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The Goddess's Close Combat Expert

The Goddess's Close Combat Expert


Realistic Urban

As a magnanimous and noble man, Shen Zhongshan's goal is: The women around me are those I've been intimate with and those who do not wish to be, my enemies are only those that have surrendered and those about to surrender. Let's see how a man with overwhelmingly high combat power gathers all the beauties and dominates the world amidst this tumultuous world.

"Line up honestly, one by one, shoulder to shoulder, heads down. Out you go!" A domineering policeman stood at the entrance of the Wave nightclub, commanding a group of ladies and revelers making their way out.

The ladies hung their heads in humiliation, while the inebriated men blushed, wishing they could simply vanish into thin air. Who would've thought they'd run into a police raid while enjoying their time in the nightclub? What rotten luck they had.

As they were about to step into the police car, the guests glared at the Wave nightclub signage, vowing never to return to this unlucky place.

Before long, the police had rounded up everyone and drove away, leaving the nightclub owner, who had been putting on a careful and flattering smile throughout, to return to his emptied bar and sigh despondently.

The only ones left in the nightclub now were the servers and the security guards.

Shen Zhongshan happened to be one of the security guards.

To be honest, looking at the wronged bar owner, Shen Zhongshan felt he was the most aggrieved party. This was his fifth job in six days.

At this moment, the boss looked up at Shen Zhongshan, hammering his chest in anger upon seeing his helpless expression, "Shen Zhongshan, you did a number on me. I didn't believe when heard every place you work at would close down. In the spirit of us being from the same hometown, I gave you a job, and on the second day, you managed to shut my bar down! You, you, you, out! I never want to see you again!"

Several minutes later, Shen Zhongshan, under the resentful stares of the servers and security guards, left the Wave nightclub with the 80 yuan he'd earned in two days.

He glanced back at the Wave nightclub and took a deep sigh. It seems like even to be a security guard, one needs good luck. Like himself - closing each bar he worked at, he was getting quite notorious throughout the city. And all this began after a certain incident involving a wastrel lady.

What to do next? Should he resort to pulling bricks at a construction site? With 80 yuan in his pocket, Shen Zhongshan walked aimlessly through the brightly lit streets of the city, feeling lost like never before.

Just as Shen Zhongshan was wondering about his future, he heard a piercing screech of brakes from a distance.

Shen Zhongshan looked up abruptly, only to see a black BMW car colliding head-on with an oncoming truck. The sound he had heard earlier had come from the BMW attempting to brake.

It was obvious that the BMW tried desperately to swerve out of the way of the oncoming truck, but it was impossible to avoid the wreck in that split second. There was a loud bang as the truck smacked into the BMW, flipping it over, where it rolled several times mid-air before hitting the ground.

Holy hell! Who would've thought that such a tragic accident could happen while walking peacefully down the high street? Shen Zhongshan was taken aback, about to take out his phone to call the police, when an unexpected twist occurred.

Under the massive impact, the surrounding vehicles immediately slammed their brakes, swerving away from the scene. The entire situation was extremely chaotic. Amidst the chaos, a car quickly pulled up next to the capsized BMW. The doors swung open, and four sleek gentlemen in black suits and sunglasses stepped out.

No sooner than the four suited men got out of the car, six or seven men jumped out from the dump truck. Without uttering a single word, they pulled out guns and started shooting at the suited men.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull and ferocious gunshots ripped the tranquil night sky of the Shanghai market.

"What the hell? How did a traffic accident turn into a shootout?" Shen Chongshan's heart skipped a beat, planning to turn around and leave. Recently, his luck had been terrible, and it seemed better not to meddle in these matters.

But just as he was about to turn around, the door of the BMW was pushed open from inside. A small girl, about five or six years old, covered in blood, crawled out. Despite a distance of fifty-odd meters, Shen Chongshan could clearly see the confusion, pain, and fear in her innocent eyes.

"Damn, I can ignore the killing of adults, but they aren't even sparing children? This is too much!" A series of painful memories flashed through Shen Chongshan's mind, which he tried to suppress. He gritted his teeth and charged towards the accident scene.

At this point, the sudden violent car crash and ensuing gunfire had people screaming in fear. The street was in pandemonium, and oddly, Shen Chongshan was running towards the chaos instead of escaping it.

Getting impatient with the jostling crowd, Shen Chongshan leaped onto a railing and then jumped onto a garbage bin four to five meters away. With a thunderous sound, the bin was completely squashed under his foot, highlighting his extraordinary strength. A freckle-faced girl happened to witness this. Already jittery from the previous gunfight, she fainted at the sight.

