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Cursed The Last Demon

Cursed The Last Demon

Author:EmmyB 1



Williams has been away with Rio, For years after escaping from the Huskibals [Demonic Creatures from another Realm and also known for the Screech they Create] Rio Smith on the other hand is a young Teen Who grew up with the thought of been an orphan from rogue Parents but then, His whole World changes the moment it all happened, the moment he pulled it off and became found. Like a stone, Rio falls into a World where Secrets he never thought he could see were revealed and now has to live the rest of his Life been hunted by Creatures he never thought Existed. With time, Rio finds himself been drawn into the darkness and into a Realm where Everything is at a tip of Extinction but the question Is, Will Rio Survive? Will Rio Find his Way through the darkness and get the answers he seek? . . TBC

  The Woods, Capacious by its size and Large number of Trees within it's grounds, showed signs of two Figures walking under it's Shades.

  It was night and the sky was dark as night crickets sounded all around.

  Meanwhile, Up in the sky, thunder strucked severally creating slight sparks in the air as the wind led the two figures deep into the Woods.

  Bits by bits, their sounding footsteps came nearet until they finally halted at a placement where an old House laid. Soon, the door knob clicked open and the door made ways for the Two Figures who walked in and searched through the room.

  "Williams!" A male voice pated but got no response, and seeing that no one had answered him, the figure who had yelled darted his eyes round every inch and corner of the house as if searching for someone. "Don't move or I blow out your brains!"

  Those came the Words of a Man about six feet tall, a round shiny head and a gun pointed towards the figure who had yelled earlier. The Figure on seeing this as a threat, slowly took his hands above his head, took a long, deep breath and turned slowly but then, instead of meeting his end, the figure could only smile as he saw the person before him. "Williams!" The figure Squealed happily

  "Billy!" Williams replied, withdrew his Gun and then hugged Billy who had gotten so excited.

  "Mara?" Williams whose eyes scanned through the young Woman standing next to Billy with a Little child in her Arms, squealed after he had broken off from the hug. "No way, is that?" Williams asked calmly.

  "Yes it is Williams and we need you to raise him up for us Okay? There's no time to explain everything but am damn sure you know this Williams, the whole Kingdom of Croxx is doom once they lay their hands on him, we need you to keep him safe. "

  Billy Explained in seconds and couldn't help but look away. His eyes now felt Watery while the tears that had formed in his eyes threatened to stream down his face. "Why?" Williams said in a whisper.

  "Why do they wanna catch him so badly?" Williams asked after a short while

  "You know he's the Vessel Williams and the only one who can safe the Kingdom of Croxx, the power to Saving the whole Kingdom lies within him and you know that" Mara chipped in and glance at the little boy still sleeping in her hands. "The Vessel?" Williams said and Chuckled.

  "Heard about it Mara but how can he possibly save the whole Kingdom? He's just a Kid Mara" Willaims asked sounding surprised.

  "Because the Memory lives within him Williams, he's the perfect Vessel whom Sathanas gave his life to create" Mara said and sighed. Looking down at the sleeping child in her arms, she couldn't help but allow the tears in her eyes to begin streaming down her face. "Look, I know you don't understand the whole Story Williams but know this one thing Okay? He needs to be safe, he needs to lives "

  Mara added and slowly stretched the sleeping baby towards Williams who was quick to look away. After a short while, Williams who couldn't ignore Mara's blue pleading Eyes any longer slowly turned and took the baby away from Mara's grip. "I... I promise you Mara, I will look after him as mine" Williams said after he had taken the child into his arms

  "Does this Means he possess the gift? Is that what makes him the Vessel?" Williams asked while Mara smiled inwardly and covered the little distance that seperated her from Williams.

  "No Williams, he possess a lot more than just the gift and that's what makes him so special" Mara said and then smiled before putting a little necklace around the Little boy's neck. "Never allow him to pull the Necklace Off Williams. It's binded with demon magic and it will help in suppressing his Powers." Mara said and while Williams slowly nodded his head.

  "What happens now huh? Where will you both go to?" Williams asked

  "To the Kingdom of Croxx, We need to stay back and fight them Off. We... "Mara said and couldn't finish her words when all a sudden, something strange happened. The stars which decorated the night sky slowly vanished away while the moon Which had been shining brightly all night long also disappeared without a single trace.

  Next, Williams gawped as some weird screeching sounded just outside the building Walls followed by a wild Wind which brought Chills to Williams spine.

