
Let’s Read The Word

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Miss Taurus: A Love Triangle

Miss Taurus: A Love Triangle




An alpha who's leadership is at stake A human lost in the wolf world And a betrayal of a long time friendship Taurus is a human who just wants to live her life but the thought of her mum's words keeps ringing in her head "you're going to be great....." and she thinks it's all a lie till she meets Leyall the crowned prince of the golden crest kingdom, they are meant to be but what of her friendship with Mark. Taurus is betrayed by the man she trusted with her life and now she has to learn to protect herself and train to be the next queen but can she do that without issues too. ........."you're angry that your love is no longer yours and you might do something stupid just to get that love back, look Kayla Taurus is bound to Leyall and if something should happen to her it would affect Leyall and also affect you because you're tied to Leyall as well, think about it and don't make the mistake of doing something that would hurt you and the one you love".........

I'm so late for work, I really hope Mark found a way to cover for me. I grab my work bag and head for my front door, I've been going to work late these past few days and you wanna know why? Nightmares, yes I keep having these nightmares that keep me up all night and I'm really starting to think I have to tell Mark about it. I'm in my car bolting down the road to the school where I work. Ok so I work at this high school as their sex education teacher and Mark is a librarian in the school, I've known Mark for close to 15 years and I'm 23 while he's 25, we went to the same elementary school, high school and even college, now we're working in the same school.

I rush in to the teacher's office and drop my things at my desk before running to my first period class, I reach the class and find Mark in the class keeping it in order, he spots me and heads towards the door giving me a huge smile before heading out and I walk into the class.

"Good morning class" I greet them

"Good morning Miss Taurus" they respond.

Yes my surname is Taurus like the zodiac sign and this catches the attention of a lot of people the first time we meet, wanna add more to the coincidence I was born on the last day of this zodiac sign, my mum always said I had a great destiny but I doubt working as a sex education teacher is a great destiny.

"so we'll continue next class with the use of condoms".

I round up the class as the bell rings for the next class, I make my way to the library cause I don't have any class until 4th period and I really needed to talk to Mark.

"thank you so much for covering for me" I say immediately I see Mark

"you're welcome I knew you were running late and if your class was noisy you'd probably lose your job, talking of running late it's starting to alarm me, any reason why you keep running late?" he asked me

"well I think I should tell you now",

"tell me what?"

"I've been having this weird nightmares which keep me up literally all night, it starts with me in this strange castle hallway then suddenly it's a battle field and this strange being is protecting me from other strange beings, I don't see anything in particular just shadows of these beings and then there's a set of twins in my hands and suddenly everything is calm again or it seems that way till I wake up and it's well into the night" I explain to him

" well that's a lot in one dream and now I know why you're coming late and I have no suggestions for you, maybe you should try watching more comedy series than horror movies" he laughs it out


I join him getting rid of the tension I had, Mark always had a way of making me happy whenever I talked to him. We talk a little longer before I go to prepare for my 4th period class.

The rest of my day goes by wonderfully before school is over, a few students wondering what the hymen is for and others wondering what it means to be horny. I pack up and keep my desk in order before heading for the library again,

"hey are we still going to get sodas?" I asked Mark

but he said I'd have to wait a little cause he was still busy and he'd have to leave a little later than usual, I stuck around of course and helped him as much as I could with shelving the books and stuffs like that. We were finally done and set out to have dinner before we headed for our various homes. We lived in Carson City, Nevada. On our way to the restaurant where we would have our dinner I felt like there was something following us, I don't know I just sensed it or maybe I was just overthinking. We get seats by the window and order our favorite meal from the menu, this was our favorite restaurant and their food was amazing. while eating I could have sworn I saw a pair of eyes in the woods staring right at us or they were probably fire flies and my brain was playing games with me.

where we lived was far from the main city but you'd have to drive a distance before you get to our place and this restaurant and lots of forest were on the way. Our parents lived in Utah while we came to Nevada to start new lives. Mark and I drove separately cause he lived in the main city while I lived in the little town, why? I loved the homely feeling and the fact that I was close to nature. Ever since I was little I always had a thing for the woods but I'm older now so I can't go exploring but it was nice living close to mother nature. I get to my place and find my door opened, the only other person that had spare keys to my house was Mark and I told him goodnight already, I carefully walk in and find that my place is still in order, no signs of anyone coming in. I must have forgotten to lock my door in a hurry and the night wind must have blown it open, I close the door and head upstairs to have a nice hot shower so I can try to get some sleep this night.

I'm in my nighties and snuggled up in my bed hoping I won't have the same nightmare again when I hear a vase being knocking over downstairs, I get down from bed and rush to see what's happening downstairs, of course everywhere is dark cause I turned off all the lights before going to bed but the moment I turn them on I see it..him I don't know what it is standing right there in my living room, everywhere gets dark.