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Contract Marriage With The Billionaire

Contract Marriage With The Billionaire




Book one : Contract Marriage With The Billionaire Anita’s parent went bankrupt and in order for her to save her family, she was married off to Daniel Gray the son the billionaire who promise to invest in her dad’s company. For the early days of their marriage, Daniel was unfaithful and very harsh to her constantly reminding of how he distaste being married to her. Book Two: The Billionaire's Contract with The Artist Camila a single mother got a job to paid the portrait of Billionaire Damien. Along the line they find themselves felling in love with each other. just when they though things will go smoothly for them, Terry her abuse ex is back, Damien brother seems to hate her and his mother thinks she is a gold digger. will their love survive or will they allow the forces if the world to separate them. find out as you read… Book three : Flash Marriage with Mr Billionaire Lucas turned to face her, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and resignation. "I can't be around someone who uses people for their own gain. Our entire relationship feels like a calculated move on your part."

Anita's heart raced as she approached her father's study. He had called her in, his tone unusually somber. She hoped it was just a minor issue, but deep down, she knew something was wrong. As she entered the room, her father's face told a tale of despair and uncertainty. The air hung heavy with the weight of an impending revelation.

"Anita," her father began, his voice strained and heavy with sadness. "We need to talk. Please, have a seat."

She obediently sank into the chair, her mind swirling with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Her father took a deep breath, his eyes avoiding her gaze. It was evident that the words he was about to utter weighed heavily upon him.

"I don't know how to say this, but our family is bankrupt," he finally revealed, his voice laced with regret. "Years of financial struggles have finally caught up to us, and we have exhausted every possible option."

Anita's heart sank. The news hit her like a crushing blow, stealing the air from her lungs. She had never imagined that her family's circumstances would deteriorate to such an extent. Thoughts of her dreams and aspirations crumbled before her eyes, leaving her feeling lost and hopeless.

"But... what about my education?" Anita stammered, her voice filled with desperation. "I'm in my last year of school. I can't just give up now."

Her father's gaze softened, brimming with a mixture of compassion and helplessness. "Believe me, Anita, it breaks my heart to say this, but we simply can't afford to continue supporting your education. We've depleted all our resources trying to keep our heads above water. It's a harsh reality, one that I never thought we would face."

Tears welled up in Anita's eyes, her dreams slipping away like sand through her fingers. The prospect of abandoning her studies so close to the finish line seemed unbearable. She had invested countless hours, pouring her heart and soul into her education, hoping for a brighter future. Now, it all seemed in vain.

"I understand how devastating this must be for you," her father continued, his voice filled with sorrow. "But we have to make sacrifices for the sake of our family's survival. We need to focus on finding a way to rebuild our lives from this point forward."

Anita's mind raced, desperately searching for a solution, a glimmer of hope. "Can't we seek help? Scholarships, loans, anything?"

Her father's eyes met hers, filled with a mixture of admiration and regret. "We've explored every possible avenue, Anita. But the truth is, the financial burden is simply too great. We cannot afford to take on any more debt. It's time to face the reality and adapt to the circumstances as best we can."

Silence enveloped the room as Anita struggled to accept the harsh reality that her education had reached an unexpected and abrupt end. Her dreams, once so vivid, now felt distant and unattainable. The weight of her family's financial downfall bore down upon her, suffocating her spirit.

Her father reached out and gently touched her hand, his voice filled with tenderness. "Anita, remember that education is not confined to the walls of a classroom. It's an ongoing journey, and this setback doesn't define your intelligence or potential. We'll find a way to rebuild, and you will have opportunities in the future. I believe in you."

Anita nodded, her heart heavy but determined. She would have to find strength in the face of adversity, reinventing her path forward despite the obstacles. In that moment, she resolved to make the most of her situation, determined to prove her worth beyond the confines of a formal.

A week had passed since Anita's world had been shattered by the devastating news of her family's bankruptcy. She had tried to come to terms with the abrupt end to her education, focusing on supporting her family through their financial turmoil. But just as she began to find a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, her father's call sent tremors of apprehension through her.

Anita's heart raced as she answered her father's summons and entered his study. His face wore a mixture of concern and hesitation, and she could sense that something significant hung in the balance. She took a deep breath and braced herself for whatever news awaited her.

"Anita, sit down," her father said, his voice tinged with both urgency and unease. "I've been approached by the CEO of Gray Enterprise. He's willing to invest in our company, which would help us get back on our feet financially."

Anita's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. While the prospect of an investment was encouraging, she couldn't understand why her father seemed so troubled. She waited anxiously for him to reveal the catch.

"But," her father continued, his voice trailing off momentarily before regaining its strength, "he has a condition. The CEO's son, Daniel Gray, is interested in marrying you. He believes this union would solidify the business partnership and ensure its success."

The weight of her father's words crashed down upon Anita like a tidal wave. Marry a stranger? Sacrifice her dreams and her autonomy for the sake of her family's financial stability? It felt like a cruel twist of fate, a choice that tore at the very fabric of her being.

Anita's mind whirled with conflicting emotions. She understood the significance of the offer and the potential benefits it could bring. But the price demanded from her felt immense. She had always envisioned a future where her choices were her own, where love and companionship blossomed naturally.

"But, Father," Anita finally managed to utter, her voice tremulous. "What about my dreams? What about my own happiness?"

Her father's eyes bore into hers, his face etched with a mixture of guilt and desperation. "Anita, I know this is an unimaginably difficult decision to make. But we are at a crossroads. We must consider the greater good of our family and the future of our company. It's a choice I never thought we would face, but circumstances have forced our hand."

Anita's heart ached as she grappled with the enormity of the situation. The weight of responsibility pressed down upon her, intertwining with her shattered dreams. She knew she couldn't make a hasty decision, not when her future hung precariously in the balance.

"Father, please give me some time to think," Anita pleaded, her voice tinged with both sadness and determination. "This is not a choice to be taken lightly. I need to consider the consequences, not just for myself but for our entire family."

Her father nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and remorse. "Of course, Anita. Take all the time you need. Weigh your options, consider the potential outcomes. Your happiness matters to me, but so does the welfare of our family. Know that whatever decision you make, I will support you."

With a heavy heart, Anita left her father's study, her mind swirling with a multitude of emotions. She knew that the path before her was treacherous, fraught with sacrifices and uncertainty. But deep down, she also knew that she possessed the strength and resilience to navigate it, no matter the outcome.