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Disabled CEO's Substitute Wife

Disabled CEO's Substitute Wife



Trapped in a web of deceit, the forsaken illegitimate daughter, was forced to marry a man shrouded in mystery — a figure bound to a wheelchair by day but transformed into a relentless predator by night. By day, he was the perfect gentleman, showering her with tender affection and unwavering devotion. But as darkness fell, he revealed his true nature, consuming her with a passion that left her questioning everything she thought she knew. "Letha, I thought you were disabled! How could you deceive me?" She gasped, clutching her aching waist. He flashed a wicked smile. "Did I ever say I was?" Desperate to escape her gilded cage, she soon learned that the man had no intention of letting her go. "Letha, I'm just a substitute, please set me free," she pleaded, only for him to pull her into his arms with a husky whisper, "Behave, darling." But fate had other plans. A cold-blooded murder sent her plunging into the sea, silencing her forever, or so it seemed. Five years later, she returned and was reborn from the ashes. On a quiet night, she found a child with big, pleading eyes standing on her doorstep. "Mommy, may I stay here?" And from the shadows emerged a tall, striking figure, the same man who once bound her to his side. "Darling, may I stay here?"

"My world had disintegrated and life had been reborn. Nevertheless, you remained my dearest." - Letha Ray.

In June, Ravenmoor by the sea had been less stifling than she had expected.

Yet, the unpredictable weather had still managed to stir a sense of irritation and unease. The sea breeze that caressed her face had offered no respite from the heat.

Around ten in the evening, Traci Foster had seated herself on the balcony of the second-floor while gently cradling her swollen belly.

"My darling, in just over twenty days, you will enter this world. I will shower you with all the love I can give."

In her life, this child appeared to be her sole beacon of warmth. She closed her eyes slightly, immersed in her reflections.

The cell phone on the desk had chimed repeatedly. She quietly opened her eyes and glanced at the device.

Rising slowly, she had retrieved the phone and discovered a video from Bette Foster. It was her older sister again, routinely sending texts or videos. She had grown used to this.

Gently resting her hand on her stomach, she instinctively opened the video.

It depicted a naked man and woman entwined on the bed.

"Letha, be gentle!" the woman purred with a seductive plea.

The video, lasting three minutes, revealed their frenzied intimacy and possession.

Tracie realized that her husband was having an affair with her sister. She laughed bitterly, tears streaming down her face.

She turned with deliberate slowness, her hands gently embracing her swollen belly. Shaking uncontrollably, she was entirely sapped of strength. As she attempted to move forward, her foot caught on the thick carpet.

Then, she fell violently. A sharp pain surged through her abdomen, making it difficult to breathe. She tried to rise, but her tears blurred her vision.

Despite the intense agony, she tried to stand again. Suddenly, a warmth spread across her leg. Overwhelmed by pain and despair, she fainted before she could even scream.

The bedroom door finally swung open. A servant spotted her on the floor and called out, "Miss, what's wrong?"

Traci's last fragment of consciousness was the earnest voice of her butler urging, "She is going into labor. Call Letha immediately!"

Then, the blare of ambulance sirens pierced her ears...

When Traci opened her eyes again, the sterile surroundings of a hospital confirmed her location.

What about her baby?

She attempted to turn her body to sit up, but a nurse was already there preparing an IV drip. Upon seeing her awake, the nurse's face brightened with a smile. "Miss, you're awake."

Traci tried to speak, but her throat was parched, and no sound came out. The nurse swiftly brought a cup of water to her lips. "Miss, what would you like to say?"

"My... my baby..." Traci's voice was a mere whisper.

The nurse paused, finishing the IV setup before looking at her with sympathy. "Please rest. If you need anything, use the call button."

As the nurse began to leave, Traci grasped her arm, her voice rough, "Where is my child? Bring him to me!"

"Miss... The baby... The baby didn't make it," the nurse said softly, her gaze falling to the floor.

"What did you just say?" Traci felt a chilling numbness wash over her at the nurse's words.

