
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Authoress leemarh



How would you feel being hated by your mother, the agony of knowing your mother hate you, The pain you suffer from everyday Every child happiness is his/her mother but what if your is a misery for you A mother is every child supporter but what if your is an opposer for you How would you feel? Meet Alyssa Thompson. A 22 year old lady who had always fend for herself all her life, there is no difference between her and an orphan. Her own case was that she had a mother A mother she wish she never had, A mother who made life a living hell for her, A mother she wished wasn't existed She sometime wonder if truly the woman's she considered her mother was her mom, She sometime thought she is adopted by the woman she considers her mother But why isn't she doing anything to defend herself It was because of a promise she made. The promise she wished she didn't made A promise she made with her late father she wished she could change the hands of the clocks and tell her father she couldn't fulfilled such promise but she was left with no choice than to fulfill her promise. ★★★★ Meet Tyler Scott. 25 year old, the youngest bachelor and a multi billionaire, cold and arrogant, The man with the darkest heart, CEO of SSGC ( Sylvia Scott groups of company) one of the best company in America, Girls drool at first glance, he is demi God in his own world he is every girls dream man But he hate girl, he feels disgusted by their sights, To him they were just gold diggers and weakness to men Even his mother is not an expectation But there was this lady who always bothers him, The only woman she keeps in his heart, *Who is she* Tyler always wonder A girl she never for once see but captured his heart He has been on a lookout for the girl who dare capture his heart

Writer POV

It was on a rainy day. it was raining heavily,

Heavy and deep rumblings sound blast the earth,

The street looked isolate and there wasn't a single soul passing by,

It all seem quiet like a cemetery.

A lady is seen running, looking shattered and breathing heavily,

She looks like she is about to pass out anytime soon.

She can still hear foot steps behind her,

It was her mother's.

She is coming behind her in a massive speed

She has to keep up with her pace if she want to


She heard a thud but didn't turn back, her footstep stop but not for long, it continues again.

She is panting and running out of breath but that didn't stop her, she must get out of here

She once turned and see that she is a few metre apart from her

She kept looking back and didn't notice a cliff ahead of her,

She missed her step and stumbled over the cliff into the river.

"Alyssa!" she could hear her mother faint voice screamed for her


Alyssa screamed loudly as she woke up panting heavily, covered in sweat.

She immediately sat up on the bed still looking frightened,

Tears wail down her cheeks,

"It the same dream again" she muttered.

She clunged to her blanket as if it could comfort her,

She checked for the time on the bed stand and realized it was still midnight,

She snuggle into the bed and wrapped the duveut on herself,

*What if i dream about it again* she thought,

Every night she always have the same dream of her mother chasing her and she falling into the river,

It feels so real whenever she woke up that she used to thought that she was actually dying,

Worst past is that there won't be anyone to comfort her whenever she woke up,

She have lost her ability to sleep that she is even afraid to sleep in broad daylight.

And at night she is always reading to pass time,

She didn't know what happen today........ she was so tired from work that she fell asleep as soon as she get in her room,

She immediately move to her reading table to continue with her book.

She put on her glasses and on the lamp to start reading,

"There is no way i am sleeping again tonight" she concluded.


A man could be seen fidgeting on his bed.

One could tell he was having a bad dream,

He suddenly woke up....... sweating all over,

He moved his hand up to his forehead.... wiping off the beads of sweat,

He reached for the table lamp and turned it on.......he reached for the glass of water on the nightstand..... he stared at it and sighed deeply.

*Please save me........ help me!*

*!My mother will kill me!*

Those words keep ringing in his head causing his headache to rise up

The door burst open and a man could be seen rushing in,

"Boss are you okay?"

"Another nightmare" the man added

He had heard his boss rough breathing, that prone him to enter to check if everything is okay,

"Wilson"Tyler called

"Yes boss"

"Get me my drug" he said

Wilson quickly open the shelf , searching for the drug.

"Here sir" he said as he hand over the drug to him,

"You can go"

Wilson bow and leave the room,

He immediately took the pill and washed it down with water

It was the same dream,

A dream that has become a nightmare for him

A dream about a girl calling for his help....a girl he didn't know or seen in his entire life,

The girl's face was always blurry.....he could get a proper glimpse of her face,

He stood up and moved closer to the shelf, he opened the shelf and bring out a sketch of the girl body

He keep staring at the sketch and didn't know when tear roll down his cheek,

He touched his face and was surprise to see tear

He let out a dry laughter.... he couldn't understand the reason why he is crying.

The devil crying but he just couldn't control it.

He was a man with a dark heart and didn't care about anyone, if you mess with him you will live to regrets it because of what he will make you pass through.

"Who are you?" he asked as he keep starting at sketch

"How dare you always disturb my peace" he continue.......why did you always appear to me, if you want me to save you..... you should show your face"

This had been going on for the past 6 year, having the same dream every night.

There is no way he could sleep without those pill he took earlier, he is addicted to the drug that he won't be able to sleep unless he took the drug and After 5 hour the pill has finished working,

"Even if I save you I will make you pay for the stress you put me through" he said as he sat down on the chair that was behind him.

He despise girls and feel disgusted by their sights

To think, he that girls are like diseases to is now the one that is catch up in this mess is something he found ridiculous

*Who hell is this girl's though* he thought

He just couldn't control the anger that was building up at the pit of his stomach

He feels disgusted that he had been having a dream of this girl for the past 6 year and there is nothing he could do about it,

He has been on a lookout for the girl's but all his efforts are fruitless.