  "They are here!" Billy said in seconds and turned to glance at Williams who was perhaps, scared. "Take the boy and leave here Williams but remember, he needs to live to save the Kingdom, Now go!"

  Billy yelled and conjured a Portal while Williams who had tightened his hold on the sleeping Rio, turned and took one last glance at Billy and Mara before jumping into the portal which closed up immediately. Meanwhile, a few seconds after Williams had jumped into the portal, the building, now covered in nothing but darkness suddenly radiated a weird aura as creatures in the forms of smokes passed through the Walls and floated above Billy and Mara. "The boy, Where is the boy?" The Creatures said in unison while a creepy smile found its way around Mara's lips and next, Mara's eyes glowed, forming a black Smoke that encircled round her body.

  Billy on the other hand balled his fist and slight cracks filled the air as an intense heat covered his body.

  "Very Well then, You want him huh?" Mara said and smiled. "Then come get him." Mara added and next, the two teams charged towards themselves. SAME NIGHT

  Next to the Woods, a portal appeared revealing Williams who emerged from it with the little boy in his arms. It was evident that the portal had teleported them just within a short distance as the building were Williams had been some Minutes ago, still showed from where he was now. All a sudden, Williams who darted his eyes towards the building gawped as loud screechings echoed in his head and next, a grunt escaped his lips as he watched the crazy beings in smoky forms who penetrated through the Building Walls only to be seen approaching them.

  The Worst Scenarios appeared in William's head and his heart began pounding loudly in his chest as he watched the beings who were already nearing his presence. "No! No!! No!!!, This can't be happening" Williams yelled within gritted teeths and bolted into a Sprint while rustling of leaves sounded all around as Williams ran into the woods. Williams ran with every strength in him, his hands were strongly tightened around the little boy's body while the screeching of the creatures in Smoky forms still sounded from afar. "Shit!"

  Williams cursed all a sudden and finally lost his balance as an invisible force appeared from nowhere and swept him off his Feet while cracking nearby trees at the impact.

  Williams panicked as he crashed on the ground, a grunt escaping his lips as he stared at his bleeding leg which had been pierced by a Wood or perhaps, something really sharp and pointy. Williams muffles filled the Woods as he felt that his World had ended. And Not knowing where he had found the strength, Williams endured the pain, stood on his feet and had began running away when it all happened, there was no way else to go, the path he took had Ended and before him laid nothing other than a large Ocean.

  "No! No!! No!!! There's no way this is happening to me right now, there's no f'cken way!" Williams cursed under his breathe and was about making a move when the sound of a broken twig sounded behind him followed by strange snarls that seemed to scare him to the core.

  Next, the strange snarl came again, louder this time around and this time, Williams was Fast enough pull out a revolver from his pants and release the bullets towards the direction the snarl had come from. Williams maintained his stance and strained his eyes in an effort to have a proper look towards the direction his bullets had gone but suddenly, a slight gush of wind pushed him a little Backward and next, Williams gawped, his gun falling frets from his hand as he stared at the Creatures now floating above him.

  "The boy, Give us the boy!" The Creatures said in demonic voices while all Williams could do was pant and tightened his hold on little Rio who was sound asleep. "You don't want to? Very well then" The Creatures asked again, seemingly disappointed and then charged at him. Williams on the other hand shut his eyes close and hoped for nothing other than dead, he felt his World had ended as he watched the strange Creatures now approaching him at a mad speed but unknown to anyone, something strange took place. As Williams shut his eyes closed, Little Rio who was fast asleep knew not what he was doing as his eyes slowly glowed, forming a bright light that encircled round William's body, giving him a pair of White Wings and a barrier that seperated him from the Creatures.

  Next, Williams who didn't feel or hear the sound of any broken bone just yet, slowly opened his eyes only to panic as he found himself floating above the ground. He wondered how it happened that he now had a pair of wings as he happened not to be a Supernatural but instead, a normal human. Williams who was lost in thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the strange snarls of the Creatures that were after them. He watched as they tried approaching them but the moment their smoky bodies came in contact with the air, a strange force repelled them backwards and thereby, protecting them from the Creatures.

  Williams smiled as he felt that he was now safe from the Creatures that were after them, he loved the way the strange force repelled them backwards each moment they tried approaching them but then, the smile on his lips couldn't last for a Very long time as his Wings suddenly disappeared while he ended up descending down the Mountain.