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Tempting The Billionaire Professor

Tempting The Billionaire Professor

Author:Iya Rhaenyra



Katherine Wilson was about to graduate that year in her course business management in Columbia University in Manhattan, when she decided to quit school, leaving everyone was shocked with her decision. She has a plan in her head already. She will transfer to another school where the only man she knew connected to her father and his death is working. Professor Liam Carlton, who was teaching a business management subject in Cornell University, is her target. The man was her only chance to know what actually happened with her father the night he died.  Liam was a hot, billionaire professor eyed by many of the university students. He is one of those men that exudes sexuality, intentionally or not, and sends her into overdrive. Katherine knew she has to step up and perform the art of seduction that will surely get Liam’s attention while she was pretending to be somebody else. With her new identity and new sexy but mysterious personality, will Liam bite the bait she sets up for him?

"You're quitting school?"

I heard the rushing voice of my friend slash classmate Stephen Cole the moment I went out the registrar's office. In not so far away from us, I saw my classmates murmuring towards each other. I'm sure I'm the topic of their conversation and my abrupt decision of leaving CU all at once.

After my dad died, my grades dropped. It's quite shameful since my adviser once told me that it would be possible for me to graduate with the highest distinction in our class. Don't get me wrong. I'm not stupid nor in love that's why my grades and school performance dropped in its worst.

I was just distracted since last week. Plus, the fact that I was busy taking care of my father's funeral and burial. Although I wasn't present personally since I hated attention that's coming from his friends and the other businessmen he's acquainted with, I was the one who's responsible for everything. From the food that was served to the people who attended, and the decoration in his wake. It was me who did all of that.

If you ask me if I cried, of course I did. He's still my father. The one who gave me this wonderful life even though I grew up not being close to him.

"Yes, I actually did," I responded to Stephen.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Are you crazy? We're about to graduate in the next four months! How can you drop school at this point of time in your life? You have to think of graduation."

"Shonda Wheeler needed me. She's the Vice President of the Wilson Holdings-the company that my father left for me. The company is big and there are lots of employees that she needs to take care of. She said she needed my help that's why I'm dropping school."

Stephen sighed in disappointment.

"Can't you stop thinking of other people right now, Kate? You have your life to sort."

"I've been sorting my life since my mom died when we're in middle school, Stephen. I was too busy taking care of myself, creating boundaries so other people won't be able to hurt me. I even put a huge barrier between me and my father. Which now I am regretting because he took care of me, supported me with the things I need but I haven't given him anything in return."

He stood straight and massaged his head.

"I may not be that expressive when it comes to my love for my dad. But I still love him."

"Alright then. Just make sure to keep the line of communication between us open, okay?"

I nodded to him.

"If my sister would know about this, I'm sure she'll get mad at you."

"Don't make me feel bad about my decision, Stephen. If I were you, I'd focus to Jane. Jane needs you now. I heard she's pregnant. Don't leave her for me."

"Jane knew about it and she told me to go to you and to persuade you not to quit school. She's worried about you, Kate. We're your friends, so please don't hesitate to come over if you need someone to talk to."

I looked around and saw how people shoot glances at me. I looked away and gave Stephen a final hug before I leave the school premises.

I didn't know if this was a good decision. I just hope things would turn out in a way that I wanted it to be.

I get into the car and started driving. I readied myself for a long drive since I have to go to Ithaca. I'll be visiting the new school I plan to transfer with after I finished my holistic planning about my transfer.

The whole drive would take four hours. If I go back to Manhattan, it would take another four hours. I think it's fine considering that I have no classes to attend to starting tomorrow.

When I arrived at the parking area of Cornell University, my eyes were greeted by the students who are walking inside and outside of the university premises. Cornell is a private university just like CU. Mostly, people with rich backgrounds are enrolled to this school. It is unique because it has the highest acceptance rate among the ivy leagues. And it is popular to students as it has nightly parties. But the thing that I like about this school is its program in business.

It has been planned already that I would take the same course. Business management. Not because I'm good at it, but because I have to be with my target all the time. It's none other than Liam Carlton, a Billionaire Professor, who's teaching business subject.

My thoughts were interrupted when a silver Honda Accord parked in front of the university gate.

My eyes narrowed when I saw the man who went out the car. I'm sure that it was the man I've been looking for. It's kind of odd to see a business magnate driving a Honda Accord when he could use another car that fits his style. Or maybe, he's trying to be humble by showing that he's not a materialistic man.

The man turned to the area where my car is parked. I'm glad that my car is heavily tinted so he won't see me.

Another man came out of nowhere. He handed him the key after he took his things inside the car.

I focused my attention to him as he started moving from his position. He's really handsome. I think he may be the person who could blur the lines between reality and fiction. With his golden-brown hair, effortless smile, and his unwavering perfection, it was easy to lose yourself in his bright blue eyes. It's no wonder most half of the student in the Cornell University is in love with him. Even the other professors weren't immune.

I knew it would be hard for me to stay with him in the same room without me glancing at him all the time. He's like a Greek God and I am not overreacting here.

