
Let’s Read The Word

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The last of us

The last of us




9 dreams, 9 lives and 9 girls surviving through the international high school program, in all the drama and romance they stick together through thick and thin and made promises they couldn't keep. But really who knew that the argument they had would be the last they'd ever see of each other. Will Sarah Leon get through this? “Is this the last of us?...”

  I'm Sarah Leon just an ordinary black haired girl and there is nothing special about it. I'm not the biggest nerd but I do used to wear the ugliest gpasses last year and the year before that thank god someone told me it to my face. I probably not the most popular person in my year because I pranked a popular girl in mu class and things did not go as wel even though it got half the class hysterically laughing she must really hate me for that. Anyways I have like 2 friends and they normally hang out with different people so I'm normally alone or my only companion Nora Lee who is literally a loner but we are friends and honestly she is super pretty but just doesn't like to embrace that.

  I'm sure if I was born with a symmetrical V shaped face with a nice hourglass body I would be a little bit more popular. I'm not super social ,well I do like making jokes, but I do like to talk to people online I used to pretend I was talking to a celebrity I was actualy talking to a 39 year old...not good experiences... but I do have an online bestie and her name is

Jia Buli for short in Chinese

Gabriella os her English name and she is the absolute best and understands me like we are twins but... she lives all the way in China and I live in South Korea.

  That's the part that makes you want to cry she lives so far away there is not even the slightest chance we will ever meet.

  “Watch where your going... Oh..Sarah jeez I didn't notice you anyways want to go to Jimnul Park with us today.”

  Mary and her friends asked, I was so confised I thought this girl didnt like me. I just remembered me releasing a video on YouTube 2 years ago hoping it would get views I checked every day until I gave up after a few weeks. It was me singing with ny mediocre voice but it sounded a lot better back then, then now because I was auite confident that I had a voice like Eunghul

my favoirite member of RunRun away girls my favourite girl group

. Of course they wouldn't know about it right because its just an old outdated video of overconfident me singing loudly.

  But now... There are 200,000 views on that 4 minute distaster of a video and I do have a decent voice bow but back then..that it wasn't top Beyonce high notes or wven good at all if anything there were a few cracks and lines where I strained my voice as I looked at Mary's phone, I was beyond embarassed.

  I didn't even want to be here right now I saw Mary giggling with her friends as she showed me the video.

  I just stared at Mary and her friends who were laughing and then I dashed away which was even worse but my weak self felt like a rabbit in front of an intimidating fox.

  Many people kept approaching me throughout the day asking me to sing for them it was so embarassing I was even scared to go home to my scolding parents I was the laughing stock of the school yes some praised me but there wereothers who were even more talented and didn't get as many viewsas me. That made them furious so of course they took there anger out on like pouring juice on me.

  I checked ny phone the views were rising as it started to spread around the school 350,000 viewa now I could really freajing die right now I mean I swear down everyone was looking at me.

  Holy sugar cookies just what have I done I knew it was pointless to delete the video because it was reposted everywhere. Just search up my dam name Sarah Leon singing and you would see the same video reposted like over 50 times!

  Oh jist great Hye-Jin the girl that absolutely hates me to no end.

  “Oh, umm...this is my seat so could you find another one we were here first...” Hye-Jin had a sweet voice she had a high sweet voice, slender body and pale smooth skin she was very popular in our school since she was very pretty. I just glared at her she was mocking me they all were, but I stood my ground she normally sat on the opposite table she was doing this purposely and I wasn't going to obey her stupid words. I saw her then pour her juice on my head as oramge liquid blurred my vision I heard everyone hysterical laughs and giggles.

  “um oops I guess my drink spilled on you that was an accident y'know they happen..haha”

  Hye Jin laughed and I was so mad and I looked at her and then I threw my chocalate cake in her face she was beyond shocked even thoughbmy hands were trembling from all the confidence I had used to do that I smiled she tried to throw one her friends pudding at mw but i stead it was thrown atraight at Nora's head she looked in front as the place was quiet and then she threw her spinge cake at Hye-Jin I never though she was so brave then she threw it back hitting another person and thats how the food fight started.

  As the teachers stopped us as she was tearing up. faker I muttered under my breath. but at this moment being beave is all that counts.

  As Miss Jong bellowed for meand Hye-Jin to come to her office and sent a call home to my parents.

  ...WellI I was also as good as dead when I get home.


  “Sit down Sarah, NOW! I am ao disappointed in you and I never wvwn knew you liked singing you always tokd me you had ni talents how could you lie to me and your mum like that” My dad bellowed loudly as it echoed around the large house, when my dad got angry it was sometime scary but this time it made you feel disappointed in yourself.

  My mum was crossing her arms and her lips were pressed against each other in a straight line that made me uneasy.

  I endured 2 hours of my dad shouting at me not to post things on the internet or fight at school and my phone and laptop were taken away, “just great Sarah you managed to piss of your parents and get in a fig

  The next morning I walked the hallways with numerous eyes boring into the back of my head as I kept my head down low. I always though being popular was pretty cool but nowI was popular for the wrong embarassing reasons, I glanced at a poster that many people seemed to be looking at on the events bill board. I had seen this around school an awful lot, it seemed to be about something internationa as I walked go class avoiding everyone I can.

  I heard a few girls talk about how the girl I suprisingly talk about how the food I threw at Hye-Jin wouldnt come out of her hair as I smiled like a winner that orange juice came out of my hair very easily.

  We were having a 11th grade assembly as we all filed into.the hall. I saw many students looking at me I was very nervous I thought I would die if miss callled my name or even looked at me, I was scared that they would ask me to sing infront of everyone as I imagined the worst of what could happen.

  Miss Jhong announced with her strong deep tone she had a strong build and was 37 years old she was a strict teacher.

  “Students of 11L, 11D, 11A and 11S.”

  Which was my department which was like the worst one out of everyone else's.

  “All of you must be wondering why I calledall the called everyone here today that is because there is an international program going on that allows people from various different countries to attend a 2 year program in...America.

  Chatter erupted throughout the hall as Miss Jhong silenced everyone saying, “Sign up if you think you have a talent in singing, acting, dancing or voicing. Auditions are 1 month from now there 170 people here only 25 can get in. It doesn't matter if you can't speak English even a little if you get through you will be able to take free English lessons so any volunteers come to the signing line. Nearly everyone stood up including Nora and Hye-Jin and Mary who literally pushed through everyone I stood up and some people looked at me laughing I ignored them because I loved singing more than I loved pranking people.