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Jungle Hunting with a Beauty

Jungle Hunting with a Beauty


Realistic Urban

Heading to my ex-girlfriend's wedding on an airplane, an accident occurred, leaving us all stranded on a deserted island. There, I lived with them. You ignored me on the plane, but you can't afford to ignore me on this deserted island! Let me take you into the real world of a deserted island and experience the most genuine side of human nature.

The plane soared ten thousand meters high in the sky. Looking through the airplane window, my gaze swept over the fluffy white clouds, up here, it was a whole new world.

"When looking at a problem from a different perspective, you may discover a more beautiful side of life." That was what I wrote in my QQ status after seeing the white clouds and sun from an airplane for the first time.

However, sitting at the airport at this moment, I no longer have that mindset. Because for me, this place is a world of gloom and despair.

Holding a glass of wine, I could only take small sips due to fear of getting drunk under these circumstances. My heart is shattered into pieces, yet I am not drunk, the one I love is becoming someone else's bride, and I am here alone shedding tears.

There was an unprecedented wedding taking place on the plane. The bride was my girlfriend, Zhang Yan. The groom was my university classmate, and once my best buddy, Gu Lingbo.

Apparently, Zhang Yan's laughter could be so beautiful, and her voice could sound so sweet. But why did her voice sound so chilly over the phone a month ago?

I had just gotten off work and was waiting for the train at the subway station when I received a call from Zhang Yan.

My heart was instantly filled with joy as I picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Yan, I just finished work. What's up?"

"Du Yuan, could you come over to my place? I have something to talk to you about." Her words sent a chill through me in the sweltering heat of June.

"Alright, I will be right over." I hung up, hastily sprinted out of the subway station, stole a taxi from someone on the road, ignoring the curses from the woman behind me, I urged the driver to get going.

In the two years of our relationship, I had always been this way. I would always tell Zhang Yan, "Your words are my command. I always implement them, who makes me so in love with you?" We had been sharing this sweet bond for the past two years.

"Your Majesty, your humble servant Du Ming is waiting outside." With a smile, I knocked on the door of Zhang Yan's rented apartment.

The door suddenly opened, Zhang Yan's face was frighteningly gloomy, her usual bright smile, as refreshing as spring breeze, was nowhere to be found. She didn't even glance at me and walked back inside.

Moreover, her face was etched with an expression of impatience.

Seeing this situation, I immediately abandoned my previous performance. I placed my bag on her room's sofa and sat down next to her, raising my hand to embrace her shoulder, and asked, "What's wrong, Yanzi? What happened?"

Zhang Yan jolted, struggled out of my embrace and said, "Don't do this."

"Oh..." I chuckled awkwardly, retracting my hand and dutifully placed it on my lap, looking at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

"When are you planning to get married?" Zhang Yan asked, not even looking at me, with a cold tone.

I was taken aback, as expected, it was this issue again.

Ever since Zhang Yan and I started dating, this matter was a thorn between us, inevitably leading to disagreements whenever we discussed it.

Both of us had met each other's parents. Zhang Yan's family conditions were better than ours, hence her parents had higher expectations, all of which were beyond my reach at this point.

A car, a house, a betrothal gift...

The strength of love seemed so fragile in the face of these realities.

I stuttered for a moment before asking, "Did your mother pressure you again?"

"Du Yuan, it's not just about my mother pressuring me now. To be honest, I can't wait anymore." Zhang Yan paused, then turned to look at me. There was a hint of helpless tenderness in her gaze as she continued, "Du Yuan, love doesn't equate to marriage, love cannot feed us. A woman's youth cannot withstand the wear and tear of love."

"So what?"

"Let's break up. I'm getting married."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I introduced Gu Lingbo to my parents. The wedding is set for the first of next month and it's going to be held on an airplane. You know, this is something I've always longed for… and these are things you can't give me." Zhang Yan looked at me while I became a bit bewildered.

With that, Zhang Yan handed over a bright red invitation to me. She offered a helpless smile and said, "No matter what, you are our friend. This first invitation is for you."

I took it as if possessed, slipped it into my bag, and got up to leave.

Somehow, I passed the following days in a blur, not quite knowing why I ultimately decided to attend their wedding. Was it to show my magnanimity, or was it to stab my scarred heart once more?

So as to finally give up on her.

In a white wedding gown, and a face full of endless joy, Zhang Yan, dressed in white, who was arm in arm with Gu Lingbo, ordinary-looking but from a wealthy family, came over with a wine glass to toast me.

I kept telling myself not to get drunk, but as glass after glass of strong liquor went down, my consciousness could no longer control my body. In the end, I closed my eyes in a daze.

"Ah - ah - ahh -"

"Boom -"

At the last moment of my consciousness, my ears were filled with screams, and then, a loud bang and a fierce impact.

I don't know how long it was before I woke up, in confusion, brought on by a gnawing pain all over my body.

A damp scent entered my nostrils, and I could hear the chirping of birds and an occasional rustling. Where was this? This wasn't an environment I'd experienced before.

Opening my eyes, I was met with a sky-blocking shade of green. I realized that I was lying in a bush, completely surrounded by towering trees.

"Ah-!" I shouted, flipped over, and propped myself up into a sitting position on the soft, withered leaves.

