
Let’s Read The Word

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Top-tier Discarded Youth

Top-tier Discarded Youth



The supreme waste in the cultivation world, Yi Fei, accidentally enters the city and can freely travel between two worlds. The president's daughter has become his personal maid! No matter black or white, businessmen or politicians, they all bow and submit before him! Spirit herbs and immortal pills, formation patterns and talisman papers, have even caused a huge stir internationally! The enemies are proud and spirited, but they are tragically trapped by Yi Fei, falling into addiction and eventual decline! The venerable cultivator, unexpectedly diagnosed with tuberculosis! At numerous cultivation conferences, his presence peddling stimulants is a must-have! Countless aspiring cultivators fall under his Barrett and C4! Watch how a good-for-nothing young master gallops across the two realms, climbing to the pinnacle! Your reading is most welcome!

Today was a real bummer for Yi Fei.

As the eldest son of the Yi family in Fantasy Sand City, although his cultivation was a bit inferior, he had never been so embarrassed.

Because he had peeped at Princess Tang bathing, he was chased into the infamous deadly Dark Gorge in the Quicksand Continent.

Luckily, there was an ancient teleportation array within the gorge. Having no other choice, Yi Fei had to activate the array.

"Tang family, wait until I return! I swear to recompense Tang Xin a hundred times over and then sell her to a brothel! I'll even seal that bastard Tang Lingfeng in a cesspit for a hundred years!"

Yi Fei gnashed his teeth and spat out a mouthful of blood. If it weren't for the strange teleportation array, he would probably have been torn to pieces by the creatures in the desolate area.


A surging airstream spurted out and Yi Fei was directly blasted from the space channel. He let out a yelp and felt his body rapidly descending - the exit of the space channel was unexpectedly in mid-air.

"Darn it, my cultivation was already weak, now Weizhen Tian and Red Gold Dragon are severely injured. I, the illustrious young master of the Yi family, am going to be smashed to death!"

The strong wind whistled past, laser lights from the distance pierced through the night sky, the flickering neon lights also illuminated the bizarre city scene below. Those skyscrapers were all styles Yi Fei had never seen before.

Yi Fei gave a miserable shriek, but it didn't help to decelerate his fall.

In a panic, he grabbed handfuls of magic items from his storage bag, but none were useful. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he found a suitable magical tool.

"This should do, Yolu Umbrella, impervious to wind and rain and indestructible to swords! Hehehe..."

Yi Fei gritted his teeth, quickly cast several spells, and the small red umbrella that was originally the size of a palm rapidly expanded to a diameter of one yard.

His free-falling body finally began to slow down. He looked down, furrowing his brows almost instantly.

"Let go of me, you bastards! I'll call the cops if you don't stop!"

Amidst the pitch-black alley, the hands of a dozen men were on a woman dressed in a red leather armor.

"Heh, heh, all the houses around here are waiting to be demolished. No one will come even if you scream your lungs out!" One guy fished out a mobile phone from Chu Jiang Yue's pocket and discarded it to the side.

"Chu Jiang Yue, I'll ask you one last time, are you going to give us the bidding papers? If you refuse again, we'll finish having our fun and then toss you into the Sharling River!"

Swish -

In the air, Yi Fei subtly amplified the effect of his Ghostly Umbrella to slow down his descend. Some of the men had already ripped the woman's clothes apart.

Holding onto the handle of the Ghostly Umbrella tightly, his eyes radiated a dim green light as he observed the scene below.

The men continued to rip Chu Jiang Yue's clothes and threatened her, which infuriated Yi Fei, who was watching from above.

The evening wind brushed against Chu Jiang Yue's skin, causing her embarrassment and rage.

But thinking of her father's last wish, she could not possibly hand over the bidding document. They had to secure that plot of land for Feng He Corporation.

"You bastards, I'd rather die than hand over the document!"

