
Let’s Read The Word

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His Encountered With A Widow

His Encountered With A Widow




“For heaven’s sake, mum, I'm just Twenty-one. I'm tired of this marriage stuff.” She reminded plainly, tears welling up in her eyes. Her mother only stared at the water rolling down her cheeks, sympathetically. But she had no choice but to get her only daughter married again. Flora, a very young and pretty lady, has been forced into an early marriage. Her husband passed away a year after their marriage, and she became a widow. Again, she was forced into another marriage. She was pained, she was troubled, why she? Why was her mother bent on ruining her life? She was just a young girl who wanted to explore and enjoy life. To escape getting married again, she fled. On that night, she met with a dangerous looking guy. She was afraid, but she preferred the dangerous looking guy rather than to be married again. Zayn, a nice looking young man, but a notorious gangster was out on that night, he almost knocked the person down with his car, he became so furious when the person was not getting out of his way. He got down from his car and discovered it was a lady, a lady dressed in black outfit, a lady who looks so timid and innocent; a lady who pleaded to him earnestly to save her. Would he save the lady? Would Flora get a help? And why was her mom bent on getting her married over and over again?

Somewhere in San Francisco

Flora POV

I was lying on the bed with my legs crossed while my whole attention was centered on the book in my hand. I heard my door room opened, I glanced up from the novel I was reading.

I couldn't hide the frown that crept on my face, and I looked down to my novel again.

“How are you doing, dear?” She asked as she ambled closer, I scoffed lightly.

She sat very close to me on the bed and placed a hand on my leg; yet I didn't spare her a glance. What does she wan “Flora” She cooed.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the book aside.

“What's it, Mum?” I asked bluntly, she sighed; bringing her face down.

“Flora, dear, you should know I'm doing all this for you; you…” “What exactly are you doing, Mum?” I butt in, standing on my feet already.

“Haven't you done enough?”

“You handed my hand in marriage at a very tender age, you gave me out at age Twenty, Mum” I chided, and she lifted her face to look at me.

“And now, my supposed husband is dead for the past three months and again;I was forced to be a widow for the next six months” I continued with tears welling up in my eyes.

She stands on her feet and come closer to me. The tears were now rolling down my cheeks.

“So, tell me, what exactly are you doing?” I questioned calmly and she slowly held my hand.

“Flora” she called, but I removed my hand from hers. I was not in the mood to listen to her sermons now.

“I'm tired, mum,” I wiped my tears with the back of my palm. “I'm tired of staying indoors and wearing this ridiculous black dresses,” I almost yelled as I pointed at the black long gown I was wearing.

“But you still belong to the Gabriel's dear” she hushed, my expression switched to a quizzical one.

“What do you mean?” I mouthed under my breath. She breathes out heavily before tucking her loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

“Since your ex-husband


is dead, you will get married to Ryder his younger brother; the Gabriel's still wants you, Flora” She explained and my eyes bulged. What?

“Mum, do you know what you are saying?” I asked hoarsely, and she lowered her gaze.

“What have they done to you?” I questioned as I grab her arms. “What on earth did they gave you?!” “Why do you have to trade my happiness with their wants, Mum?” I yelled.

“First was Xavier, and now Ryder?” I shook my head. “For heaven’s sake, I'm Twenty-one mum. I'm tired of this marriage stuff.” I reminded plainly and she sighed.

“Flo…” She was saying again, but I cut in rudely. “You made me drop out of college all because of that marriage and thank goodness, Xavier is dead; I can start my new life afresh. And now, you are telling me I'm getting married to Ryder again!” I rasped.

“Ryder of all men? You know how much I detest him from sight,” I reminded and paused to catch my breath.

“Flora dear, you know I love you” She cupped my cheeks, I chuckled.

Does she love me?

But doesn't love my happiness.

“You will have to get married to Ryder, I know what's good for you, Flora” She said in a convinced tone and my heart sank.

I gently withdraw her hands on my cheeks.

“Whether you like it or not, Mum, I'm never getting married to anybody. Ryder or not,” I said sternly and without sparing her one more glance, I slide my feet into my slippers and stormed out of my room.

I stared blankly into space with my arms folded. “Why's she bent on ruining my life?” I mumbled as I made my way to one of the chairs in the court yard.

A little introduction wouldn't be bad.

I'm Flora Winters, living with my single mum since a teen. I don't even get to know who my father is, but there's this particular male picture I often see with my mum and each time I tried to say something about it, she cut me off; reasons best known to her.

Not only that, but I was forced into early marriage at age twenty which me drop out of school; and all my mum could say to me was that 'she knows the best' She doesn't really care about my happiness yet, she doesn't like to see me in a sad state.

Sincerely, the man I got married to was not a bad guy, he didn't accept the marriage as well, but I guess he was left with no other choice.

But his family is one of a hell family, most especially his mum and his younger brother, Ryder.


Heaven knows I can't stand the sight of him.

He's a monster;

who doesn't care about what other things of him.

Each time he came to visit his brother, I always tried my possible best to stay clear away from him.

And if I mistakenly bumped into him, that smirk that run across him lips is what I hate most about him.


I really miss Xavier, even if though we never acted like a real couple; he was one of the best persons in my life.

But no strings attached, pathetic, isn't it?

I remember the day he wanted to have his way with me forcefully, but when he saw my tears; he has withdrawn immediately.

May his soul continue to rest in peace.

Until date, his death still seems strange to everyone, even their family doctor couldn't detect the cause of his death.

We only live together for a year; and now he's gone.

I'm not happy about it,, but I guess God doesn't even approve our marriage.

“Ma'am” I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I flinched. Oh, goodness!

“I'm sorry ma'am, I've been calling you for some minutes now” a maid said with a light now, and I sighed.

I was really lost in thought.

“What's it?” I asked her.

“Lunch is served ma'am” She replied, and I nodded.

“I will join you soon” I told her, and she bow before turning to leave.

Yes… I live lavishly.

Everything is being wrapped around my fingers; even my marriage with Xavier was a blast and for a whole week, our marriage was the talk of the towns.

But I do not want all this, I want to explore.

I wanted to be free from all this craziness.


I drew in a long breath and stood on my feet.

I think I'm starving, I thought as I strode into the dinning room.