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Tales Of A Dragon Prince

Tales Of A Dragon Prince




Jake and his twin sister were born from the Queen's affair with another man. When the Queen was pregnant, King Dien was furious and secretly planned to eliminate the children immediately after birth. On the children's birthday, King Dien was overthrown by his brother, Queen Zazi managed to send them safely out of the palace to different places separating the children, planning to give them a better life, but she was stuck in the Palace. When Jake was grown he decided to go in search of his heritage, that was when he realized that there are so many mysteries he had to solve and many wars he had to fight.

A man was running through the forest with a straw hat on his head and two katanas on his hands, dripping with blood, he was putting on a royal guard uniform, but it was no more in good shape. A small bamboo cradle lined with animal skin was firmly tied to his back, in it was an infant who should be a few days old, 

"There he is!" A voice called out from a distance, "get him and kill the child" soon enough more than twenty men in black catch up to him. 

Without a word he lunge and attack, moving like a phantom, from one person to another fighting like his life depends on it, which it truly did.

Soon his body was filled with cuts but he was not ready to succumb, a man tried to cut the bamboo cradle with his blade but Guro moved forward out of instinct he squad down using his heels to kick the man off his feet and the blade on his right hand cut the falling man by half, spraying blood all over the ground, while that on his left pierce directly at an incoming man's heart.

"Damnit!! Why are they not finished yet" Guro complained, the more he kills the more they come, Skull Assassins were like sand flies, blood tasty and numerous, and the more you kill the more they came.

"I can't keep it this way else I won't be able to escape" Guro was depressed, he had been on this ever since three days now. Running. Non-stop running, even after he entered the death forest, but he had to continue, he had to make sure the prince escape from the clew of the tiger.

Three days ago in kaso kingdom.

King Dien, who was known for his benevolence and smart way of ruling the kingdom, was on his way to the ancestral hall, to pay homage and pray for his wife the Queen who was in the process of giving birth, even when the king knew quite well that the child was not his. But that will only be his secret to keeping.

King Dien had one wife and two concubines, and each gave him a daughter but no son, so when the Queen who had never given him a child was pregnant for an unknown person the King was vexed, and he immediately send his trust men to investigate and clean the mess without making a noise. 

"I will go in alone," the King said to his men as he walked inside the ancestral hall, immediately after the King enter the hall, the door was suddenly shut, a red piece of cloth fell from the sky, and an Egle screech out loud, the Imperial Guard were confused from the sudden occurrence, but before they could register what was happening, they were being attacked by some men in black who came out of nowhere.

"It's treason save the king," but how are they to do that? when the King had been locked up inside the ancestral hall, the Guards were attacked and killed by the men in black leaving the King inside the hall, no one knew if he was dead or alive.

In the palace, inside the imperial hospital the Queen was screaming her lungs out, she looked very pale as if she had lost a lot of Blood, her lips were bleeding she must have been biting herself due to excessive flow of oxytocin which caused her painful constriction.

"My Queen, don't give up the child's head is out!" the midwife exclaimed. Queen Zazi put in all her strength and push one last time.

Imperial Palace. The Imperial Guards were suddenly attacked, and the worst of it was some of the Guards suddenly changed sides joining the enemy to attack their own.

Blood flew like a river and corpses piled like a mountain people were screaming, and crying everywhere.

"Guro go check on the Queen!!," The leader of the purple robe Guards called out to him, immediately Guro sprinted out killing his way towards the imperial hospital, when he got to the hospital he could see a group of men in black racing from the other direction towards the hospital, "damnit!!  Someone must have told them the Queen was giving birth" Guro fasted his pace and caught up with them.

Woosh!! A blade caught off the hand that was about to push open the door, the man screamed out loud but Guro will not wait for him to finish crying, he used his katana and beheaded the man immediately, but the others were already alert by the cry and ran in like school of fishes and Guro engage on a big battle, moving like a serpent among the crowd of enemy fought with all he can offer and successfully kill them all, with no delay he pushed open the door and went in.

The midwife was trembling in fear, her hands clenching to her dress and a scissor as she hide beside the door ready to attack whoever come in. She was about to attack when she saw the uniform of the intruder and have a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness" she cries out as she walked toward Guro.

"How is the Queen," Guro asked

"she is safe for now but I don't think she will be if the enemy catches up to her" she replied Guro immediately made his way towards the Queen's side

"My Queen let me escort you out of the palace"

The Queen looked at him for a moment with her pale skin and weak-looking expression she asked "who is the Usurper"

"Gondo my Queen. Gondo the King's younger brother" Guro replied while trying to help the Queen up, but Zazi signal him lazily with her hand to stop.

"Gondo will not dear do anything to me but I can't say the same for my children, please take them far away where they can live a good life," the Queen said reluctantly.

"My Queen" both Guro and the midwife called out simultaneously. Looking at her with disagreement written all over their face.

"That's an order," the Queen said Stanely, she then removes a plaque from her dress, this plaque looks like two brass coins that are fixed together to become one. She then sends in a Little of her spiritual energy into It, and immediately, the plaque detached and became two sides that can be fixed again, she then removed two threads that were holding her dress and fixed them on the plaque, she then put each plaque around the neck of each child.

Zazi gave birth to Twins a boy and a girl, when she was done she told Guro to take the boy away while the midwife was to go with the girl.

"How many people know that the Queen gave birth to twins?" Guro asked the midwife,

"Just me" she replied,

"Good that will help you escape peacefully", he then walks to the corner of the room where a shelf was placed, before the midwife and the Queen he pushed the shelf to the side and open a lid that looks just like the floor and a passage was seen.

Both the Queen and the midwife were surprised and were looking at him confounded, no one will ever think something like that exists here,

"What are you waiting for common leave already" Guro called out to her that was when the midwife came to her senses and hurried into the tunnel but before she entered she looked at the Queen reluctantly as if she was unwilling to leave her behind,

"My Queen what will be their names," the midwife asked.

"Jakes and Wena" she replied

With that said the midwife looked at Guro "are not coming"  

"No, if I come with you I will only bring trouble to you, just go alone no one will Chase you be safe," he said as he closed the tunnel and return the shelf to its original location.

"You have to take care of yourself my Queen" Goro said to the Queen as he was about to leave.

"Please make sure he is safe and you too" the Queen sobs as she bids farewell to her children.

Guro tried to leave the palace without attracting too much attention but it wasn't that simple, he and Jakes become tagged for skull assassin.

"What should I do" Guro was talking to himself as he dodges another fatal blow, the assassin's sword made contact with a small tree and cut It down in one go, Guro use the opportunity to aim for the man's ribs blood began to flow, the man tried to cover the cut with his hand but immediately the man stretches his hand towards the location of his ribs Guro aim for his shoulder and severe the entire arm

He then moved as fast as possible killing anyone who blocked his way but he was also severely injured, "If I continue like this I will not last any longer I must leave this place, with that in mind Guro easily killed the three men in front of him and sprints away as fast as he could.