"I'm so sorry," the nurse's voice trembled, "The baby was born prematurely and suffocated. He didn’t survive." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"No, that can't be!" Traci's voice was frantic as she clutched the nurse's arm. "He was kicking inside me every day. There’s no way he’s dead! Please bring him to me!"

Desperation overtaking her, Traci ripped the IV from her hand. Barefoot and frantic, she bolted from the room.

Seeing fresh blood dripping from her hand, the nurse quickly tried to stop her. "Miss, it's true, the baby has passed away. You need to lie down, you're bleeding!"

"Get off me!" Traci shouted, mustering all her strength to push the nurse away. Stumbling out of the room, she ran barefoot down the hall. She reached the nursery just as the doctor was stepping out.

She grabbed hold of him desperately, "Where's my baby? Doctor, where is he?"

The doctor paused, recognizing the anguish in her eyes. "Miss, I’m so sorry. The baby didn't survive due to a lack of oxygen when you fainted. You gave birth less than a week ago. You need to rest and take care of yourself. You can try for another child in the future."

Traci's hand dropped as the doctor's words echoed in her mind. The baby didn’t survive due to lack of oxygen.

"My darling, are you abandoning me too?" Her voice trembled as tears streamed down her pale cheeks. "I'm so sorry, my love. Mama shouldn’t have fainted."

"Miss! Miss! Why aren't you wearing your shoes? You'll catch a cold!" The butler, Wallace Meza, hurriedly approached while holding out a pair of shoes for her. He had just left the room when Traci woke up and immediately called Letha.

As Wallace dialed the number, Traci, walked to the top of the staircase in a daze. She began to descend, her steps heavy and unsteady. Upon reaching the hospital entrance, she stood behind a large pillar while looking up at the sky. Her voice was a soft murmur, "My dear, are you waiting for me in heaven? Mommy will come to be with you."

At that moment, the screech of tires pierced the air as a car abruptly stopped in front of the hospital. Letha sprang from the car, leaving the door ajar. His heart pounded with fear as he dashed toward the elevator.

Traci emerged from behind the pillar, taking slow, measured steps toward the car. She then climbed into the driver’s seat and shut the door. Seeing the keys still in the ignition, she let out a chuckle, though it was tinged with despair.

Gently, she started the car and reversed. After executing a U-turn, she exited the hospital grounds.

When Letha exited the elevator and hurried toward Traci's room, he was met with an empty hospital bed, only a tangle of sheets left behind. At this moment, panic surged through him. Where had Traci gone?

Just then, Wallace burst into the room, breathless. "Sir, Traci is missing!"

"Missing? But she just woke up!" Letha's heart pounded uncontrollably, his eyelids twitching with anxiety.

Frantic, he rushed to the balcony. Just then, his breath caught in his throat when he saw his car leaving the hospital. It felt like a punch to the gut.

"Traci!" Without thinking, Letha grabbed another set of car keys and leaped off the third-floor balcony, much to the shock of the nurses on the second floor, who watched in disbelief as he flew past like Spider-Man.

On the highway, Traci floored the gas pedal. She was unaware that Letha was right behind her. The speedometer needle climbed higher and higher, making Letha’s head spin. He rolled down his window, shouting desperately, "Traci, stop! It's dangerous! Please listen to me!" But no matter how loudly he yelled, Traci didn’t seem to hear him.

Instead, she drove onto the freeway, leaving Ravenmoor behind and heading toward the coastal overpass.

By now, Letha was nearing the brink of despair. He wanted to overtake her, to somehow stop her. However, her car was moving at a terrifying speed. If he forced it to stop, she might be injured. Nevertheless, all he could do was continue pleading, "Traci, I beg you, please stop!"

Meanwhile, Traci heard nothing of the pleas behind her. Her mind was solely focused on the vision of her child waiting for her in heaven.

Her car sped across the sea-level road and onto the overpass.

As she saw the railings of the bridge approach, she smiled to herself. Perhaps this was for the best. She could finally be with her child in heaven. The world was too cruel, and she longed to leave it behind.

As the railing drew closer, Traci kept her eyes open. In the middle of the overpass, her car was like an arrow aimed at its mark. She slowly closed her eyes, her lips curling into a serene smile. She headed straight for it...