He took out a cigarette from the pack that was in front of him on the table, light it up with lighter and took it to his mouth, puffed in a large amount of smokes and puffed out slowly

He was trying to vent his anger on the cigarette,

He thought of the kind of punishment he would give the girl's once he laid his hand on her

The mere thought of it kind of ease his anger, he smirked wickedly and continue smoking.

★Somewhere in New York★

A woman is seen crying as she held a picture of a beautiful baby girl,

The woman was crying as she kneel on the floor and hug the picture,

It was all her fault that her daughter went missing.

"If only I didn't let my emotion get the best of me, my daughter would have been with me"she mutter amidst sobbing.

Her child is her only source of happiness but that happiness has been snatched away from her,

"Oh God please. help me find my daughter, i have been living in pain all this year, let my suffering come to an end and for that to happen i need my daughter back" she lament out bitterly.

Unknown to her, her husband is behind her watching her every move,

He moved closer to her and place his hand on her shoulder soothing it gently, there is nothing he could to console his wife than this

He make her face him and held her cheek in his hand, cleaning her tear with his thumb

He himself is trying is best not to breakdown, he has to stay strong for his wife

"Don't worry darling, God already heard your prayer and it will be granted" he said making her stand up

He led her to one of the chair and made her sit down on it, while he kneel in front of her

"This is not your fault" he continues...please stop blaming yourself, i certainly feel your pain but i am sure our daughter wont be happy to know that you are doing this to yourself. you have to consider your health also, i believe our daughter will come back to us one day" he said

He get up, sit down beside her and hug her closely... he brushed his hand into her hair

She continues crying on her husband shoulder as she moved the picture closer to her chest hugging it more closely as if it going to go away as well.

"baby please come back to me....i miss you dearly, momma really miss you " she said as she resumed crying.


Tyler stood... lost staring at the city of New York, with a cup of coffee in his hand

He could see how busy people are preparing for their daily work

He takes a sip from the cup and exhale deeply... he feel so relaxed

If only his life is as cool as the view in front of him

He could see the tall building of different company... with the road buzzing up with different activities,

Since his room is made of glass making it look like a *stahl house* with beautiful floor to ceiling glass wall,

He could see various building and activities going on from his room

Shortly, Wilson walk in and bow in respect

"Good morning boss"

"What are my schedule for today?" he asked instead of replying his greeting

Wilson is already adapted to his boss grumpy attitude and wasn't expecting him to reply his greeting

"You have a meeting with the board by 10am and lunch date with Miss Melanie by 12pm" Wilson replied tardiness

"Cancel my lunch date with Melanie and go get ready for the meeting"

"Okay sir" he bow and leave

Tyler resume with his thought...shortly he felt a hand on his shoulder and turn back to see his mother

"What is it mom?" he asked impertinent

"Is that your way of saying good morning" his mother replied

"Mom if you do not have anything to know the way to the door"

"Tyler this your demeanor is uncalled for, you really need to get serious with your life"

Tyler was getting annoyed but was trying his best not to lose it

This one of reason he hate girls...they talk a lot and it makes him sick

If it was any girls that was before him at this moment, she would have been six feet underground

"Tyler darling" his mother called tenderly.

"All what i am saying is for your own sake, you really need to settle down"

"I am sure if you are married, all this your attitude will be tamed by your wife. You are no more a kid you are 25 for goodness sake"

"You are old enough to get married" his mother said trying to make him see reason

"Mom you won't be the one to decide for me when to settle down, I will do so when I want to"

"Tyler you can't keep up with this...."

"Mom please stop!" Tyler yell cutting her off

He look like an angry beast that could devour her right now

He raise his hand up daring her to continue

His mother knew better not to push the matter forward again.

she kept looking at her son who look like he could kill her anytime soon if she make a slight mistake of uttering a word

She gulped down nervously and stood dumbfounded not knowing what to say

Tyler smirked and nodded his head in satisfaction.

A satisfied smile curled up at the corner of his lip, this exactly what he want to see in her eyes...fear!

When people talks to him, he see fear in their eye but his mother seemed too relaxed with him and seeing her like this make him happy that he was finally able to put her in her place

The coffee in his hand already got cold and soogy

He angrily throw it way causing the glass cup to shattered into pieces... he glare hard at his mother

*It was all her fault that his coffee get cold* he thought

Tyler's mom quickly regain herself and left the room

Feeling so aggravated, he rushed into bathroom to cool himself down and prepare for work

Shortly the sound of the shower could be heard

Once outside Tyler's mom inhale deeply, releasing the breath she didn't know she was holding,

she lean back on the wall, still couldn't believe what happen earlier with her son

she really want to help her son but didn't know how.

"Good morning ma'am" the voice of the maid who was about to enter into Tyler room to clean bought her out of her thought

"Morning" she acknowledge her greeting and leave for her room

She turned back to look at the maid who was feeling scared to go in,

She feel sorry for her because she knew she isn't coming out of that room normally, it either with bruised hand or an insult from Tyler and if she makes any slightly mistake she won't make it out of the room in one pieces

After the maid has summon enough courage, she step in,

She shake her head sadly and continue on her way.