
Let’s Read The Word

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Beneath The Shadows

Beneath The Shadows

Author:Kim Luna



A 27-year-old woman tries to figure out what is said to be wrong with her as her family falls apart, and she digs holes into other's. --------------------------------------------------------- "You don't have a husband, you don't have a kid". Anger consumes her and she willing embodied it, "You never did and never will!" ---------------------------------------------------------"Isn't it .." she connect her lips to her cigarette, and inhale. "..Outrageous.." exhaling the smoke, and a wicked smile appears on her face. She knows what she was going to do, they both knew, but yet she crosses the line breaking the bridges they've built. "..watching your life falling apart", she says mockingly, " and realizing that there's nothing you can do about it?", she raises her brow, not looking for an answer-she never cared for one, she just wanted to strike a blow and watch her helplessly collapse. "At least, I have one to watch fall apart. What about you? Is that what happened all those years ago", the other woman laughs at her own wicked lines. There was only one word that can describe those pair, maybe not one. But the only one that sums it up, and mattered was 'toxic'.

  Warning: I have no idea where I am going with this story, as of yet. It is currently one in the morning, so considered this as my brain making up for the lack of sleep. Since we have obviously established that this is being done on impulse, there are probably spelling errors and grammars. But I do promise to fix everything

the cover, and whatnots

, once I catch up on my two day of sleep-making for the sleep deprivation and all. Proceed with cautions


  Also, don't steal my story- you don't want to do that to someone who haven't sleep, they might crab a coffee and go crazy..


  Her shoulders were reaching her ears, and her body begins to shake. It was as if her soul was leaving her body and Miriam was witnessing it with the most heart-clenching fear. "It's not just that", another sentence manages to get out of her without a stammer, "she-" she begins. "Sh-she-she-" there was that stuttering again, Miriam wanted to laugh. She did not only find Pamela pathetic but herself included. It was just a normal conversation between a patient and her therapist, but yet every word, make her feel as if fingers were creeping on her shoulders and readying to yank her back, into a dark world.

  She tries hard not to laugh, and focus on her notebook, but as the woman in front of her repeats the same words over and over again she looks up. She wishes that she had not made eye contact, it was like starting at the devil himself as he taunts you. In her situation, the stammering, and the repetition would have created a great sense of impatience. But it was the stammering, the trembling, the lip quivering, the teary eyes, the fidgeting, and most of all the repetitions, that created the fear that drowns her at that moment.

  The other woman struggles with her words, she found herself completely pathetic and she too realize the fingers on her shoulder. She already knew that she was going to drag, yet another person down. Her tongue was being held by an invisible force and her sentences were creating the new reality-as she feared. "Sh-sss-she", she tries again this time forcefully. She knows that there is no going back, and if she valued others' life, she should shut up, but she needed help. She takes-for the first time today, a deep breath-a deep shaky breath. "She!", the word coming out strong and confident-something that she wasn't and hasn't been since she forgot where to find her safe bright light.

  "H-ha-haunts me", she finally, finally! After what felt like two years of trying to muster the courage to say. She finally, finally! After what feels like it's now going to be haunting Miriam, herself. She finally manages to call out the evil, and that's when the room's temperature drops, and her body starts to shake vigorously-no, it was jerking. Pamela, despite the jerking of her body started to slowly, fearfully turn to look at the door as if the evil will enter at any moment. But there it was! Not far away from the door, in the corner, already in. The only thing she could do is stare at it, as a broken sob leaves her mouth, as her teeth begin to dance with each other. And Miriam, feels the fingers squeezing on her shoulder, but before it yanks her back she stands up and tries to speak.

  Tries, because as soon as she got up, her strong feet and perfect balance fails her. She was now a foot away from her desk, how did she fall that far was the only words echoing in her head. Did the fingers perhaps yank her to the side? She tries to find her patient's bloodshot eyes, but they were focusing on an empty corner of her room and she now notice the blood coming from Pamela's thighs. Was she this whole time digging her nails into her flesh? The world did not give her any time to think of anything again, as the loud-piercing clock rings-saving both women from their torture. They finally make eye contact, both hoping that the other will end their ominous encounter, but no one had the courage. Miriam and Pamela simply stare at each other, trying to find if the other's soul was still present.