
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Authoress wonder



What if I'm love what I never even do or like?? Do we ever live what we hate?? Anyways, Here is Sicily, she's a victim of bully from classmates and friends. She always thinks she has no special thing or intact talent. Cause shes a terrible dancer, singer, story writer, artist or any thing called talent. She tried discovering herself but still nothing special. She's very stubborn and a strong head . Has no kept friends and changes school all the time. What if there's a turn around and she's forced to love what she hates?? What if she becomes popular at the end of the day?? Find out with clicks on this intriguing story❤️❤️

Silicy pov:

I stretched my arms and legs as hard as I can but it's very painful and I can't even do what others are doing.

"Hey!!, What are you even doing?, It's not even that hard , you know you are not even flexible but still chose to join our cheerleaders group " the leader, Matilda said .

I stood on my feet.

"It isn't entirely a flexible dance so I can do this" I said as I tried defending myself.

"You can't even dance at all, I think you should not even be here" she said again moving towards me.

"I can do this" I demanded with a shaky voice, I'm about to burst into tears.

"You can't baby girl, use the door" she said pointing to the direction of the door.

I'm a failure yet again, I never do anything well. I don't even know how to do anything.

This is the same way I was sent out if the school choir, they said I'm a very terrible singer and I shouldn't even try singing in the next life. I felt very bad and disappointed in myself.

I'm only stubborn without special abilities.

I walked out through the door cleaning my tears with my palm brushing through my cheeks.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder making it hang there while I walked towards the school gate. I'm going home.

Luckily no security at the gate.

"Why are you home now?" Mum asked as she opened the door to the house for me.

I walked past her ignoring her question.

"I just asked a question Silicy" mum said to me again.

**I'm not in the mood to talk ** I thought and started climbing up the stairs to go up to my room.

"Silicy !" My shouted this time around but I just slam my door againt her call and landed flat on my bed .

I tried crying but I guess I'm not born to cry as I didn't cry .

The thoughts of Matilda words to me came all rushing in.

I so hate her.

I went in the bathroom, took a shower, got out , put on my hoodie and a jogger .

Dried my hair like I'm going out.

Tried making my hair after that but I guess I don't know how to do that also as I got very bored and tired of plaiting it.

I slid on my slippers and held my phone.

"I'm going out mum" I screamed as I walked very fast towards the door.

"To where??" Mum asked as she rushed out of the kitchen to see me.

"For a stroll mum" I said lazily and shut the door before another word slides out of her mouth.

I walked with my headphones on connected to my phone.

I soon found myself in a beautiful garden.

I saw a little kid dancing and I immediately hated her and her dance entirely cause I already vowed to never dance ever again.

I walked further into the garden and I kept admiring the beautiful flowers of different colours.

I saw what I love ........ A BUTTERFLY

purple in colour .

"Wow... Very beautiful " I said to myself as soon as I saw it and proceeded to take a closer look at it .

I pulled my face closer to it.

"Hi beautiful, how are you doing?? " I talked like I'm having a conversation with it.

It looks oddly beautiful.

Soon it flew and stood on my nose

"OUCH!" I screamed as it sort of bit me .

What happens next??

How do you think of this??❤️