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Supposed To Be: An Alternative Version Of Secret Love

Supposed To Be: An Alternative Version Of Secret Love




The 4th novel in the What if Series. Mara is called to Seattle to assist in a high profile medical case. She bumped into Holly, with an eighteen-month-old Jamie Bernice and things just spiral out of proportions. Alternative Novel to Secret Love Book 2 in the Forever Series


  It's been a year and a half since the incident.

  There were days that Mara Peters felt great about what she did, she thought it was the right thing to do as her son wasn't ready to be a father.

  It was just one of those things a mother knew. That only a mother knew.

  But then there were days that she regretted every second of it. Watching Jake struggled through the tough days, she had a feeling that it was the worst mistake she ever made.

  It's been a constant battle, but she truly believed that time would heal him. She had to believe that.

  She knew one day that the truth was going to come out, and that would be her day of reckoning. The things she said to Holly that day regarding Amelia, Gus's shake, and Jakechanging his mind were horrific. She had good intentions. He couldn't have loved her that much.

  So, she never thought in a million years that Gus would stop the trial, dispose of the shake the way he had.

  But she did what she had to do. She felt it in her heart that Holly wasn't the right one for Jake.

  She wasn't like them. She came from a broken home.

  One that taught her when things get rough, you either drink or run away.

  She summed her up really well. She knew the girl would run when she heard Jake's voice, hear that sentence.

  She closed her eyes. She still couldn't believe that she had done that.

  She hadn't bargained on him taking it so hard either.

  There was no way that he could feel that way about Holly.

  He didn't feel it with that girl he saw in high school, and it was stronger than what he felt for Holly. Mara was sure about that. Even with Mel, it was more potent, but what he showed her this time wasn't what he showed with any of those two.

  He pined for Holly.

  Was it because she was pregnant?

  Mara knew it was wrong. But a kid didn't fix anything. She was still so upset with Holly for tricking her son like that. For wanting to pin him down.

  He was supposed to become the best neurologist, and he almost gave everything up.

  She always thought about this when the days were rough.

  He had an episode last night again, sleeping with another strawberry blonde. She saw herthis morning sneaking out from the cottage at the back of their home.

  It had to stop, but she didn't know how to make him cease the reckless behavior.

  She had been pushing him to go to Shanghai for months now, but he wasn't budging.

  Gus even wanted her to not go to Seattle. To stay and help with what was going to follow today and probably the next few days.

  She was thinking of staying too, but to be honest, she hated doubting what she did.

  She hated seeing her son break down again.

  A part of her blamed Holly for doing what she thought she would. Running away.

  What kind of woman did that? Believed someone so quickly.

  Holly couldn't have really loved him if she ran away, and that also signaled Mara that this wasn't meant to be. There would have been a kid in this mess.

  Jake needed to move on.

  Amelia was a different story.

  Holly running away did more damage to that girl than she had thought it would.

  She started to drink a lot, and it got out of control.

  Armand will get through to her. She knew he would.

  Time healed everything.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the pilot, saying that they would land in a few minutes.

  She told Gus she was going to see if she had time to go say hello to Frank. She would liketo return to Boston tonight.

  Frank, thank the heavens, understood that her family was going through something right now.

  The plane landed, and she found someone from the Bayside Clinic waiting for her.

  It's not really a clinic. It was a fully functional hospital, only for heart diseases.

  One of the surgeons she met in Pre-med, who became a great friend through the years and great working partner, Mahrinda Sheffer, begged her to help out with a fetal case. She was by far one of the best, and Mara consulted with hearts on a freelance basis. She had to admit that it was one of the most exhilarating surgeries she had ever done, and Mahrinda begged her to switch as she had a gift. But Mara only wanted to do hearts, and fetal surgeons had to do everything. She didn't think she would be cut out for 'the everything' part, to go back now and learn everything again.

  But she was looking forward to this one. She needed this one.

  How could Gus even ask her to stay?

  Again, she felt guilty that he had stopped the trial on something that would've probablysaved thousands of women's lives.

  She begged him not to give up on the shake.

  She really didn't think that the incident would shatter his hopes and dreams this much.

  Her family had reacted the opposite of Holly's disappearance than Mara thought they would.

  There were even times that she wanted to come clean, but she never was a hundred percent sure if Holly had gotten the abortion.

  She would have died if she didn't, and Mara knew if Jake was ever to discover that, she would lose him forever.

  He would never know the truth as it would've died with her, but just the notion that she carried on with the pregnancy and died would break him.

  Mara didn't want to think about that.

  No, she hoped that Holly received the abortion. It would be her word against Holly's.

  Her family knew her, they didn't know Holly.

  She reached Bayside around nine-thirty and met with Mahrinda.

  "You ready?" Mahrinda asked.

  "Believe me, I need this more than you know," Mara said.

  "How is the family?"

  "I'll get them where they need to be." Mara smiled.

  They entered the elevator and started talking about the surgery they were going to walk into.

  It was a long surgery and one that Mara was really looking forward to.

  They operated well into the night. There were complications; as much as they try to avoid them, it happens.

  Still, they didn't lose the mom or the baby.

  She was considering phoning Frank or simply check in to the hotel close to the hospital and decided against Frank as she was too tired to chat about Jake's condition.