Chu Jiang Yue bit her lip hard, lying desolately on a car hood with tears in her eyes. She shook her head fervently, seemingly answering these men, but also as if she was cursing at the heavens.

"You won't give it to us, huh? Brothers, let's do it!"

At the leader's command, the henchmen began laughing maliciously.

Before the glare of the car's headlight, the excited henchmen moved about, stirring up waves of dust.

Chu Jiangyue, who has never been violated before, trembled all over. Infinite fear enveloped her, if possible, she'd rather die now.

Chu Jiangyue struggled hard, but she simply could not resist these robust and sturdy men. It seemed she was about to breathe her last breath.

But then she opened her eyes in disbelief, for she actually saw a strange man, descending slowly from the sky with a red umbrella.

Also, this man even released one hand to wave at her, as if greeting her!

Because these men were all bowing their heads, they didn't notice Yi Fei in the sky. But Chu Jiangyue, who was lying on the hood of a car, had a clear view of the figure descending from the sky.

Yi Fei gritted his teeth at Chu Jiangyue, inwardly blaming the men for their lack of professionalism.


What Yi Fei didn't expect was, after Chu Jiangyue had stared at him for a while with her mouth wide open, she let out a terrified scream.

She was already as frightened as a rabbit. Now, seeing a man in ancient clothing holding a red umbrella and descending from the sky was more than her nerves could handle!

With a bang, Yi Fei landed on the roof of the car, startling those men.

They looked up and saw a tall, peculiar man with shifty eyes grinning at them.

This man was in a brocade robe embroidered with golden dragons and flaming phoenixes with a jade belt around his waist, so fancy at first sight.

However, even though he had a handsome face, he was holding a red umbrella, with a ponytail on the back of his head. But his sneaky gaze kept wandering over Chu Jiangyue's body, full of regret.

"Ahaha, sorry, I was passing by during a night full of poetical inspiration. My bad, please go on, continue!"

Yi Fei, closing his umbrella, waved at these men.

These goons were perplexed as to how this odd man appeared, the eerie atmosphere only lasting for a second.

The man who was leading yelled in fury, "Where did this misfit come from? Beat him up!"

These thugs went at him like rampaging bulls, swinging their clubs at the man on the car, Yi Fei.

"Gentlemen, please calm down, let's talk it out, don't resort to violence!" Yi Fei pleaded while hopping around on the car, taking a few hits. Gritting his teeth in pain, he begged them for mercy.

But these goons paid him no heed, continually pounding him. Yi Fei seethed internally, having been chased on the Xuan Ling Star for an entire day and brawling in the Dark Canyon for another. This spoiled young master was utterly worn out.

The space on top of the car was too small. He had to jump down, making it easier for the goons to surround and bash him.

Scuffles persisted amidst the shifting shadows, the cries of pain and thud of impact. These thugs unleashed a barrage of machetes, clubs, punches, and kicks. After a few short breaths, Yi Fei was battered beyond recognition.

"Ouch! Which damn swine kicked me!"

A thud sounded, followed by a scream from Yi Fei as he was punted aside into the direction of the car's hood.

"Ah! Mmm..."

Chu Jiangyue noticed Yi Fei being kicked toward her. She struggled but couldn't prevent Yi Fei from crashing onto her.

Even worse was that Yi Fei's whole body, including his mouth, landed on her due to inertia!

Their eyes met, one filled with murderous intent, the other, smug satisfaction.

"Bloody hell, get him! This bastard stole our prey!"

The furious goons were waving baseball bats and brandishing blades, rushing toward Yi Fei. The gust caused by their charge forced Yi Fei reluctantly to his feet to fight.

As the night wind howled, he swung his hand dramatically at the goons, "Do you see me as some pitiful mouse? Think this is a hunt, do ya? Well, tonight this young master will show you a thing or two about skills, Wizening Sky, Red Gold Dragon, to battle!"

As he spoke, Yi Fei's right hand brushed against a strange jade ring on his left hand. With that, he looked incredibly fierce!