Mariyah entered the mansion and was greeted by Sasha the Head chef.

"Welcome Ma'am, I asked Master about you and He said you went to visit your friend" Sasha said

"Oh yes, I'm going to my room now. I'm really stressed out" Mariyah replied.

As She was Head to her room, Lukeshaw bumped into her and asked "Have you thought about the divorce agreement? When you have, let me know"

Mariyah couldn't believe what was happening. She had just returned from the hospital after spending a night there and her husband was talking about a divorce. She sat on the couch, trying to calm herself down, but Lukeshaw was relentless. He kept talking about how unhappy he was in the marriage and that he didn't think things would improve.

Mariyah tried to reason with him, telling him that they could work on things together and that they could get counseling, but Lukeshaw wouldn't listen. He was convinced that the marriage was over and that there was nothing that could be done to fix it. Mariyah felt her heart sink as she realized that he was serious about the divorce.

As she walked through the door of her room, she immediately felt a wave of sadness engulf her. The place felt different, empty and unwelcoming. It was as if the air had become stale and unfamiliar. She had never felt this way about her room before, and She cried herself to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, She had a rather blurred memory on what had happened the day she collapsed. She had felt so disoriented and out of sorts that she couldn't remember much of what had happened, except for the fact that she had been rushed to the hospital, and the doctors had run a battery of tests on her.

As she looked around her room, she became even more tired. A part of her hoped that her husband, Lukeshaw, would come in to greet her, to offer her some comfort and to make her feel at home again. But as she thought about it, she found herself more alone and it broke her heart.

She had always believed that she and Lukeshaw were meant to be together, but now it seemed like that wasn't the case. She thought about all the things they had been through since over a year now and couldn't understand why he would want to leave her.

But even as she wallowed in her misery, Mariyah knew that she couldn't just give up. She had a pregnancy to take care of and she needed to be strong for her unborn baby.