Like a tiger let loose, Shen Chongshan reached the dump truck in the blink of an eye. His sudden presence caught the gunmen off guard.

He grabbed hold of a young guy by the back of his collar and slam dunked his head onto the truck. With a dull thud, blood splattered. The young guy didn't even have a chance to grunt before collapsing feebly.

"What a rookie," Shen Chongshan snorted, visibly disgruntled at how easily the guy went down.

Tossing aside the young guy's body, Shen Chongshan dashed to the side of the BMW. He squatted down and gently wiped the blood off the little girl's chubby face, smiling, "I've come to save you."

The little girl seemed too scared to react, simply staring blankly at Shen Chongshan, forgetting to even cry out.

Shen Chongshan scooped up the little girl, only then noticing another woman trapped inside the car, her eyes wide open in horror, as she stared at him.

This woman is beautiful, but the key point is that Shen Zhongshan feels like he's seen her before.

However, since he is in an urgent situation, he doesn't have time to figure out where he's seen her before. Since he's saved this little girl, he can't let this beautiful woman inside die.

"Just consider it as buy one, get one free. You'll be the free one." After saying these words, Shen Zhongshan extended his large hand and grasped the woman's arm, pulling her out of the vehicle.

Having saved the older girl, Shen Zhongshan clasped the younger one on his left side and hooked the older one on the right, viewing the still dangerous environment. Who knew if the gunmen would go crazy enough to target him, so he quickly made a run for it, crossing the road and disappeared in the blink of an eye into the alleyway.

At this moment, a frustrated male voice suddenly boomed from a loudspeaker, "Damn! What's going on?! Who was that person and what's happening?"

From the nearby shop, a middle-aged man in a brown vest hat and holding a loudspeaker, jumped out, cursing as he came.

As his voice trailed off, individuals that looked quite professional ran out from buildings on both sides of the street. Some of them were carrying cameras and sound equipment. The previously fighting gunmen also lowered their prop guns, mutually puzzled and clueless about what had happened.

A man jogged over, bowing and nodding to the middle-aged man, "Director Zhang, it seems that a passerby mistakenly thought we were in a real situation."

Director Zhang's face darkened, and pointed towards a sign on the road that read, "Filming in progress, do not interrupt," and said, "Is he blind? What are you staff people doing!? How can you let random people in!?"

"Director Zhang, you said you wanted it to feel more authentic with ordinary people who were not in the know," the staff member said pitifully.

Director Zhang angrily slammed the loudspeaker on the ground and roared, "Wait until President Xu comes! You can explain it to her yourself! And President Xu and the big star Lin Monong Lin are close friends, that little girl named Cai Cai is President Xu's cousin who came to see the fresh action, and now both of them are gone. If President Xu gets mad, she'll skin you alive!"

"Ah?" The staff member's face went pale, cold sweat trickled down his forehead. Trembling, he asked, "Director Zhang, what should we do now?" He looked ready to burst into tears.

"What to do? Go find them, you pig-headed idiot!?" Director Zhang was so angry his blood pressure shot up. He gave this 'pig' a kick and sent him flying. He was just catching his breath when someone came over with a miserable face, "Director Zhang, President Xu will be here soon, would you like to greet her?"

"Ah?" This time, cold sweat streamed down Director Zhang's face. He looked at the messy scene in front of him, realizing Tang Xi and little Cai Cai were missing, he was running around like a headless chicken...

Shen Zhongshan had no idea how long they'd been running when he finally stopped, feeling they were safe. They found themselves in a much quieter area, standing in front of an old neighborhood. The occasional light peered out from a house, but the streets were deserted apart from parked and the occasional stray cat or dog.

"Big brother, you, you're amazing," the little girl said. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at Shen Zhongshan, speaking in pure admiration.

Shen Zhongshan chuckled, about to retort but was cut off as the breathtakingly attractive woman quickly pulled the little girl behind her. She eyed him warily, saying, "Cai Cai, don't speak to strange uncles you don't know. And you, what are your intentions? What are you up to?"


Shen Zhongshan figured this woman must be suffering from nearsightedness.

How on earth could such a handsomely charming guy like him be called an uncle?

First off, there was definitely nothing wrong with his looks... Just this afternoon before he went to work, he had checked himself in the mirror — still as charming as ever. The only thing that could be problematic here was this woman's eyesight.

On top of that, more importantly..."How could you say such a thing? It's clear as day I saw you being chased and stepped in to save you," Shen Zhongshan earnestly explained. If not for the fact that this woman was rather attractive, he wouldn't have bothered with her at all…it was just a matter of convenient timing.