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In Love With Her Abductor

In Love With Her Abductor

Author:Authoress Toyo



Meet Andrea the daughter of a wealthy tycoon in America, unlike most rich heiress, Andrea isn't a spoilt brat. Infact she owns a fashion home ANDREA'S TOUCH. She makes her income all by herself and doesn't depend on her parents. Then there is Elijah, the grumpy and cold hearted son of a mafia lord, Elijah tends to do almost everything just to please his father, since he's next in line in being a mafia lord. Something conspired between the two fathers, causing the kidnap of Andrea by Elijah, he was actually sent by his father to kidnap Andrea just as a pay back to her father. Andrea having no idea about why she's held hostage begged to be freed. But of course, her pleas fell on deaf ears, one thing led to another and Andrea began to have these unwanted feelings for her abductor! She made to hide her feelings for him, but the overwhelming feelings were impossible to keep, seeing him every single day made it difficult for her. Unknown to her, Elijah was also in love with her. Somehow, his heart melted for her and he grew to love her. After much efforts, the two fell into their desires and let destiny take it's cause. This made Elijah to be turn apart in whether to be loyal to his father or be faithful and protective of Andrea. Then something unexpected happened, Elijah found out his father wasn't actually his father! Then the real truth began to unfold... Found out in this story full of love, hate, friendship and betrayal, how these two lovers will fight to stay together.

Andrea's POV

I smiled at my image in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, it's something I do often, I tend to smile to my image in mirrors. I winked at myself and gave out a light giggle. when I was done brushing my teeth, I quickly took my bath, then I wrapped myself with my towel and dried my hair with a hair drier, then I went to my bedroom. I dried myself, then applied my body lotion, I let my hair fall, I prefer it that way. My hair is sleek black and long, I often get compliments on it. I'm not really a make up person, so I just smiled at myself in the mirror and headed to my walk in closest to find something to wear. Then I settled for a green jumpsuit, I picked a white heels and a white bag to match. I placed the cloth and bag on my bed, then placed the heels beside my bed. Then I got dressed, I went to my Jewelry closet and picked a pair of white earrings and necklace, It was a gift given to me by my dad, I wore them and wore my gold wristwatch, the heels and picked the bag.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction, pretty miss Andrea... I giggled and went out of my room.

' Good morning everyone!' I exclaimed as I walked down the stairs.

' Oh my! You look so beautiful Andrea ' My mom exclaimed when she saw me.

' Thanks mom, I got that from you ' I chuckled as I hugged her.

' Good morning, princess ' My dad greeted with a grin.

' Dad, how was your night?' I asked as I went to hug him too.

' It was fine and yours?'

' Mine was splendid '

' Hey you two, the food is gonna get cold ' My mum said, making my dad and I chuckle.

' Yeah, yeah just say you're getting jealous ' My dad teased my mom.

' Of course, not ' She denied.

' Mom don't mind dad okay, he's only teasing you '

We sat down and began to eat.

' Of course, she knows that, right babe?' My dad winked at my mum.

I swear I saw my mum's face turn red.

' Yeah I know ' She said shyly and I giggled.

God thank you for bringing me into this family... I thought as I looked at my parents. They always act like teenagers in love even at their age.

' Bye mom, bye dad ' I kissed my parent goodbye respectively after we were done eating.

' Take care of yourself ' My mum said.

' I will mum '

' Come home soon okay ' My dad added.

' Okay dad, bye ' Then i headed out.

' Bye ' They said in unison.

I got into my car and brought it to life, immediately the security opened the main gate, then I drove out.

Soon, I got to my fashion home, Andrea's Touch. Each staff that saw me, greeted me with a slight bow which I responded to.

' Good morning, ma'am Andrea ' My secretary greeted as I got to her table.

' Good morning, Cynthia ' I replied with a warm smile.

' How was your night?' I asked.

' It was fine ma'am '

' That's nice, please get me the design I made for the president's daughter ' I requested as I walked to my office.

' Yes ma'am '

I sat on my chair and took a deep breath.

Here's a new day... I thought with a smile.

I heard a knock on the door.

' Come in ' I said as I rested my gaze on the door.

The door opened and Cynthia walked in with a file in her hand.

' Here it is, ma'am ' She said as she handed the file to me.

' Thank you ' I collected it from her.

' Do you need anything else?' She asked.

' No, that's all ' I replied as I glanced through the file.

' Okay ma'am, I will head outside now '

' Okay, you can go '

' Thanks ma'am ' And with that she went out.

I checked through the design I made, this was probably the tenth time I was checking it. I always loved my designs to be perfect, so my customers won't have any cause to not patronize me again.

Next month is the president's daughter's wedding, so I need to make her dress way perfect without any single mistake.

After checking that the drawing was hundred percent perfect, I went out of my office, heading to the sewing room. I began cutting the fabrics with the aid of some of my staffs.


' Good bye ma'am ' Some of my staffs waved as I walked out.

' Good bye, see you guys tomorrow ' I waved at them.

I got inside my car and drove out. What a day... I thought.

As I drove, I began humming to a rap by Nicki Minaj, which was been played on my car audio play. Then suddenly, i noticed a SUV car had been trailing me for a while, I looked through my side view mirror with furrowed brows.

' Who the fuck is this?' I muttered to myself.

I sped up and then, the car also followed suit. Okay... I think I'm been trailed.

I tried to dodge it, but it was quick to catch up with me.

I began to panic, I increased my speed but the fool still caught up with me.

Who the fuck is this?! I cursed this time.

Whoever was driving the car, swiveled it and made it stop right in front of my car and immediately, I stepped on the break, If not for my seat belt, I sure would have hit my head on the steering wheel.

Five guys in black came out of the car and walked to mine.

What the fuck! Is this an armed robbery attack?

My heart was literary in my mouth at that moment.

One of them knocked on the window, insisting I open up but I refused. He brought out a gun and immediately I complied. Just as I opened the door, he placed a white handkerchief on my face, the next thing... I blacked out.
