
Let’s Read The Word

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Trapped By The Dangerous Mafia Boss.

Trapped By The Dangerous Mafia Boss.

Author:Pleasant xo



His dark hooded eyes stared into mine with no emotions at all. I didn't know what he was feeling, he was like a blank book. A blank but dangerous book. "Rod..." "Shut up!" I flinched at his tone and let out a shuddered breath. He came closer to me and held my neck as if he was trying to choke me or something. I stared at him and breathed out heavily. "Just shut up!"He commanded again. I looked down, I couldn't keep staring at his eyes. "I own you". His said before crashing his lips on mine. He was dangerous and he knew it.

The wedding.

Isabella's P.O.V.

I stood in front of the altar like a lamb waiting for its slaughter. I think I was the lamb in this case because in all honesty, I think I am about to be slaughtered. The funniest part was that I came by myself to the slaughter house.

Today is my wedding day, yes my wedding day and all my life I never imagined my wedding day would be like this. I was a sucker for love and happy ending like every girl out there, so I always dreamed on how beautiful my wedding would be.

This place was magnificent, I never imagined I would be getting married in a hall this magnificent to someone I have never seen before.

Yes, my soon to be Wedded husband is someone I have never seen. I have only heard of him from people and from the internet.

"It's been over two hours and the groom is not here yet".

"Oh, I think he ditched the wedding, the poor lady".

"How can all this preparations go to waste? We have been waiting for too long".

"I have only heard of a runaway bride all my life, I have never heard of a runaway groom".

"Groom being late for the wedding is definitely a bad omen".

"The poor lady, I heard she is an orphan and has no one".

"Young ladies of nowadays force themselves on guys who don't want them. This lady forced herself on the guy because of his money".

I didn't blink one bit as I heard people say those things and more.  That was the least of my worries. I would be glad if the groom didn't show up at last. All this still looks like a dream to me, a very bad dream. I still couldn't believe this is my life now.

"Where's your father in law?" The priest asked me.

"I don't know". I replied sharply.

I wasn't marrying into a normal family and that was the most terrifying part. I was marrying into a mafia family, a very dangerous family. It was just like I was being sold to them and honestly, I think I was being sold.

"I suggest this wedding should be postponed to a week or two weeks from now". The priest suggested. He was currently with my father in law.  The Don of the Gambino family.

The Gambino family was one of the most powerful and dangerous family in the whole of Italy. They were known for their vile and weekend nature of business. They did all kinds of illegal and dirty businesses ranging from prostitution, drug trafficking, human trafficking, use and sale of narcotics, gambling and every other illegal business you can imagine. That explains their wealth. They were really wealthy and popular. Everybody might think I am very lucky for marrying into their family, only if they know it was more like a curse.

I didn't plan my life this way.

"No" I heard him say.

"I understand you Don. But the congregation is becoming impatient and your son is not here yet. It would be best if we postpone it till next week". I heard the priest suggest again.

"I said no. Casper, go and fetch Rodrigo". Olmo, Rodrigo's father commanded.

Casper was one of the concierge.

"Yes Don, Arturo already went to fetch him".

"If anyone attempts to leave the hall, shoot them. I wouldn't let my family be the laughingstock of the town today or any day". He commanded loudly before bringing out his pistol and the hall became quiet immediately.

I guess the congregation took his threat seriously but was it really a threat. They were dangerous people and I could bet my life, he would gun down anyone that tries to leave the hall.

"Go back to your position priest and I would go back to mine". He said gesturing to where he was sitting before. He was smiling at the priest too, the man was really weird.

The priest hurriedly came to stand In front of me. I have been standing in front of the altar all along like a statue, I didn't move one bit. I was desperately hoping God would come through for me.


"Where did you find him?" I heard olmo ask. It took another two hours before the concierges brought Rodrigo into the church. They laid him on his chest. He was really drunk and he smelled of alcohol.

He was not only dangerous, he was a drunk too? I was glad I was beginning to find faults in him. I had a choice of divorce if things didn't work out between us for 3 months.

"In the underground bar" Casper replied.

"Bastard". His father cursed. "Get up" he said tapping him roughly. "Get up if you don't want a scar on you face".

"Just let me be" Rodrigo replied before attempting to sit up and I was able to look at him properly.

He was the opposite of what I expected. I expected him to be bad looking with horns. But Rodrigo was the exact opposite of that, he was blessed with good looks.  He was handsome and really young too, I could swear he could beat the most handsome men in the world hands down.

This was not good.

"Take him away and dress him up properly. Give him 10 minutes to sober up and if he doesn't, teach him a lesson for being irresponsible." his father commanded Casper and he nodded before dragging him away. "I am barely holding myself from punching him". He said quietly but I heard him.

He turned to me beaming with smiles. "Let's proceed back to the church, my child. Lead the way".

I obeyed his commandments like a robot.


In less than thirty minutes, Rodrigo entered the church. He was the exact opposite of the drunk man I saw sprawled on the floor earlier. He has already changed to a tuxedo suit and he looked breathtaking. He commanded respect as he walked into the hall, like he was born to be respected. He strode to the altar with confidence and a devilish smile on his face.

I shivered when he stopped beside me, he was standing so close to me and he smelled so good. I was so nervous.

I couldn't believe I was getting married to a complete stranger.

"Let's get started". I heard the priest say.

"Let's get married. Mi princessa". Rodrigo said dangerously. There was a smirk on his face

He was dangerous and he knew it.

What am I getting myself into?