
Let’s Read The Word

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Broken Family

Broken Family



Realistic Urban

Pelzom, the mother of 3 kids cries her heart out with the wish to find and get solutions for her broken family and her unsuccessful marriage. But rather than getting what she wished, she was rather blamed by her parents, siblings, relative, and the people present in her community which made her madder. No more hopes were left with her when all the people pointed her fault for her successful marriage, she took a bold decision to leave that community and to find a new place and new people to give her new hope and better days for herself and her three kids.

I am from very humble family background. My parents got two daughters and one son. Among them, I am the eldest and I got huge responsibilities to look after them.

In the year 2000, I completed college and got employed in one of the private firms in Bhutan. I was paid well enough to help my parents and my younger brother and sister who were still undergoing their high school education.

After I got employed, one day, I received a phone call from a new number. I responded to the call and it was Sangay, my child's father currently. Sangay and I were childhood friends and at that time, I didn't think anything more than a friendship between us.

The next day, again he called me and asked me to come for dinner with him. I couldn't deny him and I accepted his request. I went for dinner with him and that day was the first day that I met him after five years of separation. When I meet him after five years, he was grown up and become a gentleman with good looking.

We shared some of our memories and our journey within that five years over that dinner. While we share about ourselves with each other, he told me that he is working as a Doctor in Phuntsholing hospital.

After dinner, we left for our residence and we didn't talk anything more after that for a week. But exactly after a week, I receive a long email from him. In his mail, he has written;

Dear Sangay,

I was overwhelmed to be able to meet with you after five years. And it was amazing to see you grown up so beautifully and elegantly but your good character which you have built since your childhood days is still there with you. I appreciate for taking care of your own identity and character.

Hope you didn't get surprised to see me with that shabby look with a dirty dress. If you have got surprised to see me in that dirty dress, please don't get surprised. I am all alone and no one is there with me to help me become more attractive with the clean dress and all. So, if you don't mind, why don't you be my better half? Will you get shocked if I propose to you?

Please don't get surprised! Since my childhood days, I had some feelings for you but I couldn't express you. When I met you last time during our dinner time, I really couldn't hold my heart. I fall you, dear. Please don't mind! I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you don't mind.

I will be waiting for your response. Until you respond, I won't be able to call you. I have a fear of losing you to someone.

Thank you

Yours loving