I heard my phone buzzed inside my bag. I removed my hand on the steering wheel so I could get my phone.

My eyes narrowed when I received a message from Shonda. She's telling me to go back in Manhattan now as there was a sudden decision of having a board meeting with other stock holders of Wilson Holdings.

I glanced once more to Liam before I drive back to Manhattan.

"I'm glad you came."

Shonda Wheeler finally relaxed when she saw me entering her office. She's still staying at her former office not so far from my father's office on the left corner on the tenth floor of the building.

"You can do it alone, Shonda. You don't need me here."

She stood from her seat and darted me a sharp look.

"You're the only child of Rick Wilson, you should be attending all the important meetings especially when the board members and stock holders are present."

"I trust you about it, Shonda. I know you will take good care of my father's company and you will make it grow just like what you planned together."

Shonda is almost the same age as my father. But she's close to me. She's like a mother to me. She's close with my father too, but not in a romantic way.

"I heard you quit school, Kate. Why is that?"

"I failed my exams last week. Not just one but all of it. Maybe it was the aftermath of the sudden death of my dad. I just couldn't focus."

"But what about graduation?"

I thought for a moment.

"Maybe it'll be postponed for a while. I've decided to transfer to another school, Shonda."

She raised her brows.

"And what school is that?"

"Cornell University in Ithaca. Just a four-hour drive from here."

She rolled her eyes.

"Another Ivy league school," she said, nodding.

"And what makes that school special? Columbia is good and you've survived for four years."

What makes that school special? Nothing, I guess. But I needed someone from that school and I'll do anything to get close to him.

"What do you know about Liam Carlton, Shonda?"

Shonda's perfectly executed arched brow made me wince.

"Liam? How did you know about him?" she asked. She's curious for a while but ended up realizing the reason why I wanted to transfer school.

"Oh! Liam Carlton is a business professor in that school!"

I had to shushed her up so she could lower her voice.

"What about him?"

"I just heard he was with my father on the event. It was the same night my father died, Shonda."

She craned her neck lightly.

"And? What's the deal?"

I fold my arms across my chest.

"What if he knew something?"

Shonda slapped her hand on her forehead.

"Your dad died in heart attack, Jesus Christ, Kate!" she said disappointingly.

"I doubt that. I believe something happened. My dad's business is growing day by day. For sure it's because of his enemies. They played dirty trick with my dad."

"That's nonsense. Why don't you focus on your studies instead of thinking about Liam Carlton? You don't have a chance to get noticed by him."

I raised my brow.


She nodded.

"Yes. Look at yourself. You don't dress well and you don't take good care of your skin. You have eyebags."

"Because I'm usually sleep-deprived!" I insisted.

"No matter how hard you try to come near him. You won't get noticed. I assure you that."

I glared at her.

"It doesn't matter how I look today. I have my ways. I don't care if I had to do it by hook or by crook."

"Why don't you just try to go out with Marcos Sullivan and forget all the things that had happened?"

I perked up and scooted at the edge of my seat.

"Really? You're telling me to have a romantic relationship with Marcos? No way, Shonda."

"What? Why? Marcos is such a great man. He's good in managing businesses. Maybe you didn't know, he's one of your father's choices to be your prospective husband."

I winced upon hearing her statement.

"I don't care about his choices for me. Come on, Shonda. The least thing that I wanted in my life right now is a man. I have my plans. Do you actually believe that my father died in a heart attack? You should know better."

"Your father has a heart problem and you know that, Kate."

"But he won't die just like that. Something must've happened. And I have to know what that is. The only person I know that might've been connected to my father's death is Liam Carlton."

She batted my statement away with a negligent wave of her hand.

"Stop obsessing with that professor, Kate. He has nothing to do with your father."

"My dad likes him. He treats him like his child. I still do remember what my dad told me when he called me that night. He said he's with a few businessmen and that includes Liam."

"God, Kate! You're acting crazy!"

"Oh right, maybe I am! But I don't care. I will start digging this case and will investigate on my own. If you don't want to help me, then fine. This company is all yours just stop bothering me and my decisions."

"Marcos is a good choice. Plus, you're not getting any younger. You're already 21, Kate."

I hated lying and prevaricating even more than I hated men. Dating men is out of my system. What more about marrying? I'd rather die in hunger than be married with him. Don't get me wrong, Marcos is handsome. But among my father's acquaintance, Marcos is known for being a womanizer. No one would like to end up with a libertine, right?

I stood up and grabbed my bag but she grabbed my arms to stop me. I turned to her, shot her with a sharp look, but immediately gave away when I noticed the concerned look she's giving me.

I heaved a sigh and bit my lower lip before I speak.

I lightly pulled my arms from her grasp.

"I might consider your offer about Sullivan, Shonda, when I'm cold in my grave."

Shonda's eyes widened, like she saw either devil or angel behind my back. I looked over my shoulder and was jarred by the unwelcome view of Marcos Sullivan peering around the doorframe.