
Let’s Read The Word

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Realistic Urban

When Megan Kelley is forced to marry a man because of an irreversable situation, she realizes there is more to the popular business tycoon, Xavier Blackstone. Will she be able to handle the pain that comes along it, or will she get broken in the process?

  It was night, and a crowd stood in front of the gate, with guards trying to put them under control. Megan Kelley forced herself through the thick crowd, in a rush. Though she was breathless and sweaty, she was anything but tired. She hit a man, earning a glare from him.

  "Hey!" The man shouted at her, and she shot gave him an apologetic look. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail, with tiny strands stuck to her forehead due to sweat.

  "Sorry". She gave him a quick apology. Neither the man nor the lady linger on each other, as they had other important things to attend to. While the man was a reporter, who was trying to get an article, she needed to get to the party immediately.

  After struggling to get herself out of the thick crowd of papparazi, her breath became shallow, and as she was obviously exhausted. Who wouldn't be, after running all the way from the next street? When she has heard of it, she left immediately, to see things for herself. Things which she believed couldn't be true. Now she stood at the gate, where guards were being posted in order to control the chaos caused by desperate reporters.

  "Miss?" One of the guards, tried to get Megan's attention, which was fixed on getting to the party.

  "I need to get inside". She said desperately.

  "And you are?" He asked, studying her features with a grimace.

  "Megan Kelley". She answered, after a frustrated sigh. She was beggining to see it was a bad idea to keep herself out of the public.

  "Do you have an invitation?" He asked.

  "Do I need one?" She asked, not because she didn't know an invitation was needed to get in, but because she didn't need one to get inside the party.

  "I'm sorry but the credential for entry, is an invitation. And if you don't have one, you can kindly leave without causing any trouble". He eyed her with a disguted grimace. Surely, people like her wouldn't get an invitation to such a party. Though Megan was irked by the behavior of the guard towards her, she couldn't blame him. After all, she wasn't dressed like the type to attend such a party.

  "Do you know who I am?" She asked. Her eyes squinted, as flashes of cameras nearly blinded her. Obviously, the reporters had found a story to cover.

  "What's going on?" A man asked, interrupting the conversation between the two. Just as the guard was about to answer, the man suddenly gasped.

  "Miss Kelley!"

  "Why is Miss Kelley standing outside?" He asked, and Megan almost sighed in relief, as she recognized him. He was the body guard she had dismissed when her father hired him, because she didn't want one.

  "She didn't have an invitation". He answered. If he could, he would smack his junior for his stupidity. But then, he couldn't be blamed for not recognizing the second young mistress of the Kelleys.

  "She is the second mistress you dumb!" The guard quickly adjusted his stance, to the new development.

  "I'm so sorry young mistress".

  "Sorry for the inconvenience Miss Kelley". They both apologized. Megan nodded, rubbing her temple. She was beginning to get a head ache, from worry, tiredness and noise the reporters were producing, all together.

  "Let me escort you miss". Suggested the guard. Megan nodded in agreement, wanting to leave the place as soon as possible.

  "Once again, we are sorry for the inconvenience". Apologized the senior guard. Megan didn't bother to respond, as she walked in with the guard. They both exit, leaving the man to ponder on why Megan had gone to the family party alone, dressed like that. He didn't dwell much on it, as he left to help the guards to keep the paparazzi at bay. Surely, the uninvited reporters had seen a new story to publish. The Kelleys, only had two daughters and a son, which they knew of. They never knew there was another Kelley by the name Megan. They began talking about the topic, not caring if their assumptions were right or not.


  Megan stood at the entrance of the hall, looking a bit lost. Her eyes wandered around the lavishly decorated hall. Earlier, she had decided not to attend her elder sister's welcome party. But when she had heard about the news from her best friend Gemma, she left immediately. There was no way Anthony could have betrayed her like that. She was going to see things for herself.

  She proceeded inside the hall, not minding the weird stares she was receiving from the guests. Obviously, she was dressed very different from them. The people in the hall, were either dressed in expensive suits and gowns, or in uniform. But she was clad in an oversized top, with jeans. Even her top, had gone dirty from sweat.

  "Megan?" She turned around, to the oh so familiar voice of her twin sister, Melissa Kelley. Unlike her, Melissa was dressed in a black knee length gown, which was simple, but brought out her artificial curves. Her black hair which she had dyed blonde, was tied into a loose bun. She wore simple jewelry, her face caked in not so noticeable make up. Obviously, the twins were poles apart.

  "What are you doing here dressed like this?" Melissa asked, grateful no one had recognized her as her twin. She couldn't even stay close to her due to stench.

  "Is it true?" Megan asked, regardless the pointed look she was receiving from her sister. Melissa's frowning expression, turned into that of feigned obliviousness, as she realized what she meant.

  "What do you mean Megan?" Melissa asked, adding to Megan's frustration.

  "You know what I mean Lisa". Her breathing had quickened, from fear that what she heard was true. Her eyes prickled from unshed tears.

  "Is what I heard about Anthony and Felicia true?" She asked clearly.

  "Oh". Melissa palmed her forehead slightly. She wouldn't want her make up to smudge in anyway, would she?

  "I'm so sorry you had to hear it from outside Megan. But it's true. Anthony and Felicia are getting engaged, and it has been announced already. If you had been part of the family, or if you had arrived earlier, you would have heard". What Melissa meant by 'part of the family' was that; Megan had always been the odd one out. Due to that, she had distanced herself, and the rest of the family had also kept their distance. According to them, she wasn't a true Kelley.

  "You.... You mean Anthony and Felicia are getting engaged?" A tear crawled out of her eye, as Melissa nodded to her question. It was true after all. Or, maybe it wasn't.

  "You're joking right? I know you are. Why are you playing games with me, this isn't funny!" Megan's outburst had gained the attention of the guests.

  "If you think I'm lying to you, you can look that way". Melissa pointed to a spot, and Megan turned around, readying her heart for a break down. She gulped at the scene. Her elder sister and boyfriend, or ex boyfriend, were standing beside each other, like a couple. One time, Anthony made a move, and kissed Felicia, in which a few photos were taken.

  As Megan watched with a shocked expression, Melissa looked at her twin with a smirk on her lips. She would do anything to break down Megan's strong spirit. And that, would definitely do the trick. At least that was what she thought.

  Megan shifted her gaze from the scene, trying to take everything in. Anthony, the man she had given all her love and hopes to, had gone behind her back and dated her sister. For what reason? Was it because she was simple and nothing out of the ordinary unlike her outspoken sister, or because she wasn't as beautiful as her? Whatever reason it was, he had betrayed her. He drove a dagger right through her heart. But as always, she was Megan. She was not known for showing her weakness in front of others, and and wouldn't give her sister the satisfaction. Before she could break down and scream like she wanted to, she ran out. Far, far away from the family that never loved her for who she was.