  She came to Seattle to get a break from it.

  Check-in was easy, and she went directly to her room.

  She phoned Gus, told him all about the surgery, and would be on the first flight back home tomorrow morning.

  "How is he?"

  "Not good, Mara."

  "Time will heal him."

  "I don't know anymore."

  "Why do you think I push Shanghai so much. He needs to go. Jake needs to get away from everything. Huyo will teach him more than just brains. He needs another's advice to moveon."

  "He's not ready for Shanghai. I'm so tired. We should've never dragged him back."

  "And what, Gus? What good would it have done him if he found her? It would've destroyed him."

  It wasn't a lie. The truth would destroy Mara's entire family.

  But Holly wasn't the right one for him. That Mara knew.

  "I'm tired too, believe me. But Jake will get better with time."

  "Time? It's been eighteen months, Mara. He is not handling anything." Gus's voice broke.

  "Your heart is too big to see the end results, Gus. That is what I love about you, that big heart of yours. I know it's breaking now love, his pain is yours. Time will heal."

  "Okay, I hope you are right about this." Gus sniffed.

  "Jake is more like me than you know. It will pass, and I will be proven correct on this. When I push, I push because I know it's what he needs. Just let me."

  "Okay. Love you."

  "Love you most."

  He chuckled, and they said goodbye.

  Gus couldn't see the bigger picture. What she did, she did out of love for her son. His life would have been turned into a living hell if he stayed in that relationship. Holly was a gold digger. Mara knew that. Holly didn't even have direction or a desire to study to further herself. That told Mara she was lazy, and she would become a burden to Jake.

  The truth was Holly wasn't in Jake's league, and it wasn't a snob thing either. Jake needed someone to push him, to keep him on his toes. Holly wasn't that type of person. Not even close. She proved it by running. Not staying and fighting for him. She would always run.

  The next day Mara found a flight in the afternoon.

  She decided to spend the day in Seattle.

  She went to the Bay and had breakfast at one of the restaurants.

  She ordered a small breakfast and enjoyed a coffee, sitting outside and baking in the sun.

  It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and she watched couples walking by the dock.

  Her eyes landed on a couple with a stroller.

  The woman had shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair.

  The boy was too young to be a father, but he looked happy.

  The baby cried, and the woman bent down in front of the stroller to take the baby out.

  The little one had dark hair, and Mara remembered Amelia at that age.

  She watched the mom kiss the little girl's head, and her throat closed.

  No, it couldn't be Holly!

  She kept staring from her spot, thanking the heavens that it was a busy coffee shop. That Mara wouldn't be easily detected.

  Anger, fear, disgust, confusion, regret, and everything were overpowering Mara's emotions.

  She told her to get an abortion, and here she was, with a new life, a new man, raising herson's baby.

  This was not happening.

  She should've died if she kept that baby.

  She looked away and asked for the bill and to put her food in a takeaway.

  She got up, glancing one more time at Holly, and her eyes caught the babies. She was a Peters, alright.

  Tears pricked in the corners of Mara's eyes as the little angel stared back at her. She looked like Jake and Amelia at that age.

  She turned around and rushed to the front of the restaurant. Paid her bill, picked up her takeaway, and took a taxi back to her hotel room.

  She couldn't stop thinking about the baby that Holly was supposed to abort.

  She didn't go through with it. Why didn't she?

  Mara didn't want to think about how she must have suffered. How the baby must have suffered.

  Holly didn't worry about that. Mara told her she would die if she kept that baby, why didn't she listen? Why didn't she care?

  It was making her so confused.

  She closed her eyes, and the little angel's face kept staring at her. And Mara wanted her gone.

  No, she was a fetus at that stage. It wasn't the same.

  Regret grew inside of her. Mara fell down in front of her bed and screamed through clenched teeth.

  Why did Holly keep her?

  What type of life was that little girl going to have?

  She had to do something, but what?

  Why did she keep her? Why? Who helped her? Why Seattle?

  She closed her eyes. Seattle was on her list to phone; she didn't phone one hospital on her list when they called all of them to find Holly.

  Jake would've gotten the phone call?

  He was in Seattle. What Gus said, that he regretted dragging Jake back home, laid heavy on her gut.

  Jake would've found her the next day if they just let him be.

  This was not going the way she thought it would.

  Fear of what would happen if this came out overpowered her. Holly had all the proof needed against her. Jake would speak to her, no matter how she drilled it in both his mind and Amelia's, obviously not directly, but through hints, subtle hints, that they wouldn't pick up on regarding what she did, was not going to happen.

  He would discover the truth, and then, he would hate Mara for the rest of his life, and that little green-eyed angel would never be in her life. Ever.

  What did she do? How was she going to fix it?

  She couldn't fix it. She couldn't tell them the truth.

  She would make some excuses for why they couldn't visit Frank. Not that Jake was in his right mind to see his godfather or would go to him for that matter.

  Shit, who is the little one's pediatrician? Fuck.

  It wasn't Frank. Frank would've said something.

  It had been almost a year and a half.

  The conference was coming up.

  Mara would think of an excuse for them not to go. She'd fake the flu, anything. They could never come to Seattle.

  Her mind was going racing in all directions. She couldn't figure out what she was going to do.

  Amelia and Jake could never know what she did eighteen months ago.