This was an unfamiliar environment, one that I had only seen on television or in movies. It seemed to be an untouched forest.

I patted my pockets on instinct, only to find my cell phone still there. The Swiss Army knife that Gu Lingbo had given me when we graduated was also there, but everything else was gone.

I pulled out my mobile phone to check the date and time, only to discover that I had been unconscious for a whole day and night.

And yet, there's no signal on my phone.

"Huh, ah--" Just as I was at a loss, a woman's moan sounded off not far from here.

Following the sound, I spotted a woman with flowing long hair, dressed in a red gown, slowly getting up from a bush about tens of meters away from me.

Just then, she was also turning her head to look at me.

Her eyes were as clear as emerald pools, her eyebrows were subtly bold, and her nose was sharply prominent like that of a Western woman. Her lips, crimson and thin, were slightly parted.

At this point, I confirmed that after getting drunk, my plane had crashed. And I, against all odds, had ended up stranded in a primitive forest like this. People say that blessings come in the wake of facing deadly perils. Could this goddess before me be the gift bestowed upon me by the heavens?

Then, I began to laugh. Gradually, I remembered that I ended up here after attending Zhang Yann and Gu Lingbo's wedding. This beautiful woman in front of me couldn’t possibly be a figment of my imagination, could she?

I pinched my leg hard and grimaced in pain.

Feeling the sting cleared my head somewhat, and I also remembered that this woman was one of Zhang Yann's bridesmaids and her BFF - Liu Yeyao.

Me, Liu Yeyao, the primitive forest.

Could this possibly be the life fate had planned for me?

At that moment, my mind felt empty, void of any thoughts. Even if I forced myself to start thinking, my thoughts were always interrupted.

No thoughts could penetrate my mind and form commands.

I was unable to discern direction. The question of shelter, food, and clothing was an immediate issue to be addressed. It seemed that everything had to rely on myself from now on.

With these thoughts in mind, I turned my head to look at Liu Yeyao, only to find her staring blankly, gazing at me dumbfounded.

In her eyes, it seemed as if I was not a person, but rather a terrifying monster.

Regardless of whether I was a monster or a good person, I suppose we had to live together in the days to come, confronting countless unknown dangers together.

That's fine, it's much stronger than facing it alone.

With this in mind, I was about to walk over and greet her, when suddenly she screamed aghast and quickly moved backward with her hands on the ground, her face full of fear.

"What's wrong?!" I asked loudly, then stood up as quickly as possible, suppressing the pain in my joints, and ran towards Liu Yeyao, supporting myself with the towering ancient trees, one after the other.

"Snake, snake..." Liu Yeyao shouted, frantically waving a dead tree branch she had grabbed from somewhere, her eyes closed.

Within a few breaths, I reached Liu Yeyao's side, and saw a red dot on her fair leg exposed under the red skirt oozing blood, and the area around the red dot was already turning bluish-black.

Bad! It’s a venomous snake!

At this moment, only one thought was in my mind - saving her! With this thought, I immediately knelt down and grabbed her straight, delicate leg, ready to suck out the poison.

"Slap!" Liu Yeyao's hand slapped hard on my face, and then she scolded, "Pervert! Get lost!"

I released her leg, wiped my numb face due to the pain, and looked at the frightened Liu Yeyao, finally understanding that she regarded me as a lustful man. But at this moment, I couldn't afford to explain too much to her, however, my mood was not great after being slapped for no reason.

"Are you crazy! You were bitten by a poisonous snake! I was trying to suck out the venom! Why should I get slapped for this?!" I shouted angrily.

Apparently, Liu Yeyao also felt the discomfort brought about by the spread of the venom at this moment, her body trembling, her face pale with fright, she apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"If you want to die, just say it!" I retorted and turned my head away, no longer looking at her.

Liu Yeyao immediately pleaded, "I'm sorry, please, please save me... I'm still young, I don't want to die yet, please save me..."

Over and over, Liu Yeyao begged, completely devoid of her earlier aloof demeanor.

I lower my head and gaze at the two legs beneath her red skirt. Though covered in leaves and stains, they remain breathtakingly beautiful. I can't help but envision her appearance on the wedding day, like a fairy. Regardless of who she is, if I could save such a goddess, her presence on this deserted island could be quite enjoyable.

"Brace yourself," I coldly say, lifting the delicate and smooth legs. Upon an unintended glance, I find a glimpse of her red underwear between her legs.

But time is vital in saving a life. I immediately gather my senses and firmly press on the poisoned wound, my lips pressing against the skin to suck the poison out.

Each time I suck, I turn my head to spit out a mouthful of black poisoned blood. Each time I draw out some poison, Liu Yeyao would let out a scream due to the pain.

About half an hour in, the green, blacktone on her calf gradually vanished, and the blood I spat out eventually resumed its normal color. Only then did I stop and slump against a nearby tree to rest.

Fortunately, I'd learned about snakebite treatment from TV before, or else I might have been poisoned to death along with her.

However, having sucked out so much venom, I've still been affected somewhat. At the very least, I now feel numb at the lips and somewhat dizzy.

Maybe I'll feel better after some sleep. I look at Liu Yeyao and say, "I'm going to sleep for a bit, take a rest."

Having said that, I lose consciousness.